Thedeath siege that I am under is bad beyond words, and this computer is all fucked up, letters missing, space bar not properly spacing, and all sorts of changes and hacks have been done 2 this laptop. All things that go wrong are done by forces not understood at all by mankind, as U all take it 4 granted that age and wearing out is just the norm of things and none of this is the case in reality. I was disappointed theother day that people closest 2 me R allowing themselves 2B influenced by the unimportant things of this world that willall burn up and pass away in their temporal states, and contain noeternal value at all. So I am going to contact Verizon and pay to have my website put higher up on the keyword list in pages and ratings, so that more net surfers can at least logon and either like or dislike Morianity. I will not continue in time wasting efforts. Ed seems 2 think of me as a fool, it is quite insulting. I have a life 2 get on with, and if this project does not produce some kind of results, then it is time to move on,as people always give me this advice, when it so suits them to give it to me. If the few closestpeople don’t think much of what I am trying 2 do, then I am being nothing more than the absolute fool, and I refuse 2 continue in this nonproductive endeavour.
I have been reemed and pummeled ever since the blue chips gotknocked on their fucking ass back on Tuesday, with constant continuous choppers, planes, utility attacks, body attacks, neighborhood attacks, and on and on. Every single time they chopper me to death at my residence during the startof a filthy cheated FLYERS game, they win, as they did last night, snapping a six game losing streak. At 10:10 Callio time, in the morning,a super noisy truck came through my residence area, with some scum bag driver hollaring as loud as he could, and making incredible noise and waking me up. Then I turn on the nightly Business Report on Philadelphia’s channel 12 TV station, and sure enough the Dow Jones Stock Market shot down at the opening bell to more than another 200 points, so what do they do, but persecute me to get it back up, it is as dependable and predictable as a thousand dollar clock. Boom, right back up it went after disturbing me, and aireal harassment followed the noise on the ground, typical military filth dirty tactics, a combo air and ground assault, launched in a precise planned execution. On Wednesday, Ed H.and I went down to my security office so I could fill out some paperwork, regarding, no, not Sara, but Sora. Governor Corzine of NJ and all of my Trenton enemies ingeneral as well as local township and county enemies, could all get a double laugh on me, first by inconveniencing me with this school crap and money out of my own pocket 4 my training and additional finger printing, when my prints R all ready on197 different files in 3 or more states, and probably federally, as when U make security your line of work, this happens, but they make U pay each time, come on, do finger prints change?
People do onoccasion try somewild shit like acid burning, cut scaring, and several other methods of attempting to alter or disguis prints, but one look at a personshands by any law enforcement expert will immediately reveal that my hands are perfectly in order. This all is just more ways 4 the state and everyone else 2 endlessly keep taking all of our money, or what little people in the circles that I move in, have or don’t have, 2 start with. Ed told me just now that he will soon try 2 get a new key pad, as letters and spaces are not coming out as they should,I know when I am not immagining things, I do not have an immagination. It was Ed on Wednesday afternoon who first noticed a low flying red helicopter flying near us. We had just used a credit card 2 purchase gasoline, and then we got on the on ramp for the NJ Parkway, at the Black Horse Pike, right past the MOBIL gasoline station that we just left. They instantly track us through the internet credit system once a card is used 2 purchase anything, I noticed this 10 and 15 years ago, and has been confirmed on shows and movies like LAW AND ORDER, and CONSPERACY THEORY, with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. Ed Snyder belongs behind prison bars 4 all the civil rights violations done against me to get his shitty cheating Flyers Hockey team 2 win, and without me 2 hurt and mess with and persecute and harass, they will not win, and they know it, so where was my freaking protection last night people, whoever is seemingly secretly watching me? CY they were able 2 won, U 4 whatever reasons obviously could not B there 2 help me last night or all day, and C how they instantly gained back all the points that they lost on the market with that super ten past ten AM hell siege? There is nothing made up here, AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, and if the SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Office in Manhattan, NY, remains complicit in its malfeasance of enforcing this 2 all B stopped against me, then they as well will B held criminally liable in my joint deep pocked law suit someday, against these twisted sickdiseased monsters that have wrecked my entire adult life 4 a quarter of a century. I will sue U all for no less than 30 billion USD, or 4 Jersey Jury Award, which I will remind the grand jury that one exploding gas tank got 5 billion dollars for the dude, and this torture has been endured by me, ruining every facet of my entire adult life, financially, socially, phsycologically,and is so awful that I have let all normal things like daily grooming and interests and hobbies, all go by the way side, literally these sick bastards have robbed and raped me out of my life, that was not theirs 2 give nor take away from me.
