Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

MOVEMENT STAGE 49----and the weather is far from fine

It is Thursday and snowing, 13 out of the past 15 days, some amount of the white stuff has fallen in the Hammonton, NJ, USA, Earth, Sol, MWG, area, in this locale in HS. I am blogging 2 tell U all several things, but first my personal messages: Patty Pay was an error in my past blog, sahwee. 2 protect the identity of the ‘In Charge Counselor at the Atlanticare Behavioral Health Center in AC, NJ, at 12 N. Providence, I refer to her as Patty May. Also, this is the end of the Movement stages, as the 50th stage is the combined text so far of all the things that I discuss on my website, After this, MF and its 50 stages are over, and my third blog on the website of the Google Pyre Labs, will B known as “KEEPING THE MORTAL WORLD POSTED”. This is the title and will B the only blog that will ever exist, unless I add other titled blogs to my own website as shown above, MF.C. Also, a quick note here goes 2 my very best friend KS, not Krassle Sarah, as she is the all mighty Goddess Scylla. But to the other KS, ain’t symbols something? Truly and verily I do hope that UR enjoying your study of CONONART/SONONART. I know it may sound a bit over the top even 4 me, but believe me, used properly, you can ask will the market B up today or this week, or month, or real estate commissions, or will I regret dealing with so and so regarding any business deal from selling someone’s house to trying an offer on a TV infomercial, should I put 3,000 bucks on even to win at the next table that I bet on a roulette number, and on and on. Just in the last 4 days I have a score of 25 corrects and 16 incorrect’s, a 7% higher than my usual right 2 wrong ration, but even 7% less than a 24:16 is powerful stuff. Done right, someone seeing the potential of QUANTUMDECK CARD USEAGE or “QCU”, knows that U have the ability 2 go from practically MORTAL to GOD. Knowing some things, for ‘mostly’ sure, is not always such a good thing. I already knew the Dow Jones market would fly, and told the world early Monday after they messed with my vehicle, and was I wrong or did I call it with total certainty? I already know which days of the week and numbered days of months R gonna-B real bad 4 me. It is all easy to see, and no machine mind, my EYES, not my EASY, wow the hacks are out of this world, literally, mess up from prior blog. I did not type easy, although easy is one translation by the standards of Earth English Linguistics, for astral senses, especially the audible and visual. So if U have any questions for me personally KS, feel free to call me, or anyone as well as KS, questions on working and better understanding of ASAP-ART, my E-MAIL is The blue print and underline that word made appear, shows me U can most likely click on it with your PC and go directly to my address and send me your Q’s for A’ing. Remember, I will re-explain in the hopes to make it all clearer and hopefully easier 2 use, as we get into the next blog and the MF blogs end. Again, this chapter or stage 49 of the MF movement and foundation, is the technical end of this blog, as the next one, #50 will just B a large cut and paste job of all my ‘so-far’ text on my website. But I do promise to clear up any mysteries that may surround ASAP-ART, in the next series of bloggings. The next blogs will also accurately record a current total of my own personal ‘right:wrong’ ratios from my personal USED ASAPART Q&A sessions, and I will tell my luck scores and roulette P&L scores. Remember that when using your QUANTUMCARD decks to always ask your questions clearly and entirely, and never forget 2 immediately tell your cards if they gave U a right or wrong answer, as this is what they hear before U actually ask the question, in their twiniverse atomic counterpart in reverse time to your existence in the other twin of the twiniverse. Finally, step 3, whether U chart graph responses immediately or not, keep a log of the deck #, the question, the cards response [c] correct, or [incorrect]. Again, step one---ask your question Q? Call your cards by their identifying number, such as “Quantum deck #18, should I play Even to win on my next roulette spin”. Hand shuffle the few cards, do not be rough, gently swish-shuffle over and over while UR either asking the question of your cards. U do not want some of the cards bending and becoming different in outward appearance one from another, and U may wish to keep a really powerful magic deck, 4 the very rest of your life, even passing them on in a will along with the ASAPIAN ART TECK instructions. This is no joke, as I had a deck in 1985 that was between 12 and 16% accurate, and never left that channel. Answers were being given in positronic reality with an approximate average of only a 14% hyperspace effect, or HSE. Low HSE readings mean that you are 80-100, or 0-20 in percentage of correctly answered questions. Positronic answers R being sent to U because the particular cards R trapped in a reverse twiniverse time current so 2 speak. Just reverse all answers that your cards R giving 2U, hence, yes means no, and no means yes, unlike the date-rapers who confuse this positronic ambivalent emotional response given them by their female friend, when attempting 2 get more affectionate with her. Remember that during any place in percentages and ratios of right verses wrong answers 2 your questions, long-waves will always form. when playing them, as all my plays the last 4 days were with these; where the answers R also kept on what I have termed ACTUALLY-USED journals, just remember 2 always wait until a good strong long line is there on your graphed results, such as /\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\, and if U finally decide to go with either an electronic answer or positronic, B careful, and stop the very time U get it wrong such as with these examples: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------start-----/\/\\, and this second \ line is on the line below, but do not know how 2 make this word program do this. Other example is \/\/\/\/\/-----start-----\/\/\//; again the second line on the graph paper would appear on the line above.

