Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Well, I am in a super hell, and have much 2 say, and I am working on a major time budget. Word program is already fucking with me, typing in words twice, etc. This is Saturday evening, and the last 2 days have been hell on top of hell. One thing that I have learned U cannot do when U are working off very limited positive energy quantities in your surrounding proximity, and that is crying. Crying, although it releases much needed pent up feelings of sadness and helplessness, if UR very week cosmically, caused from powerful evil invisible spiritual [astral plane] enemies, and by the way spirit is spirit, not spit, had 2 change this, and on prior blogging, you’ll also C where the machine mind has kicked in with this fucking hack, but anyway, some cock sucking shit head really thinks all this is so super funny. If I had your moms tied up in here, I swear 2 the gods that I would literally crap into their hair, and they’d get 1 helluva shampoo-coloring-conditioning treatment. A plane followed me 2 Ed’s just now, and loud cars R going by. Kemtrailing started last night, and went on ferociously and viciously all freaking day long. Anyway, for those within normal cosmic parameters, crying releases the stresses and tensions if built up to intolerable points of cry or go out and do a mall or a mickey-dee. I would never, and would throw myself into Hawaii’s volcanoes first. Stacey’s commandments mean everything 2 me, and she is my teen queen, I obey the great king of kings and queen of queens. Anyway, last night at work, I was alone as no one wanted to work late again in the cold, and they all left. I drove to the rear of the area in my car, shut it off, and balled like a fucking love sick baby for half an hour, a major mistake. Every time I cry, it gets far worse. I am not even permitted the psychological necessary outlet of relieving my tensions and anxieties through some tears. I already knew better, but the tears won out Aniwho. Every cry brings worse hell that follows, usually quite immediately. I will never never cry again, and the Copyright Office of the United States, knows precisely what I mean when I now say, no pun intended. Yes the red leaves of autumn did turn into an eventual winter, and it’s gonna get far fuckin worse B4 it gets better. You will C continued major and drastic weather patterns right into summertime, major volcano activities, frightening huge earthquakes, storms, twisters, hurricanes, floods, fires, diseases, and pestilence and plagues. Keep this up with me, and B sorrier than a man who just refused a date with a supermodel.

I know that somewhere out here in cyber land, someone knows something, and can offer this info 2 me, at some kind of price. I have offered to the half of my sea treasure, and of my jury award, still I hear endless silence, just a big nothing. So how is this offer? Name your price. No, not short of, I said name your price, but in return, U get me out of this hell I am in. What I say on this blog can get me arrested through the back door, but it won’t stand up in court. NAME YOUR PRICE. But if some law enforcer uses this as an entrapment, I will B4 even seeing U, notarize my entire words at my local library, as the notary man is there once each week. A set up is against the law no matter how much ‘Law and Order’ scripts U may or not B familiar with. Entrapping is only legal in very exact and special circumstances. I was walking down a street in Philadelphia some years ago, and recognized a lady police officer, posing as a prostitute. I was approached and she did not remember me, but I knew who she was, and B4 going on, no I had business with someone nearby and in no way was this business sexually oriented. When she asked if I wanted a ‘date’, I told her,” don’t Y think it is morally wrong and humanly wrong, to take a man with normal god given biological urges, tempt him 2 break the law with the urges that in no way can B helped, as cold showers R not on every block, and then make trouble for a poor man, jail, a record, embarrassment, photos in the paper, name on an internet list? U are the bad person here officer” I walked about a block, getting almost 2 my friend’s house, when an unmarked car comes flying down the block. A policeman in plain clothes said to me that if I mouth off to any one here again, that they would find me playing a game with the local rats called, FEED ME”. This is the kind of evil that none of us can escape, and it is only far worse if you have no clout, no family support, and R all alone in the world. Don’t U think they know? They know the ‘vulnerable and the more connected’. When UR going it all alone, you are sunk. U just R not going-gurgle yet. Word Program can suck my prick, it keeps telling me 2 re-phrase. Think it would het along with Adolf Hitler and the Dictators clubs of all nations and groups worldwide. Every day now, planes, choppers, kemtrails, and the military bothering and harassing me constantly and continually. They have nothing at all better 2 do with their time than 2 endlessly make my poor pathetic whittle life an endless horrific hell!!!!!!! They constantly interfere with my home theatre, knocking off the left channel, over and over again. Next week, I will buy a new system and if it does not stop, I will get the American Civil Liberties people involved. U have no right 2 interfere with my enjoying my entertainment. It stops now, or U can answer 2 federal fucking charges, your godsdamn choice. Examine the previous sentence, and explain 2 me why the spell-checker program in this word program, insists that I should type in, “U has no rights” Does that sound right? If it does, I must have changed hyperspace catalogues big time since my grammar school education days. Every day I get a chopper, either at work or at home. The kemtrailing is bad again, just look, and U’ll C it, ya can’t miss it. It is changing our weather patters, and making our kids hyperactive, it is causing road rage, ADD, arthritis, breathing diseases from asthma to persistent coughing, and I literally can go on and on. This is being done by BLACK FILE AGENCIES, and I beg all bloggers to cut and paste my words on this subject and add them 2 their blogs, and to try 2 form a network of all ‘conspiracy theory’ friends in our community to start reading all of my blogs, and come 2 your own conclusions, but do not ignore this, that will B a fatal error 4 us all!!!!!!!