U must try 2C the fact that life and mysteries work indeed similarly 2 a picture puzzle one might purchase at a game and toy store. U have the picture, so now putting the pieces together, though admitantly is not always a 1-2-3 thing 2 accomplish, still the picture is your guide, and eventually, the puzzle gets done and matches the photo on the puzzle box. I have lived a life in my present and current human existence that I must do the opposite, always, and without a choice. I have to make pieces of life-stuff around me seem to at least in sime ways, come or fit together, and then when they do, I draw the pictures that they become. I have no help, no guide, and 4 those remembering the original
Star trek, even the mighty-minded Talosians, needed a guide to put the young beauty queen ship-crash survivor back together properly, and as they admitted, or she said it, “they had no guide, no way 2 know how 2 properly put me back together”. This is every bit my very similar problem, there are no previously charted waters here, no points of any reference at all in any way. 4 me, all there is 2 do, is carefully examine millions of events and things and interactions happening all around me and at me,and shuffle allsortsof combinations around, eventually, pushing piecesintoeach other,discarding others all together, retesting, re-examining, and repeating the process, until eventually, at least some small picture of what is going on with me, starts 2 at least form in a small blurry way, still ingreat need of endless enhancement and improvement,and with more discarded pieces, and more new ones, more shuffling and fitting, finally, I get some of these great andenlightened answers that U read from my blogs, it did not just tap me on the shoulder and say, hay, itislike this ass hole. Does anyone rememberthe old black and white Superman show, and the episode of the crooks who could render themselves invisible with some wild light bending device? By carrying acoin that was empowered by this machine,they could V made invisible or turned back to visibility again. Remember the conversation betwwen InspectorHenderson andClark Kent,after the incident in the jewellry shop where the door opens and closes by itself, and they later return to Henderson’s office? Kent says to the Inspector, “if we weren’t being realistic, what would B the only logical conclusion to all of this”. Then the Inspector says back to Kent,”That’s easy, the thieves are invisible”, and then let out a laugh. But Kent was not laughing. He knew that when something fits and nothing else does, and it explains things going on around U, then no matter how far out the explanation is, it should not B ruled out, and needs 2B very carefully examined. This same thing is what is forever ongoing with me,but B4 continuing, a strange and spurious occurrance just hit 4 no good reason. The page was moving as though I had my hand held down on the enter key which I definitely did not, and the mouse stopped operating. I did not unplug this mouse from the board, but it got unplugged, and not from the table moving a moment ago as ED suggested, as that happened 5 minutes ago, and then is not when this wild crap happened. Some dirty scummy bastard snakecum eater did this hack 2 me, and now let me talk about hacks and hackers.
Many people quote this exact sentence, “hackers come from another planet”. Well, this may not B so totally off base, not that any other planet contains anything that would remotelyresemble what we on this one would begin 2 equate with life. Still, they do love 2 play GAMES, they are MISCHIEFIOUSLY DESTRUCTIVE, and do things JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN, and these 3 prerequisites R a great starting list in the identification of MILITUFORCE OTAMMITES, OR BIRGGBASE RESIDENTS. GGGffffffffggggggggghhhhhhTTTT, Yea they R fucking hacking me and violating my civil rights as we speak, they changed the printing font that I am attempting 2 use,and this occured the second that I tried 2 use my mouse 2 correct for the space bar not properly spacing. This is probably the last blog in a while, it is all a joke on me, an I am not laughing. No one is intereste in one thing I say, someone who has existe forever an ever.
