Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This is the final stage of the Morianity Foundation Movements. I am not waiting for my final blog series which is upcoming next, to do what I am goung to do, but it officially will begin from where I will leave off with this STAGE # 60. It will B called, “TO WHOM THIS MESSAGE CONCERNS, FROM THE HEAD MORIAN”. This way, as I know that in reality, few if any, actual mortal entities R paying any heed 2 anything on my blogs, unlike the enemy itself, who can read them and not even leave a trace of ever being up on the sites, B it BLOGGER, or my website itself, MF.C. The few times that regular people may B reading, and the stuff may pertain more 2 them, it will all B there, but the majority admitantly will B text 4 the other entities.

Several errors from prior blogs will B addressed first, once I tell U that all throughout the month of March of oh-seven, I am under the worst attack and illegal assault, from the evil MILITUFORCE, that I have ever been in, in my entire 52.3 years of mortal life as Mountainpen. The poison kemtrails, motor shittle suckle suckoffs, the planes, the military in general, have illegally persecuted me beyond anything that I have ever seen in all of my eternal existence in all of 5th dimensional hyperspace, HS. No, not high school, hyperspace, as Ed once told me, some people get confused by this term that I use, have not attended high school since 1972, and have no family, hence no children, nor any reason nor business, 2B referring 2 nor discussing anything relating to high school, so again, HYPERSPACE. I exist all throughout HS, in countless ways and lives, some similar 2 the one I am in as I machine-pen these words right now, while some others R quite significantly different, in fact so different, that people can interchange identity within the interaction, hence any one of us could B us one minute, and the next one, B our next door neighbor, president of a fortune 500 company, or a drum beating canibal on some lost island, yet being ourself during these changes. Change and changes R a major reality that when not understood, the big picture and attempting 2 get what all of it really is about, will remain pointless, and a time wasting endless endevear. Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, and again today Tuesday, as well as for close 2 three straight weeks now, my hell from these dirt bag LAMBRIG scuz is so off all charts and dials, that no words could express the way that I feel, my soul’s in distress and nothing is real, now its too late ‘cause I cannot beat, the evil cruds and crumbs that live inside the cosmic toilet seat. Oh I hate U all so and I want you 2 know, that baby baby baby, I do not need a CARFAX, SMARTY CARPETS, OR THE BG’s, OR THE STARTING LINES OF L&O, I detest U all so. (C) MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN PSUDONYM, for Mark Wayne Mohr, not the first murderer on the planet, as that was me long ago in a totally different dreaming sequence. I was very jealous of my brother getting more love and attention from my beautiful unfathomable teen queen, the GREAT SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Anyone getting in my way of finding nervana somehow eventually, or my special relationship with the great Sarah-Stacey, and I would hate 2B your poor mother, it will break her godsdamn heart. So let me go on quickly B4 I even start 2 talk about anything major, and it will B major, bwelieve me bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!! In my roulette discussion, I made 2 errors, first, when I switched from the double nickle to the quarter betting level in my example, I meant to say, now instead of 11 bets making U a $profit of thirty, your profit will B $75.00. I was confusing in my mind the 100 dollar level of base betting, where it would have been $300.00. And also, I may have confused some when I started jumping around with 3 varying base betting levels, each was part of seperate examples, but may have seen 2B a bit confusing, sahwee. The biggest phopah was when I said I was waiting for a string of CORRECT [C] predictions to get broken. First my mind fucked up big time, confusing BLACK with EVEN, so let us do this again, shall we???? I meant 2 give the example from MFMS # 59, in this way, the cards predicted a YES to a Q&A of SHOULD I BET BLACK NEXT SPIN TO WIN? #2 BLACK comes out, for a [one-correct-string]. Then the cards predicted a YES to a Q&A of SHOULD I BET BLACK NEXT SPIN TO WIN? #35 comes out, for a [two-correct-string]. We R now in play with a C-2 string, as after all C-2, or I-2 strings, UR in play to break the string. Since UR here in this example, betting from a correct mode, you R looking to break it with an incorrect outcome, just as concentrically, if U were coming off an incorrect sting of 2, U now would B looking 2 break it with a correct outcome, so let us return 2 the correct example. Here we were saying that the cards said to bet black on two occasions and were correct, so now I ask them should I bet ODD and get a YES answer from them. I bet EVEN and 21 RED ODD comes out, but I lose my first of three bets because again the quantumcards predicted another CORRECT. Now I ask them SHOULD I BET HIGH NUMBERS [1-19]? The cards give me a NO answer, telling me to bet LOW, [1-18]. The wheel spins and comes out 20 BLACK EVEN and HIGH, an incorrect answer, so this time, I will WIN with my second bet, losing 100 and winning 200, or making a $100 profit. On more than one occasion, my somewhat less than totally simplistic systems 4 gambling, get confusing, and I make a booboo, and lose when I would have won, and then make another type of booboo in my underwear. Every time I tell any secrets on how to get money legally out of a casino, I fall under teriffic siege, hense I know that they R all in on this harassement and persecution of me. One thing that will piss of these stinking suit punks down in rip off town Callioville, is this one: ASAPARTEK is fine and well, but try this little trick, it needs no cards, and has one me an average of two units per day over and above the green house edge, all throughout the ISOM, the INCREDIBLE SIEGE OF MARCH. Group together 15 non-green spins in roulette, or #’s 1-36. Record and play all 3 parameters of the numbers, the BLACK & RED, the ODD & EVEN, and the LOW & HIGH. In every group, all 3 will have a majority of 8, as 15 is an odd number, hence this is a simple law in mathematics. Whatever the 3 majorities R, play these in the next 15 non-green group of numbers. For example, in the first group of the game, we have 8 BLACK, 9 ODD, and 12 LOW. So BLACK-ODD-LOW is played 15 times not counting the zero or double zero. I usually win by the first group and quit, but sometimes go to a second and third group. Rarely am I not ahead by 2 or 3 units even after the house edge, after playing 3 groups past the first or the [count] group. Games never start until this first, or count group is made. It is difficult as hell for any roulette dealer to ever beat U. These systems R all my property, may B used by anyone, but not sold legally to anyone, as I clain 2B the writer and inventor of them, as well as the copyright owner.