If I walk along the street, and a man comes up and recognizes me from his class, as he is a top professor in the college that U recently became degreed from, and says lets grab a bite to eat at Burger King, let us say we go there, for sake of an interesting parable. He says to me,”what RU up 2 and where RU employed”? I say, “I am a security guard for Ed Snyder, and crooked Comcast”. He goes onto say, “wow, U were the top student in my class, U should B doing a lot better, so what is the problem”? Well, in this example, it is obvious 2C that logic is behind all the questions asked and answered, other than the fact that I seemingly am unable to live up 2 the potential that my old college professor thinks that I should B at. But what if I am going down the same street one morning at 8 AM to buy the local Hammonton Gazette Newspaper at the 7-11 store, and a dude comes up after crossing the street, a lollypop in his mouth, a thumb literally scratching in his ass, and he’s got a clown suit on, and it sure ain’t Halloween. OK, whatever, and now he says to me from out of the blue, “my bird Henry just died, and came back to life and told me 2 tell U that you R a nasty person with bad breath and should not wear stupid yellow jerseys unless it is an even numbered day in the month of June, oh and by the way, tell your daughter 2 quit throwing cats at my father”. No I do not have a daughter, cats, I do not know this odd fellow from the next raindrop 2 falls from the sky, and I gargle and brush 3 times daily. There is no seemingly good reason for this crazy doofus dweeb to come up to me, let alone, 2 say this entire dribble 2 me, whatever the hell it all is. Now, these 2 parables R simply 2 show, that things may seem totally nonsensical and irrational, and yet not B, to the person that ‘SOMETHING’ is happening 2. It was the end of 1977, and I was a Security Guard at a place in Mount Laurel, NJUSAESMWG, called the AMERICAN HONDA AUTO PLANT on Gaither Avenue. One morning I began 2 notice small white lines crossing the skies, one after another going from my left to my right, basically north to south, most likely over the Route 206 area, where I would come to live near, when I moved into Hammonton, on Halloween day of 2K, just around 6.3 Earth years negative time. Day after day I would C these lines, and curiosity was getting the best of me, and I eventually telephoned the Mt. Laurel Police Department, to request any information on what these strange lines were all about. The very next day after making the phone call, the lines moved towards me, and grew wide and thick, and suddenly within a week’s time, were all over the skies above me. A week later, they were there at night, all around and even covering up the beauty of the moon, especially in its fuller lunar cycles. They soon were everywhere, following me 2 my other job, all the way out in Warminster, Pennsylvania, and day and night, all over everywhere, there they were, huge thick and smoky and ugly contrails, or as the conspiracy theory groups have called them 4 about a decade, KEMPTRAILS, and entire writings are available in the subject, if U know where 2 look. I still am hunting around, and also am planning to join several CS groups, no not Sarah Callio Groups, the GODS FORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one but me has the real and true story of how this KEMTRAILING thing began, and basically who got it all started, unfortunately, Y O U R S T R U L Y.