Well, told yall the fucking DOW JONES STOCK MARKET would fly this week on Monday’s blog! Did I not? I can call it every time, as I am not a stock broker. I am not a psychic. I am not in here reading tea leaves, nor traveling around in hyperspace-compensated time ripples, I KNOW, because I know about LAWTRONICS, and PARALLEL EVENT, which is one of Lawtronics biggest LAWS. When they fucked with my new oh-four Dodge car on Bellevue Avenue, in Hammonton, NJ, on Monday morning, I would have placed a billion fucking bucks on it. Every time scum bucket Otamm-Milituforce damages my property, and especially my only vehicle, which without, I am dead in the fucking water, UP GOES DOW, FLYERS HOCKEY WINS, PHILLIES BASEBALL LOSES, and this has been going on with me 21 years now. 21 years that I have been extremely aware of would put the prior sentence in a truer light. I ratted out the FBI and State Police moonlighter security officer @ Griffin Pipe Company, and told about the “Lovely Daughter” thing, as well as the fixed and staged accident when I was hit head on by an illegally passing Hispanic male, wiping out my new 1994 Satan Saturn. I was charged with the ax, and the officer responding was Hispanic, and would not talk to the witness who saw the crash living right on the road leading to the Kessler Hospital, dead-ending on the White Horse Pike, Route #30. Prudential crooked Insurance Company, for a second straight time would never even hear my side, and ignored me and the blatant facts of the case. Hammonton police told me there was nothing I could do, eat it and shut up. It was all a huge set up, in which I was absolutely innocent, yet charged 2 grand higher insurance rates over the next 2 years, and a 500 dollar deductable to repair a totaled Satan car. Stephanie Miller would have had a freaking field day with this, Mr. Mike Jacks!!!!!!!!!! JJJJ LLLL

So Mister Arthur Crane, where is the great ANTINASS GROUP that U promised would contact me within 5 years tops? That was back in early 1993. What, U guys all got wacked in your sleep or something? KS, please know I must leave and get to an island, otherwise I’ll B tormented in HELL/DOGTOWN 4-EVER, as U know that I cannot physically die unless MORTY MORTINO sends my lovely DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS down from the skies 2 claim her little boy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget how good U were 2 me last summer, my beautiful lovely baby blond, especially around sunset on the night of July 27, your name-number, last year in oh-six.

Dr. Bruce Goldberg has a fantastic book, “TIME TRAVELERS FROM OUR FUTURE” Read it 4 the gods sake, my Morians. By his way of looking at things, and by the way, his PHD is not HONOURARY, it is REAL/E, he sees our military working hand in hand with that of the future one, our EW with the one in the future, our government agencies with those in the future, our police, and on and on. Those living next door 2U may appear 2B going to your high school, attending your church, working at ABCD Corporation, and vacationing in Bermuda, just like U, but they R more than all of this, they R infiltrators on MISSION. Do I believe his exact way of thinking? Unequivocally, NO SIR/MAM, I DONOT!!!!!!! But I do C a close variation in truths, and he is onto some dangerous and powerful shit, get the book, www.barnes& , click onto these websites to get this book. Also go into your local mall’s bookstore/s. Their was a police car right there at a local bank just sitting there, HAMMONTON POLICE, where I was car-killed at the Hammonton True Value Hardware store. Then shortly before it started up as mysteriously as it died, another police car was spotted by me right at the HUMAN RESOURCE BUILDING where I had dropped Ed off at 3 blocks down Bellevue Avenue, and he pulled out of their lot as I was walking up on the building 2 try 2 find Ed. The Police car parked at the bank just beyond the spot of the breakdown on the street, pulled out and closely almost brushed into me, when I came out of the hardware store to get in and start up, or try to start up I might say, the car. The odds of 2 police cars being at both spots, the HR Bldg. driveway, and the bank driveway right where I parked a few yards to the south, are many many thousands to one. But I have been attacked like this before, and do not believe our forces in present year and time, is totally behind this, cooperating with it YES, doing it by themselves without lotsa help technologically, and in other ways, NO.

Rent or buy a movie, THE TRUMAN STORY. I am the biggest reality show on the fucking ASTRAL NETWORK. The ratings are so high that they will not even permit my death 2 occur. They have total power over life and death as U perceive this Mayic reality 2B, the Millionth Council, [MC], that is.

I have much more to say, and my next blog will say it all, plus give U all constant updates on all my scoring systems. If this does not get better, and U don’t fucking back this off, one blackopschop lost to Iraq War, is just the start, the hurricanes and the Earthquakes and twisters R gonna B off the scale very soon br.

CU soon my lovely muzak Cal, KALI, CALLIO, brown eyed, brown haired queen.


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