I started alluing to the field of examining the mind, and now they fucking R hacking the dddddd, cannot make this key work, Ed needs to quit smoking and dropping ash on it. The excuse or pretext 4 them to fuck with somethings should never B easily and readily given 2 these cock suckers. Ever since I told all of the human race the truth about radio frequency and all the strange things surrounding this phenominon, all Dogtown has broken loose 4 me, I am as of today 3 straight fucking super BOTBAR days back 2 back,and going thriugh more hell than anyone can fathom. I have decided 2 throw myself in front of the Gamblers Express Train, sometime this weekend when ‘they’ least expect it, hopefully preventing them from uncreating the event, although I pretty much believe that this process happens 2 me automatically, death just hates my fucking guts, and they love watching me suffer in this sick hellish reality show just too fucking much, but if it works, I will B dead and gone by fucking Monday at 2 Ante’ Meridian. The entertainment world [EW] started not much later than the field of mind study, or psychology. These 2 things are the invader’s tools, they R used by them to LABEL anyone who gets onto what they do and tries to tell about it, read the chapter called, MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A NUT, in the book by Dr. Bruce Goldberg, called, TIME TRAVELLERS FROM OUR FUTURE.
Despite everything they have done 2 me since the tail end of January when things that all ready were very bad 4 me, got quantatatively worse, my roulette remains uneffected. I have played 170 old games that all lost on varying other systems, and have also played 38 additional new games, and even with the green house losses factored into the numbers, my approximate profits in units, which could be $5 chips, 2 of them, 3 of them, $25 chips, 2 of them, $100 chips, 2 of them, 3 of them, $500 chips, 2 of them, 3 of them, or 4 of them; is more than 220. On single black $100.00 level, this is 100X220 or 22X1 +3 zeros, or 220,000 clams. Average spins per game in this system is about 37. So 37X208 total games=total spins. I will not tell U what this newest system is, but I am happy enough with it 2 tell U that if my suicide this weekend that I have all planned out should fail, sometime by middle March, I will B moving near the shore, and going back to the fucking Atlantic City, not the ARLANTIC, error on a prior blog, casinos, and returning 2 my professional roulette playing, fuck all of U. If using ASAPART, and only using SO, or same odds, SONONART, with only 50/50 chance questions asked of numerous QUANTUMCARD decks, winning up to ten times for every 7 times lost, more than making up for 0 and 00 outcomes, can B done consistantly simply by employing a [3-stage-mini-martingale], of 1-2-4-units, stopping at all -7 losses, and just waiting for either 2 [C] correct, or 2 [I] incorrect outcomes 2 occur. Then bet that the correct or incorrect outcome string will either B a 3-string, a 4-string, or a 5-string. Never try this on regular play with outside even chance roultte betting, you will get long run play hammered worse than I get hammered by my PARALLEL EVENT PERSECUTOR LAMBRIGG CULTSCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a system, and is just an additional tool in using the technonlogy of ASAPART, and maybe at a later time, I will go on 2 tell my Morians, if any exist, which I am starting 2 find highly doubtful, about how 2 make this system operate and generate a winning in long run casino play.