The pulsar star chopper UFO came back to visit me on Sunday evening shortly after it was dark, around 8 PM or just shy. I had not been attacked by the military on a job post anywhere near this bad since the day Ronald Reagan began enjoying the hospitality of Ricktown Manor Restauant, and decided 2 longer dream that he was Ronald Reagan. We all decide astrally, 2 discontinue all of the dream sequences that we share ‘existence’ in throughout HS. The skies were non stop military filth everywhere. It was non stop. The pulsar aimed a strobing reddish beam of light at me from roughly ten O’CLOCK LOW MEDIUM, while I was facing the front gate. Shortly after it began pulsing and strobbing, it stopped dead in the sky for close to ten Earth minutes, but I am not the only one that saw it, and there R legitimate cell phone records of it, as all cell phone talk is recorded by government as well as some hush-hush private agencies, more on all of this at a later and more opportune time. The guard from the property that is next door to the property that I was guarding in Folsom, NJ, happened 2B on the phone 2 his buddy in Philadelphia, telling me that he said to him that a craft was hovering and came 2 a dead stop for 5-10 minutes, and his buddy asked him what beverage he had illegally brought to his security guard post, as no fixed wing craft can hover motionless. This craft can turn itself into a large military craft with a huge saucer dish of some kind all around it, or it can metamorphamize into a helicopter, but always has brilliant colored strobbing and flashing and oscillating light, and they aim it down onto my car. Naturally, a half hour later, I became sicker than a poisened rat with a decon pellit box in his stomach, and when I shit, the smell is the same as when U swallow a barrium nuclear pill at a hospital so they can take pictures in a nuclear medicine department. I know, as I had this done both at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in July of 1983 after they tried to murder me in my ATCO, NJ house, and later in 1985 while living at the HIGHVIEW LEVY SHOEMAKER APARTMENTS, in Williamstown, NEW JUPITER JERSEY, these tests were ordered by my endercronologist, Doctor Miller Biddle, of the famous Biddle family, from the famous mid 20th century book, MY PHILADELPHIA FATHER, a book of the Biddle family. My doctor was attempting 2 assist me on getting 2 the bottom of how these enemy Otammite Milituforce Lambrig Scumbuckets, [OMLS], did whatever they did 2 me in 1983 when they gassed me to death in Atco, after I started communicating directly with the lightning Goddess Diana, [DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS]. When David Roth and I back in 1986 and 1987, would drive to our favorite ice cream stand at the Red Lion, NJ circle, one circle west on Route # 70 from the circle of Route’s 70 and 72, we would shut off the car and get our ice cream. We ate it and then tried to start the vehicle up just like a couple months ago with a basicly brand new Dodge, and it was killed outside the TRUE VALUE HARDWARE store on Bellevue Avenue in Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG, same exact thing. The recent incident, the craft had metamorphized into a police cruiser, and it was no more a real Hammonton Police car, than I am a fucking Venishan from the hidden molten lava seas of X455378GZT. The pulsar star unidentified craft messed with my car during the previous visitation to my work site in FOLSOM, NJUSAESMWG, but only hurt my bowells and heart this time. At the ice cream place 20 years ago, it would hit us, and then the car would not start. Then it would fly over again and the car started up by itself like fucking magic. No prosecutors office, no police officer, no congressman would believe any of it, and I never connected the UFO phenominon to any of my troubles back in those days. As I machine pen these words now, Eddie H’s roof just got scrapped by some crash level private pissjob milituforce aircraft at one quarter past 3 of the clock in the post meridian. I have proof that they own our world, and R totally controlling the United States Government, and it all ties into mans religions, the so called Armegetton end of time stuff, the return of Christ, alien invasions, it is all one and the same ugly huge sick twisted diseased reality. None of any of this is for the good of the small people, all of it is being done by the controllers, the GMC, [GREAT MILLIONTH COUNCIL]. Jesus Himself, if U would simply just take a tiny bit of time to check what I say out, and B sure 2 read the good and accurate KING JAMES VERSION of Christian Scripture, that Bill Shakespeare and King James collaberated together to bring the scriptures to the people of those days in perfect and proper translation, anyway, He says in the GOSPELS, read MATHEW, MARK, LUKE, and JOHN, as it it definitely in one of them, remember