The worst death siege I have ever been through is ongoing today. If UR reading this KS, the running to the islands may B the only way 4 me. Choppers R all over me, loud noises R on my phone, a landline, and severe body attacks and death beams R all around me. If U think Magnesonic is through with the big sleezy, stink again. I must have some really viscious enemies in and around that area 4 the machine 2 do so much. I know I have some bad ass enemies in Mexico and Japan. Eddie H. Says it all, when he says that they will not release me from this physicallity, as then I would B under the control of the 2/3rds of the MC and Gods, that are the good ones, and no longer suffering here at the hands of the 1/3rd of this GMC that broke off 4 the most part, and have become the controllers of a wicked evil locale on the astral plane known there in the Olympian Province as the BRIGGBASE. Different religions tell it a bit differently from one another, but the basic Christian principals R all so damn true, when discussing the one third of the ‘Angelic’ system breaking away, and falling from grace. It is all so very true. Stop and grab your coffee or whatever B4U go 2 much into this blog today, it will B a fucking doozy. I will prove 2 a blind ignorant race of Homosapiens, that interdimensional flux is real, and indeed happening 2 me, and show a captured part of my hellish reality, on my website pix, allready there, but it is time U all know and C what I am really dealing with, and if U doubt or think something on my site has been faked, I tripple-Dogtown dare U to have the FBI verify it is not faked. U yourself probably know a photographer buff who can blow up the picture and print on a lazar copier, and C4 yourselves, a reality that if it doesn’t scare U, then U need 2 get your freaking head examined. Click into my pix after going 2 my website at and look at the photo carefully with the dude standing at the right side of my caroutside the front passenger’s side. There R major forces at work 2 try 2 stop me from showing U what I am about 2 say. All I can do is my best. I cannot help this world and I cannot even help myself, yet trapped in my mind R answers 2 practically everything that has ever plagued the wonderings and immaginnings of mankind. Look at Big McG in the photograph, and look carefully at his hand, as in one reality he is holding a handgun and is about to off both Ed Himacane and me, and the second I die, the event gets uncreated, and he and his gun change into a transdimensional backdrop of parts 2 an automobile that is parked yards away behind him at his bar parking lot. U can C 4 yourself the hand is in a state of interdimensional –matter-flux. This cannot B faked, just ask the feds to check it out with their best crime lab apparatus,
Karen, U taught me a powerful truth in the message that U left me, B4 we finally phone-connected and had that great talk. I am a total failure at my blog, if I come on as too smart. I am really just a dumby. If I had a real brain, I would have been able 2 get out of this nightmare that I am in, or at least interest someone with clout in my problems, or at the very least, not come out sounding like I am teaching a quantum physics class at Harvard U. No, this makes me extremely stupid. Smart people get what they go after in one way or another, when they really go after something a long time, and try hard as hell 2 make things work out. No, KS, I am a moron impicile, but thank U so much 4 the great compliment. What people never seem 2 realize is that the science of the mind or psycology, is not at all the way we perceive this so-called innocent thing. Like most things, they start out all so well intentioned 4 mankind and the general society as well, but becomes distorted and perverted so very easily, because of one simple truth/reality. This is that the 6th dimension is a real thing, and that all thinking things from computers to brains and minds on a more bio-chemical and biological source of ops system, R nothing at all but receivers. All the so-called original thoughts, and from there, all the complex processing details of the generation of mental processes and emotional responces, all of it; is the reception of a transmitted source called the sixth dimension. ECKANKAR, a fantastic religion that bekieves in PERSONAL spiritual experiencing while physical and caporial, refers to this 6th-D, as the MENTAL PLANE, and is copyright protected by them. Since I refer 2 all this in brief and non-detailed unelucidated quotes, and give them all of the proper credit due them under copyright laws, I doubt they will mind me giving U all these brief explanations, when they so perfectly, and very urgently, fit into the topics that I am attempting to clarify on my bloggging. More info is available, and I believe their website is or a similar jumbling og these words that anyone can most likely Google up on their PC. Thoughts or “patterns of existence”in sixth dimensional hyperline space, [POE], and not Edgar Allen, R the higher dimensional equivelant in many ways to subatomic movements, or electrons and protons in numerous P and S orbits within the atom, as well as even more subtle sub-orbital motions and varying intra-states as well. What scientists C on plain view in their test tube lab world is in its true