Another error from a prior blog from several stage movements back, it was a MILITUFORCE CHOPPER, and not a FOUNDATION CHOPPER that assalted me, the gods, where was my protection when I needed it this week? The Flyers are the worst lousiest cheating team in the league, and without me to count on 2 persecute, I would need 2C them win a game fair and square, 2 believe it. I know the power of PE, parallel event. In June of 1980, on the very first week, a tape recorder was delivered 2 me, a PANASONICS TECHNICS RS1500US, at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, in Voorhees Township, NJUSAESMWG. It was ordered by me from a Manhattan New York City supplier called MARTIN AUDIO VIDEO. Right after it came by Parcel truck service, and I opened up the box 2 connect it into my complex series of machines and plugs and busses, and on and on, I went 2 bed after coming back from my job at the recording studio, RPL, on my 4:30-1AM, and fell into the strangest and creepiest sleep of my life. I was with the most beautiful brunett giant girl I ever saw in my life, with bright brown giant sized brown eyes, and long voluminous shinny brilliant light brown hair down past her knees, up from her full height of 6 feet and 7 inches, with sneakers on and I mean straight and flat. She sang a song 2 me that blew me away, using 3 different insruments, mostly her Enzemeter and her Loot. It was called [LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS]. My entire life changed as a result of getting this Martin Audio/Video store device delivered 2 my residence. MARTIN/O, yeah, MARTIN, then just add the O, as Sarah Callio married MARTINO, and yes, he is a direct relation in first cousinry to Al Martino, friend of Dean Martin, Old Blue Eyes from HOBO, NJ, and on and on.
Last night’s 8:14 ½ Post Meridian of the clock [O’clock], major crash level zenithing and loud home shaking chopper, cheated their filthy FLYERS into a victory and snapped their 6 GLS. Then earlier 10 hours or so at ten past ten in the morning, the major ground and immediately following airiel sieges, brought the dow that fell 200 points directly in the short time after the opening bell, right back practically 2 where it was. And U all don’t think that I have a legitimate grievance, complaint, and court case some day, against all these filthy fucking evil turd eating incestrallites, then U need 2 get your heads examined.
Let us examine further the field of mind research and study, psychiatry, psychology, etc. Not only do they figure out how 2 label all of us poor victims of ‘them’ that get picked on , targeted, experimented with, and so forth, but told we have all these psyciatric mental conditions that seperate us from the so-called [normal society], that interestingly enough, is decided by none other than them, who is normal, and who is sick, and in need of institutionalizing, or putting into intense therapys, that usually include mind controlling and manipulating horiffic medications, that R all doing so much damage to scoiety in the general overall grand scheme of everything, that there just R not sufficient words 4 me 2 attempt 2 describe it. But the kicker of all the kickers is that the psyciatry field has bigger lobbyists in Washington fighting 4 their agendas 2 get adopted by the lawmakers and powerful controllers of all of our lives, than even the Oil companies. Yes, they have bigger lobbies down there where changes R made and power-muscles are really flexed, than even the oil companies, and this was said on an old episode of the great LAW AND ORDER show, adam shiff said this to the DA that McCoy later replaced, Ben Stone, not Mr. Morianity, but Mister Moriority. I often wonder Y they rarely if ever show these old BEN STONE eps, but in my heart feel that this one thing is the reason. This is one hell of a major fact if true, and I doubt this show that tries to stay as true to real cases and case law as is televisionally possible, and hence most likely this is a true fact, and better 4 the public not 2 know this fact, better for the powerful controllers that is. Remember that politically correct means that U believe in the Personal Computer, and accepting without question nor confrontation, any and all things given U by the Powerful Controllers. Godda admit how symbology plays such big parts in things, letters, numbers, all of it, nothing just happens, and just because U do not have the reasons and explanations, means not 4 one flashy second, that they R not indeed there and real, and all part of gargantuan agendas.
My Sarah Callio Until Martino- BAG, [SCUMBAG] enemies, R right back on their roll with me, of using huge MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE TECHNOLOGY, or MPT, making damn-ass sure to Botbar the first and last day of every month, 95-99% of the time, this always occurs, a coincidence U say? Right, sure, OK, uh-huh, be an ass hole, believe you are a tree 4 all I care.