each deciple tells his version of the events, all humans perceive things differently from each other, making this interaction quite interesting, as well as confusing, at times, but he is discussing the GMC, calling it and referring to it as “THE COUNCIL”, and Jesus is speaking. He says if U call another man a fool, U will B in danger of the Judgement and the COUNCIL. What no mortal knows and understands nor is properly able to process, even when sat down and told, is that there is a place called the 6th dimension. All thought, all mind, all feelings, all of it lives here, as a porpoise lives in our humanworld oceans or birds live in the air. This GMC believes that they totally own and R in total charge & control, of PHASE 2 existence, or ASTRALLITY. Stacey Krassle, the Great, the SAR or the GREAT LORD, the ECKANKAR religeon calls it the ECK, and I have known her by 100,000,000 different names all throughout my long endless nightmare never ending eternity. Go to and hear the song that endlessly blares out over the Great TECK BAY, by the evil BRIGGERS of the BRIGGBASE, in the futile endless hope of mitigating the anger of Sarah-Stacey. What U hear on the website, never ever stops blaring out over this huge bay, leading out into the area of VIQUEEN’S ISLAND, and the shores beyond that, leading to the huge 100,000+ mile high walls to to the beautiful and unfathomable GREAT CITY of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, or HEAVEN, as man has sort of named and termed this condition of astrallity. Nothing is really real by the real word real and its real world meanings, except 4 total nothingness or VOID INFINITY. We all dream out and away from this, just as if U were locked in a sound proof pitch dark area, and began 2 dream out and away beyond it, this is the nightmare truth that none iof us can ever ever ever ever never never ever fucking escape from. The GMC has become distorted, and the GODS that some of them sort of merge or turn into. This council will not believe my true knowledge, and R telling their controllers living on the Earthworld mortal realms, to endlessly persecute me and ignore all the things that I say unto all of U. Before the Security Officer Registration Act, or SORA, went into effective legislation, a Man I know from my job site, we will call Willie to protect identies, suddenly had a string of bad things occur, right after telling me that he ran a horse riding service business back in the 1960’s, on the beaches of Atlantic City. I had totally forgotten this part of my past, as I had forgotten Sarah. When he told me and I remembered, I remembered also how Sarah and her friends brutally and visciously raped me and sent my mom off to buy coffee, and get intercepted by our mutual friend Zigmend Malyszka, a crippled Luthiuanian, from Polio. Sarah’s brother the Policeman, was named Frank Callio, and became a Sargeant on the ACPD force, go to and if U study the dream symbology, as this is really the dream, Mr. Richie Prosecutor Serling Twilight Zone, Polio,Callio, Police, how close can things all connect up for Jesus’ sake?????????? For telling me about the horse riding stuff, and bringing back memories of the brutal rape done by Sarah and her wild viscious gang, his home burned down, and then his wife took ill. The illness of Willie’s wife is identical to what ‘they’ did to my poor pathetic hard working Christian mother, back the day after filthy Christmas, 26 December, in 1997, leading to her slow tortuous lingering agonizing eventual death on the 4th of March, early Saturday morning, back in AD 2000. The fire is another thing I can relate 2, as they tried 2 burn down RPL, by cleverly starting a fire next door, in a shared building with a good fire wall, a toy factory at Pierce and State, in Camden, NJUSAESMWG. Without a good firewall, RECORDED PUBLICATIONS LABORTORY or RPL, would have been history, and I needed them in 1997 to help me 2 record my song SARAH, or GREAT LORD. So Y if she is the Great Allmighty Lord Jehovah, did she and her gang do bad things 2 me? Because the controllers, MICK-GEE, and GALLAGHER OF CHICAGO, and other government and mob forces, all connected throughout the political system, R controlling her and keeping her memories of who she really is, away from her, and this makes me quite dangerous to this demonic force of scum, READ THE FUCKING BIBLE 4 CRISSAKE, IT IS ALL IN THERE, EVERY DAMN THING I AM CLAIMING, I just understand how to properly translate its mysterious, as I have no start nor finish, I am infinite, and I am totally aware of it, as opposed 2U. UR also without beginning and ending, but your memories and knowledge of the whole ugly mess, has all been removed from the entire human race by the HEAD COUNCIL SEATERS, agroup of 283 entities that range from things that if I ever told U a mere smattering of it, it would keep hollywood busy for a century.