Well, the flyers will kick crap liquids tonight, they’ve had me 2 kick and kick around now 4 days, BIG FUCKING TIME. If they cannot pull this game off, U guys R some really sorry asses that need to quit and go home ‘till the oh-seven/eight season. My roulette scores, luck scores, ASAP-ART scores, forget it, it is not worth mentioning. Nothing is working, NOTHING. This is all precisely how these scuz balls did me in back when they totally and brutally 86’d my life in 1986, wow, SYMBOLOGY OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when U think back 2 my 2 parables, look at the one of the 2 that makes seemingly no sense. When I tell my true kemtrail story, it is just like the guy that hypothetically comes up 2 me in the street and says the weird crazy shit. To him though, it may make perfect sense, yet you and I may too quickly judge this dude as crazy with an elevator that misses the top floors of the building. I am telling U all how this fucking kemtrails thing got started, so please, get this story linked up to as many as possible, U certainly have my permission, with this or any and all of my blogs, as well as anything on my website, there R no secrets, all closets have been targeted for BOMB OUT, no secrets, Whomever knows the technology, and how 2 do all the necessary cuts and pastes and hyperlinks and newsgroup sends, whatever, for crissake, get my freaking message out, B4 all our kids get ADD, class rage, or die in road rage, or Emphysema. And it isn’t just these trails in the sky. It boggles my mind how the 177th in Pomona, NJUSAESMWG, can do so much, and it keeps going over the heads of everybody. No, I do not have Extra Sensory Perception. you all seem to have ZSP, ZERO. Wake fucking up, people. Go down to Abscess Kateville Sucken, NJ, Pleasantville, NJ, and ATLANTIC RIP OFF LEVY WAR HERO VILLE CITY, NJ. When I tried 2 type in this last bunch of words, their buddies in the fucking MILLIONTH COUNCIL/BLACK FILE AGENCIES OF THE MORTAL WORLD, or the [MCBFAMW], froze up and screwed up Eddie Himacane’s laptop compuker. We R going to purchase an added memory chip 2 boost our power and abilities, as we R doing many things, and Karen Carpenter couldn’t say it any better if she was right here and trying 2 do so, WE ONLY JUST BEGUN, sort of an Al Jolson statement. U sleaze bags keep doing your wirtz/worst, not afraid of your evil satanic sick asses at all, or your scum bag master ALABD, and I’ll further elaborate on the elabed, [Apollo-Lucifer Abadon Beelzebub Diabolis], I will speak the truth, and someday have a huge viable powerful foundation behind me, interconnected with as many other groups with similar agendas 2 ours, right along with us, fighting side by side. 4 now, back to most people’s zero sensory perception, ZSP. I do not feel like my perception and awareness 2 my surroundings is enhanced nor superior, honestly, just that yours may need some fine tuning in order 2 bring up the power a bit. Go at night on a clear night, to this New Jersey area, in the AC, P, A, area, and look for what I seem 2 always view so clearly, and no one ever catches it. It is not lightning, but appears 2B a super quick flash of white light, all over, and in reiteration, it is very quick, the event lasting much less time than even the coldest lightning event. Remember hot and cold lightning is a relative term, and no lightning is cold. But the more milliseconds that electrons race up and down a channel from sky to ground, the hotter. This is no differently that putting your finger quickly through the flame of a candle, or slowing the motion down a bit. You will feel a much hotter flame, if you swing across slower with your finger, allowing the otherwise exact same heat amount 2 make contact with your finger. Now this flash, is part of a secret project, involving powerful frequency generators, and many very highly classified things. I will for now go no further with this. Obviously, a study of the warp or WORM HOLE in AC, NJ [LEVYWARHEROVILLE], is behind all of this, a child with his or her eyes half open can C this if they just take the thumb out of their damn ass for a seck.