higher equivelant, actions at their normal activity levels that natually exist and have their beingness, relative to our location in reality, of the 6th dimension. There is sort of a mind-is-matter thing going on here, as opposed to the normally thought of concept of mind-over-matter, as matter or mass is nothing more than its energy equivelant beingness when divided by the square of the constant, or C squared, the velocity of light times the velocity of light, totaled and this amount divided. Three dimensional realities, as motions and changes inside atoms, within the forces that R created by a direct result of 4th and 5th dimensional higher space that is acting upon all of these motions in lower three dimensional normal space. I told all of my Morians, real or immagined by me perhaps, but anyway, that a great book called Cosmic Explorers, is a must read. I promised 2 give U all a website 2 go 2 also. Here it is: This is an absoulte MUST VISIT website. Present day laws of motion and momentum are fine and well, but all thing need an upgrade from time 2 time, do they not? The law of momentum has a million formulas and nothing is mistaken about any of them, just a slight ommission of the importance of magnetic percentage in the operation.Put real simply, things that get started get started. Laws in all principles of motion/momentum in basic and even advanced level physics will all kick in with what I have termed and labeled, MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE. This MP creates the moves of things that get started, as well as momentumizes them all with what on astral realms, is called, [length rations] to intensity. I am a poor teacher, but all I CAN say 2 anyone attempting 2 follow some of the truths in MORIANITY, is this: Do not attempt to get or become a ‘smarter’ individual. Do not try raising consciousness and awareness 2 things from the 3 dimensions surrounding your so-called physicallity. Smarter people continue on endlessly getting dumber 2 the real truths behind all that ever is or was or will B. This is backed up in the King James Bible, of the great scriptures of the religion and faith called CHRISTIANITY. U must start trying 2 lower this part of self, not raise it. A child fresh out of the astral plane,looking at time in a linear way, has a dream 4 example, and runs out to his or her parents, believing the experience was so very ‘real’. But Mom and Dad, much looker away from astrallity, R quick 2 assure the child/dreamer, that “it wasn’t real, everything’s OK, it was all just a dream, and on and so forth” The child at first knows better, and knows their parents R so full of it, it’s coming out their nostrills at warp twelve. But after they also remain in physicallity, more connected into it, and longer away from astrallity, except while in sleep and dream state, again looking at this all linerally which it is not, they are destined to grow up and carry on this myth to their children, and so on and so forth. Times moves forward, technology improves, but Mr. Kahn Fantasy Islander couldn’t say it better if 50 of Heffner’s playmates all bent over 4 him simultaneously and said, “anything goes”, when he said to Kirk and Spok at the dinner gathering on the SS Enterprise, “but how little man himself has changed”. Some people think that I don’t know bacon from beer cans, and I would fight and die on any battlefield on this global swirl of vomit U call the world 4 your right 2 think and 2 say this right 2 my face, but, let me let U’ll in on something: When U practice the Fascitar 6/10 method of astral travel, and get beyond the fear factor of it all, and start traveling out into the great Olympian Province, and many others should U so choose, and meet the great God-groups, the Briggars, the Great Millionth Council, and get your city pass and papers, and enter into the great city of Sahasra Dal Danwal and watch the lovely allmighty GODDESS SCYLLA, pick up a huge ocean liner vessel, and fly it effortlessly down the Arlantickrassle River, and watch the billions of 200 and 300 story buildings go by with hundreds of quadrillions of lovely colored lights all over them, and on and on, well, then U can tell me to go fuck a ruptured duck if U still wish 2, and then bring the duck over, and I will put on a show 4U that would make tripple-X-rated look like a General Movie Rating. I tell all of U that I have no clue why no one wishes 2 at least try to wither prove me wrong, or find out that I am right, on all the claims that I make on all of my Web-Logging, [BLOGGING]. Don’t tell a guy like the Mayor of AC, NJ, a brave war hero despite some bad judgement on his part in later years, how U have been mugged or been in some kind of danger. The man will laugh in your face before he spits in it, and he’d have every damn right 2. He has seen things that I am only glad that the gods did not want me 2 ever C in my mountainpen dream sequences, [lifetime]. We R talking here about relating. U cannot relate 2 me and what I talk about, but B4 U go off all wild and farty that I’m some derranged sicko scum bag shit head, experiment a little, do what I have done, and then ass holes, C how your new horizons start appearing 2 you. Just let me know in advance, as when U shit yourself, I’d rather B somewhere else, please, thank you.