Let us talk about phases 2-4. An entity named Ranashahamed Alopticfikr, the son of Kali and her lover before she brutally killed him in a frensy of passionate twisted emotions both sexual and warrior, by the name of Lishtalpreneflum, over 7,000,000 million Earth revolutions around its sun in age in its current set of dreams, wanted to exist in phase three life but refused to tone down the needed prerequisites of superiorities in order to make it all able to occur in lawtronic phasing laws. It influenced a human male in the Judah direct Lineage from King David, me, in the end og the 1970’s to begin working on creating his ability 2 live and B in a human form, although he always existed only in phases 2 and 4, as Lawtronics stops anyone from entering into physicallity should certain laws not
B conformed 2 and U would B2 far beyond the norms of existence in this 3rd phase. It tricked me into becomming fastenated with tape recorders, wanting to purchase precise ones, working in a sound studio, using a to artist of the times in the mix of it all, and got himself alive and being in an allready existing person, through me, and this man is none other than DONALD J. TRUMP. He knows I am onto all of it, and I know what he is planning, as you religious people have a name 4 this sick bastard, but the trueness of this story goes so far beyond your concepts of the portants and Antichrist, and the 4 horsemenn, as this stuff is all nothing but a total joke next 2 what really is going on. He is not selling right now because he is not making the money he wants, but is getting ready to enter into his newest and most dangerous phase of his life in his sequence of dreams, and knows that soon, memories of his true reality will return to him, the ‘dreams’ have all ready began, have they not Don? Remember who has the original tape backwards, and all I need 2 do is run it through another recorder with certain other electrical connections in just the right way, and poof, Rod Victoria Serling, back to the astral 4U bud. All this SARA, SORA shit, is just another way 2 control the world, and me, as since I do security work, they can effect my life. But at my old age, I know that U cannot force me 2B a first responder at the next big disaster, but I all ready have my doctor’s nte, just in case. U think I am going 2 a place where I will get more poison 2 add to my total toxicity from all this UFO shit done 2 me for 3 decades, and U really R a dummy. One out of 4 that went to the Twin Tower disaster is ill or dead now, and they tell us it is due to mercury from the broken lights. Right, sure, is that the only building imploded, how about old Blue EYES’s place, the Vegas Star Dust over the weekend. Is mercury poison from all the broken lights ging to kill all the wreckers that clean it up? Gimme a fucking break, willya? This was not the first time that building was attacked, and any thinking person knows that there was a major reason why the Allahlites wanted 2 wreck it. Some day soon, that closet door will come flying off the hinges, just not yet, I’ll get to exposing these secrets later on. I told U all to go to a website but forgot whether or not I ever gave it 2U, and told U about the remote viewing book and the Farsight Institute, go to and get your friggin’ mind blown.