Earlier today, I got the shit kicked out of me by both of my lovely lightning goddesses, Diana Zudlecrenessia Arteemis, and Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. I was projected onto a lovely green and purple large beach towel, where they sometimes sit together in places I am not permitted to mention, or I will get shit-kicked again. I told them that they don’t care that I am stuck in this very real and awful nightmarish interaction here in hyperspace on the mortal worlds, or MWHS, and if they really cared about me and didn’t just want 2 tease me, then they’d do something to really help me out. I acted up quite a bit. What usually is quite a love nest, turned into Waterloo times a vigintillion googolplex to the power exponential of 3500 vigintillion googolplexes. As I said, I got the flying peckerbitch knocked out of me, 4 what felt like a million years. I am not a happy camper tonight, and if the wrong bastard messes with me, the gods will need 2 take some serious fucking pity on the prick. Next week, Ed H. and I will start opposite shitting/shooting at the NJ Casinos. This is the only way 4 me 2 survive when things get this off the fucking dial bad 4 me!!!!!!!!! Please, listen and share this, PLEASE> I know, I am not stupid, >>>>>>LISTEN>>>>>>PLEASE>>>>>>. I N E E D H E L P, Mister Billy Swan. This is no joke. Somebody out here knows what is going on, or can help me put a twist on it that I have yet to fully get. Life’s truths work that way; it is basic and simple reality, because it is LAWTRONIC. Some one, a good person, knows what is wrong and what I can do, and please no e-mails that tell me that I need 2 accept Christ as my savior. I have been down these roads for more years than most people have walked the Earth. Some powerful person could prove 2B a real genuine philanthropist, and help me 2 some degree, maybe in a large degree. I do not want $$$$$$. I want fucking answers and help that no amount of money can buy. U cannot buy off Brigger Cult Scum with all the loot in Trumps Empire. And if U want something from me, I have told you all already out there, world, the only 2 things of value by Earth’s standards, that I do have, at least in a potential form, a huge jury award, and my fantastic sea treasures. The simple truth is that many different hells R all around me, but the largest one all began in 1986, when kiddingly I would get on the phone and push any number on the keypad so as to kill the dial tone, whenever the stupid ‘Philly-57’ channel would come on with that annoying ad that makes the HEAD-ON commercial seem tame by comparison, with that shitty rotten guy singer going, ‘watch Flyer’s Hockey, on Philly-57’. I hated it so bad I swear I came but an inch away a few times from throwing a glass tumbler at the freaking TV set. So instead, I’d get up, and say into the phone, “LOSE LOSE LOSE YA FUCKEN’ BASTARD SCUM BALLS’. I didn’t mean anything real wrong, I just couldn’t stand that ad, and that awful dude’s singing; it simply SUCKED. But ever since this in the scummer of 1986, this entire parallel event nightmare with the Flyers was BORN for lack of a better descriptiveness. Soon 2 follow was the parallel event with the Dow Jones Stock Market. I then put it together how the Phillies Baseball Club won the World Series during the time that I found Donna Gaines’s 33 disc up in the studio attic, [RPL]. This was a great and cool time 4 me, as having your favorite hot shot artist of the day, singing unknown works, and no one else had it, this was so way cool. Crissake, I’m starting 2 sound like the kids. Aniwho, this PE thing started here in ’86, while renting Richard Karpf’s home in Cherry Hill, NJ, and it never looked back, leaving me in the biggest wake of loose goose shit on the planet. Mr. S. Hawking talks from time to time about the Karge Wormhole, of course not mentioning it by name. Kerlian energy mixed with numerous foams of quanta, created by mixing compressed elements of varying vibratory states, and used in abscissa/ordinate or A/B channels within hypergaussed fielding events, can do strange things to the very flexible garment type materials that 4th and 5th dimensional space encompass. Look at this example. The moon is 2000 miles roughly, in diameter. To walk half way across it or 1,000 miles, a field is needed 2 connect point A and point B. Now this field has subatomic particles called leptons and quarks in it, it just does, there is no arguing with science, as my buddy Ed Green would put it so eloquently on the “L&O” show. Now, simply put; one step or 2.5 feet is a fractional part of the 5,280 feet to the mile, times 1000 miles, or 5,280,000 feet of field distance needed 4 compression. In order 2 compress this field distance, the mass in the distance needs to shrink in ration, [ratio and proportion], or by the amount of times of 5.28X10 to the 4th power. In order 2 accomplish this, the density must be gravimetrically increased now by this amount, or by 5.28 times 10 to power of 4. When this is done, the sub atomic distance in-between point A and point B, now literally becomes only 2.5 feet, not a thousand miles. Density increases can B done as high as 1X10 to the 58th exponent, with no harm to biological travelers in the field, providing the step through is virtually instantaneous. Dimensional shifting, dream shifting, all that really is happening is that U believe that U can agree 2 interact very efficiently with the Lawtronically controlled ‘forces’ that lie all around U. The prior week was horrible. Punishment will B immediate and swift 4 what they have done 2 freaking me, the gods help lots of these dirt balls.

KS, not the All Mighty, do not get the wrong message about ASAP ART. It can B successfully used. No one can ever profit by anything while under cosmic assault, the way that I am. I have a dying mans declaration. Next week it will B notarized. Hope U won’t mind, I’ll Be mailing one copy 2U4 safe keeping, many copies will actually be hidden, buried underground, as much aver the past quarter century has been buried. Just call me the ‘Jimmie Hoffa Wanna Be, the gods, what am I saying? ASAP ART does work, but requires skill, willpower to not abuse it by breaking any of its very basic rules, and last and in no way least, relatively normal human magentics, not like mine. Crissake, I cannot even die out of this horrendous hell, the FOREVER DOGTONITE, I guess.

Brown Eyed Girl, I beg u, have some freaking mercy, what have I ever godsdamn done 2U2 deserve so much Dogtownism? Oh great Kali-KAL, COW, CALLIO, CALL TEN, GIMME A BREAK WILLYA, LIGHTHOUSE THROWER-UPPER @JOJO’S. SHEEEES!!!!!!!


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