Wanna know a huge secret on Y people today look 10-20 years younger without even being a hollywood star, between the ages of 30 and 80? U won’t grask the fullness 2 what I now will impart 2U, but here friggin’ goes. 100 years ago, people stayed basically in one place. 50 years ago, perhaps it was 2 places in a lifetime, and 25 years ago, 4 to 6 was a fair average world wide, and the world averages on this is also believe it or not pretty much not a big spread from us in the USA. Now, people get used 2 seeing people, and if they suddenly aged 2 quickly practically right in front of each other’s eyes, in a few short years, panic would set in that pollution or greenhouse or global warming, or some other total garbage nonsense was killing off the human race and making us get older quicker. Panic would spread, and the PC, powerful controllers and inventors of the political correctness and the society of souless and heartless personal computers, would begin losing some of their control over a panicking mass population. So since every year since roughly the start of the ‘EIGHTIES’, this moving around 5 times in one lifetime has nearly doubled annually per family, perhaps a small exaggeration, but don’t 2 quickly dismiss this huge secret I now am telling 2 all of U. So if the appearance of people getting older at the once normal pace and rate were permitted by the controllers/invaders, it could lead 2 some degree of a panic, hence 2 some degree of a loss of control of the masses, and believe me, UR all so leashed up and controlled right now, and without even being one bit aware of it, it is beyond nausiating 2 those such as myself, who R able 2C this with total crystal clarity. These PC’s have total power over anything and everything that is either running and or operating in any way at all by means of being ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, or BIOLOGICAL, as they R the GMC, the GREAT MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Now yes, the Great Scylla Goddess, SSJKK, really has this whole thing as this whole thing is but her thought from her upline world, and in reiteration, she will move on in her upline world on a part of what I term 6th dimensional reality, but all of our infinity is too small to have this ever occur by our frame of reference as we have our existence. But long after our infinity or her thought of us passes in the wink of an eye to her reference frame, she will move ahead in her reality and time, and yes, will die. This concept would get someone in Gallilao’s time tortured and put to death for sacrelig and heresy, or the gods only know what other charges would B thrown at U. We still R totally in the dark ages. We R in the giddy-up generatin still, just because we turn a key now instead of going ye-ha or chitchit, and move a bit faster with more comforts, no real changes at all. When field travel is used and hyperdensity fields are set up all over, and people instantly go to NY from Paris, this is all dark age shit 2 me, right down 2 all of these toy computers, and this dumbed down society that wouldn,t C a pie 2 their face coming if U slowed the motion down 190 times.
No, the major incident or interaction that was not part of the normal waking world, when my landlady was forcing me 2 sign some fradulent document, was so bad, and in such vivid color, I did not go back to bed the whole next night and day. I tried to get 2 the State Police barracks, and she was shouting 4 me 2 come back or else she would go into my residence and destroy everything I have. I do not have much, but still, what fucking little one has, they do not wish 2C go down the storm drain or up in smoke. Every time she hassles me in a major way, the dow flies, and B4 it ever went down this week on Tuesday, late Monday morning around 8-10 or so, this nightmare struck with all the force of a fucking Mack truck.