It seems freedom is getting harder and harder 2 spell, as a teacher in a grade school in New York City was recently fired, for practicing her religeon of WICCA. It is all in the Times and Post, the NY, NY papers. U can’t have this or that on your computer, hay I am against child abuse and sex crimes, but when someone in Arizona is sentenced to 200 years for having some naked children on their computer, and never did anything outside in the real world to any one, and they call this a free country, well, hay man, they say a good laugh is good for you, well, thank you for the extra health benefit everytime I hear this is a free country. It is a total fucking dictatorship, and I know precisely who the damn hypocritical dictators R. Let me tell U to visit my site and go into the pix and let me try once again 2 explain what hyperspace [HS] is and how with the right device, U can do all kinds of things, but they do not show up unless they R done 2 someone who can never B kiilled, nor die. Quarks and Leptons are very tiny particles, but much smaller ones than these, ASAPS, or absolute sub-atomic particles also exist. They R so small, that they literally flux in and out of beingness, as dreams attempting 2 escape the void nothingness of infinity. They latch onto an attempted dream pattern, but do not make it, and flux back to void infinity 2 try again, and endlessly flux out again, and eventually they make it, and dreams begin in the astral or light starry worlds of beingness, through this innitial process of dreaming out and away from the ever aware void. Now in HS, if 2 universes, one where McGuire shoots me, and one where he does not, are forced close enough together hyperatomically, you will get the world where a parked car’s grill is one reality, and the gun in his hand closer up, is the other reality. What no one tells U,the scientists R all sworn to total secrecy upon penalty of pain and death and this ain’t no joke, if they R with knowledge on levels of clearance going to TOP SECRET and higher. Here is simple truth that I am not afraid to publish, fuck all of U. RADIO FREQUENCY IS BEHIND EVERYTHING, and the ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM is the true GOD OF ALL OF REALITY, and it does not get simpler than this, it is all just this damn simple!!!!!!!!!!