Math is math, magnetic percentages are all a reality, and despite Gulf Wars, $4 per gallon gasoline, peace time, Monica and Bill, the 1987-so-called-market-crash, generation X coming 2 power, the boomers aging 2 their great disbelief, disco, unlimited Elvis resurrections, the basic collapse of the churches of the world, and on and on, just take an $8 Acme or Wall Mart calculator, start with 650 in the year 1972, and keep hitting the keys X110%=. This next figure is the 1973 market averages price, and X110%= again is 1974’s price, and so on. Yes 25, 30, even 35% deviations occur, but seeing things in a bigger picture, everything around us is all so totally predictable as fire burns, and as easy 2C through as a clean pane of thin glass. Take the more than 100 years of recorded temperatures. Most days do not have the exact average that the averages say they should B at, but the averages do not say this at all. They simply R saying that all of the extremes from record temperatures to more moderate ones for a given day, will all mathematically work out to a precise midpoint. Middle C on a keyboard has its loudest or most intense sound at 330 hertz if memory from my studio days serves me properly. But less loudly all the way to inaudiblness, the same middle C still sounds at 3 and 4 and 5 octaves out above and below its most intense sonic truth. This is why a sound system going from 100 to 6000 hertz sounds cheap, and the ones that go to the full normal human hearing ranges sound expensive, and still why amplifiers like the dynasour Sansui and Harmon Karden, sound so great, as they go 3 and 4 octives higher and lower, my sansui from 1980 for example is 5Hz to 80,000Hz. This is 2 full octaves of sonic harmonics above the 20KH, as well as below the 20H. Adjustments to a good taping machine, special Klipse horn tweeters, and the best subwoofers, along with great midrange speakers, and even though U do not hear out of the basic 20-20K range, the fuller extra 4 octaves with less intense sound properties, but still existing in the program, can also B part of the equation. Anything not 5 hertz to 80,000 hertz or [cycles per second], as direct current = zero hertz, is not true sound, and a trained ear will know immediately that loss of source precense is there. This example is as with the temperature example, and that of the stock prices. People that margin out beyond their financial means to cope properly with the temporary bad moves of this market-system, R forced to sell out at a loss, generated by margin calls. People in 1929 and 1987 jumped off bridges and buildings, more in ’29, but look at where we R today. All of life is based on momentum, and this is based on becomming magnetized to ranges and motions over amounts measured in physical time. If the market was 20 years old, I would B very skeptical 2 say all of this, but it is much much much more ancient, and keeps this 7-13% average profit diligently through thick and thin, bulls and bears, and all the bridge jumpers not withstanding. All of lofe is magnetized. If U keep track of days where a boss yells at U multiplied by 100 and then divided by the total days that U have been keeping a record of this event, and then go on 2 chart this, U can in very short order, prove that all of life is on a precise order of cycles within cycles, and variances and deviances will always occur, but in long term, the events outome facts, R there staring U in the face like Dr. Ferrel’s Pancriatic Tumor Diagnosis, Dr. J A Gannon Ruth Dwyer.Reality is reality, truth is truth, and life is maya, ILLUSION. The magnetized events R there just as the huge swirling planets R all there, never crashing into each other, but holding precise orbital patterns, with pinpoint accuracy.
Did U ever eat in a cafeteria? No, I am not an old yardbird doing a nickle jolt Lennie, but I am a man who attended the City Center Grammer School in the 4th grade in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG. We had a big cafeteria, and we would grab a tray and walk along a pattern of aisles taking foods that we chose to eat, from the many varying areas, placing it onto our trays. Our minds R nothing more than a radio receiver of a sorts. All possible thoughts and emotional feelings, without a single missed possible combination, all exist on the inside of this same kind of a track, out in the sixth dimension. U choose to think or feel this way and that way, just as your stomach so to speak chooses 4U2 take your hand as U stroll around the cafeteria, and grab at the meat and gravy, the milk carton, the rice, the salad leaves, the jello, and so forth. How 2 properly make people C these truths goes far beyond my very limited abilities to attempt 2 send this 2U. But like it or snot, here is the total and powerful reality and truth behind UFOLOGY. When Bell and Marconi, and all the other sonic founding fathe’s broke into the world of [radio frequency], this gate into the astral world was opened. All throughout time there has been some radio frequncy generated by man in various ways that R simple and do not need B presently discussed, but 4 a quick discussion 2 prevent anyone from believing that I am evading the issue, silver has been around on Earth, before man stood upright and ever breathed air from the atmosphere. We have all heard of the freaky few who have received radio stations from their mouths, after