People can play all the time games they want, but 40 years is 40 years, as is 60 or 75 or 98. Whatever your age is, it is, and that as Ed Green on L&O would say, “is science, U can’t even argue with that”. It is such proof 2 me how insane and wacked out all of society in America, and probably most of the Global wealthier societies, really is. If you R 33, UR 33. If you look 44 and had a rough life, well, that is the way it goes. If you are 55 and look 39, with help from lots of phony cuts and slits and pulls, and cosmetics, and hair adds or colorings, hay if some of it is real, great, and if it is phony, well, U know what U really would look like at 2:45 in the morning when awakening 2 take a squirt. Who the batcrap is anybody fooling. Time is time, and if your house or your body or your car is new or 5 years old, or 105 years old, well, like it or not, that is the freaking reality of it, and U ain’t gonna change nottin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Existence is not locked into time, and never started nor will ever stop, as time is only a spacial relationship illusion. Death is very final and real when we dream out a friend or a loved one, but try dreaming yourself out, you cannot. Try attending your funeral, it will not work. There is no rest. There is no endless sleep,darkness forever, endless peace, sorry Nicole. It is 4 those left behind still in their dream that now can rest a bit easier since the authorities finally permitted your remains to be burried. There is no way 2 make people on their current level even start to understand the truth that we simply exist at void infinity, and must endlessly dream and interact out and away from this void nothingness, as it is not as though U are oblivious 2 it and are at rest and peace, U know and UR, and that is it, and eventually, U will simply dream into something, and this begins astral existence. To learn how so much more than this life is there and totally real, all I can keep saying is, click into my website, and do not B afraid to ask me anything, I have no doors on my closets, I am the original open book, NO SECRETS. So visit me at and C what U have been missing, starting with the total truths and answers 2 all of the questions that ever have plagued mankind. I honestly do not bite, Stacey will tell U that. I have been her dog a very long time. Speaking of this, SORA, not SARA, is all leading up to stuff that if I cannot alter the timeline 2, a horrific attack on AC, NJ, by our not so friendly middle eastern co-planetary-inhabiters, will B carried out before decade’s end, and I will B working 4 the Mayor, when he is back at his old job as Chief of the Beach, and I am head of security for the BEACHES of AC, NJ. If things progress along this timeline the way they have been going, he will B handing me a broom and making my 1983 song called “113 More Shinny Big Moons” come true. He will spit on my shoe, and call me FIREDOG under his breath in a mocking way. He will even B in charge of a state regulated Beach Lottery System, of more details I absolutely dare not reveal. I am doing all that I can 2 alter a timeline of events that if unchanged, will lead 2 a final show down of the Mayor and myself. When he murders me on the beach in or around 2009 or 2010, the Atlantic Ocean instantly goes out about ¾ of the way towards the horizon, and then within minutes, comes roaring back in, flooding all the way into Philadelphia and New York City. This is no joke, and Magnesonic does not cause this, as it has recently this winter caused so much violent weather activity, and remember Al Jolson, as it is very pertainant here. Sarah-Stacey Krassle loves me very much Mr. Honourable Mayor, so if I cannot stop this from happening, please take all of this as a friendly piece of advice, and don’t fuck with me. Same goes for maffioso C/M and all the rest of these lovely turds in this lovely city. Scylla has many plans for her human world city, but she may wreck it and then influence its total rebuilding. In many parallel realities, he calls me Firedog and mocks me, and makes me sweep sand on the beach and clean barnicles off piers and pilings. SSJKK is not happy at all with this. Remember, that many of our dreamings occur on the astral world with our dream or soul body, the bibles of the world mostly agree on a word, GLORIFIED. When we take our dream body to the astral realms this is one entirely different thing than when we take it onto our own as well as many parallel realities, and to the dream body, U exist as the resissent and not the dominent, and is why dreams feel in many cases as though we R watching a movie. We R really coexisting in hyperspace, in a waking personality of us, that is physical and hence has the dominant control. Right now there could easily B millions of other U’s in their unlimited and countless other twinallities to your existence, esisting as U go through your waking world day, inhabited by millions of ghost-like resissants. UR the one that is in waking physicallity, so U dominate. However, learning 2 become aware of these conditions, and developing more and more sensitivity to them, can permit an entity 2 become quite proficient at psychic things such as prophecy, duality or dual awareness, conscious astral movements, ‘travel’, and numerous other abilities that will start 2 feel as natural 2U in time as breathing is 2U at the current time.
Soon, I will advertise with Verizon DSL 2 get my website placed higher up on the list for the net surfers, and then with streaming video and audio, really start a website that will prove 2 all current doubters, just how totally real and honest my true story and life is. I have no freaking reason 2 lie.
Brown haired and brown eyed girl 1010 Call Cally Cow Kali Callio, I will CU later, lighthouse queen, and true head of the VI-QUEENS. If I decide 2 bring your memories back and end the whole world, all I need do is one simple thing, so if they keep pushing me much further, the portents may B just around the corner in the next decade. BYE-BYE.
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