All day long, endless kemtrailing, not only all over, but when I go anywhere, a brand new one goes right over me, precisely zenithing me with a bright huge messy piece of shit. Very soon, all U scum will pay 4 this endless abuse. Many natural disasters R on the horizon, huge earthquakes R coming, twisters will tear up everything, and floods and wild fires, baby, U ain’t seen a thing. All I have to do is work my whittle magic, and you’ll C plane and choppers go down left and right, and will all B very very sorry, and I do not work 4 the Manhattan Board of Education, and there is not one thing U can do 2 me.

I have every right 2 defend myself against viscious evil twisted monsters that have carved a mountain out of my soul, and put dynamite in my mouth and lit the fuse, laughing while I blow into bits, bites, and maggots. Remember, it is not anyone’s job to judge my level of sanity. Many of the people on my law suit list R there 4 mis and mal feasence as they have illegally done this to me.
Message to my friend Karen S.
I’ll B over soon to CYI haven’t heard from U. I am a realist and must wonder if due to some of my troubles and woes being obviously gaming related, and hubby is connected with gaming through the CC Commission, I do not wish 2 place U in a difficult position, yet if he and or U were politely threatened by them not to assist me, it sure would help me kaunch my Civil Rights law suit, and U’d no longer need 2 worry about J’s retirement $, I would get 8-10 figures, and gladly would give U ten M$ for helping me in providing evidence 2 the proper authorities in order 2 assist me in winning my eventual lawsuit.
I know U do not believe me, even the gods do not, let alone all these mortals whom U totally own and control, by your way of looking at things. Your friend Mr. Murray from Burlington/Florence, NJUSAESMWG, this area HS, told me that I am the most arrogant mortal he and the rest of his cousinry family have ever encountered. U do not understand that I am the reason this is all here and that upline in hyperline space, a girl named Sarah Krassle, was thinking of her uoline ‘that-boy’, or the up-line me, and this is why all of this is here, all of the physicallities, the phase two astral through her entering as we all do, into our own dream-creations. If I am so stupid and arrogant, and factually ignorant, than first off, Y am I so important 2U and all of your group, and Y is the 1/3 of the group that broke away from U so hellbent on my total destruction? Y did they steal the equivelant value in USD of 500 trillion from the First Akoslem Bank of Ricktown’s capitol city, and influenced my father to sell out? Y is the great lightning goddess willing to live with me in Ricktown Manor? Y does she love me and even share codes with me on the Earth, what other mortal does she care enough about 2 do all of this with? Even 270 years ago when I was dreaming I was Franklin, she and I shared something very special, and all of you godsdamn prick shit eating bastard mother incestrallites know I am speaking only the truth. If lightning did not care about me, why does she warn me by turning street lights off and on at night in cetain ways and patterns that only she and I know about? Why if I am just an egocentric trumptwin, did Trump name his boat after Donna after I made that tape and copywrote it, and why do all the ads on radio and TV, and all trhe shows, endlessly use me, tease me, and mock me, if I am such an arrogant little nothing piece of worthless shit as U’d all have me believe????

Message to Mr. ES

U deserve 100 MK in DOGTOWN, and I am working on having your sentence of 37 upped to 100, I 2 have connections in very high places, don’t get excited Ms. J. Arcadia, my stuff is real, they don’t say, cut, print, that’s a wrap, when my day ends. My eternity is eternity, and it doesn’t end. B prepared 2 lose the teams 2 my ownership once I prove in court all of the evil monstrous horrendous despiciple things that U and your pals have all done 2 me for over 21 years.

Message to DS

U said U wanted to know my sound, and understand what it all is about. OK, so here is what U have wanted 4 so long. U have been used by Scylla and her human world friends, even your 2 tall friendly whiteboy friends, they R all BRIGGER CULTISTS. More than 6% of Hollywooders have knowingly participated in devil worship and child sacrafice, not always to the death, but we are talking major abuse. U say how U love kids and cats and dogs, so let this poor old dog tell U that some of your best friends, behind your back R as innocent in all this sacrafice stuff as I am guilty of having a lovely life. Also, when U packed meat, remember the wierd guy hanging around, that was not me by the way, but if U ever saw the opening of NIGHT OF THE TWISTERS, MTM Productions, remember the guy with the radio whistling and seeming 2 know something about the twisters, it was all over his face. Not all people R really people, and U know your problem with water was all caused when U made contact with water queen Sarah Callio. Your mom was still dreaming here when she asked me why I did something to you. If U tell me some day what she meant and what I did, I will tell U all about my signal.


I kept my promise, and will keep it forever, even on the day U beg me not 2. The only way I will ever break our covenant is if U yourself want this with all your heart. You did not have to imprison me like you did in the whale’s belly, I get the message, I know UR the most powerful entity on the planet and far beyond, and may I add, the lovliest, BEG.

Message to the future and the future of the Morianity Foundation:
May the gods help you, U will need it, and soon the evidence of real world disaster will begin 2 surface. This SORA thing is also because the owners and controllers of this planet, know a lot more than they ever will admit to. They won’t even let people in on the Olympian Airships, HS, the EMS, the disinformation of SIFI, and on and on, in reiteration, may the gods HELP US ALL. In the holy name and blood of my 61st grand daddy’s uncle!!!!!!!!!!
Bible and Foundation Blogs---------FINE’


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