a simple trip to their dentist, 2 get a quick little silver filling, and yes UFO sightings trace back to Christopher Columbus, and well before. But when the invention of radio, phonograpg, and telephone came, and got used more and more by more and more of the populations of the planet, a door way or ‘portal’ so 2 speak was opened, never again 2B closed. The military and secret NSA personel a few years after World War 2 ended, began experimenting more and more with extremely powerful frequency generators. I built a machine and actually talked to the lightning goddess DIANA ZUDLECRENESIA ARTEEMIS, and the US Copyright Office has the tape, where she says in her adorable voice, after I repeatedly tell her, “I love U, I love U, do U know “. She comes back and says 2 me over the telephone in the middle 1980’s, “I KNOW”. This tape is in the (C) office of the UNITED STATES, possibly classified top secret 4 all I know. I know that 2000 years from now, many tried a terrible experiment 2 go back through time and witness the Christian thing, you know, the birth of my 61st grand father’s uncle Jesus, and all the stuff that happened back then. A mistake was made in the field travel, and they went back many million of years, and were atomically altered into many various tiny creatures, that man today calls insects. Many other attempted travelers were also unlucky enough 2 improperly interact with MDM, [MOVING DARK MATTER], stuff that the stars emit out into the vastness of space constantly. Normal tiny quantatic pieces R harmless, although if a person is hit, they will burst into flames, only about 400 people in mans history have been hit by this INLI as the future will eventually term it, short for invisible lightning, and it isn’t lightning, but a few micrograms of shooting MDM that hurl right through the Earth at over 164,000 MPS. If a plane or ship is hit, things can happen that R not plesant as well. Certain electromagnetic fields that our Earth generates causes most of the MDM to come through certain rare and isolated areas, one being between Florida and Bermuda. But future craft is not quite what U would think, and is moving inside fields of hyperdense electromagnetism. The interaction while doing this, if hit with as much as 12 micrograms of moving dark matter, is not all that different from your boyhood days with your walkie talkies. Your buddy is down the block, and U say something over the WT. Your voice is changed into a radio frequency, and later it is changed back to your voice again so it can come through the speaker of the other WT. The magic words here are changed and RF, [radio-frequency]. The same principle that permits all of this electronic ‘stuff’ to work and operate with such seeming proficiency, is disastrous when it interacts with the tinyest bit of MDM, as basically, UR also 4 lack of a year of explaining details 2 all of U, also dark matter. Unlike matter and antimatter colliding and turning mass into pure energy, this is a case of the atomic changing and redistribution of cellular and atomic realities. Many have been turned into the strange creatures that R so mysteriously hidden in bith the Hanger 51, and 18, and below the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is not an extra-terristrial phenominon, there is no life as we think of as life, not anywhere in the entire universe, the big reality show is all RIGHT HERE BWABY-WUV!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank U so much 4 helping me the last 2 nights that the filthy scummy Flyers played, I do appreciate it, and notice, how they got their stinking butts kicked 2 shit, because by U guys being witnesses out there and watching what is going on around me, they do not come out in the open and persecute mt 2 fucking death, as they have today, and so today they will kick ass, and it matters nothing what team they play, the worst or the best, they’ll kick the crap out of whomever they play, as they had me to visciously fuck with all day. What good is protection unless eventually U help me, whoever UR out there, 2 getting this evil stopped once and 4 all, but then maybe that is what’s going on? I cannot know, how would I have any way 2 know any of that? A week ago Saturday, the enemy kicked my living fucking guts out, and they won. When they have me 2 fuck with, boom, they’ve got the game, simple as that.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS COURT IN THE HAIGUE, this is a blatant violation of my civil rights and my civil liberties.
My first quantumdeck cards, was not cards, it was my machine, MAGNESONIC, built in 1983, and I was getting 15% ART, or a positronic reverse time responce with a 15% hyperspace effect. I did not know what I had. If I can ever duplicate it again, I’ll have this world by its stinking living pussy!!!!!!!!!!!
I have tonsa shit to say, but am very worn out and feel like total shit, so will sign off 4 now big Kail-Cw, my luscious giant teen queen brown eyed, and long anti-Brittney haired girl. Funny ain’t it Sarah, even powerful people can cry out 4 help in big ways, and get basically no where. Does that tell an informed public how screwed the Christ up this sick world really is? CYI wanna die so fucking much, only I cannot. If this isn,t hell Mr. TNG Jordy, it sure is somebodys great idea of it, is it not?????????????
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