Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I am under major freaking MILITUFORCE death siege, wow is it back again. They have total control over all machines, weather, animals, people and their behavior, and all combination of complex interaction. I just suffered a crash level death loud chopper attack over my residence today at roughly a quarter past three of the clock, shaking my poor whittle place half way off its godsdamn foundations. Guess it makes these military scum bags feel like such real true heroes, picking on a poor defenseless section eight nobody with no clout nor resources, nor any measurable way 2 fight them back, at least from the viewpoint of the mortal world. Last night the kemtrailing was super off the scale, and seemed to begin as I was doing yesterday’s blog, MFMS # 50. Loud ass road noise started up, and yes I know the normal amounts of noise, generated from trucks, bikes, cars, and other activities within the norms, and likewise, I know when there is a major deviation from these norms. I am not an astral restart, or MW total retard, maybe a 90%, but I still can think a little, and have maintained some of my mental faculties, despite these bastard’s atrocious behavior and endless assaults on innocent and pathetic me. These dirt bags are ferocious, making any wild animal kingdom look in comparison, as toddlers in a play pen. This is my reality that I must deal with 24/7. The last 2 days, I am under super attack, right down 2 and including of course, some kind of machine mind hacking, the space bar not always working and spacing my words properly, and numerous other attacks that R so cleverly and powerfully done, that geniuses like Eddie Himacane thinks I am over the top and insists it cannot B happening, OK, whatever, but is fucking is. Also someone or something as the great Craptain Shirk would say on ST, the original, not SS, an error from another prior blog, sahwee, is getting into my residence, turning machines like my VCR on when I know I turned it off. Twice on Tuesday early in the AM, I put something in my kitchen, and twice it was moved. I know they can get through the lower floor cabinets, B it a robot, a trained animal, or trained and covertly engineered mini-child, one of NSA’s many super covert and ‘TOP-TOP CLASSIFIED’ secret projects. U know about dwarfs, little people, or whatever is today’s proper ‘politically correct’ name is to refer 2 them as, do U not? Well, genetically engineered operatives less than ten inches tall R all around us, and congress never had to know nor approve their use of YOUR TAX MONEY AND MINE, used to fund this wild shit. Stop thinking CLOCK STOPPERS and shows such as these R so godsdamn fictional, this is all what all my pals in the home-grown-heroes-network, working 2 put an end to this federal alphabet covert soup shit, refer 2 as a constant continually flowing of DISINFORMATION, packaged as part of a much larger agenda, totally secret but quite real, WORLD TOTAL DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

This last siege seemed 2 start when they found out that I have the address of the murdering piece of operative NSA/CIA filth, and posing infiltrating MASON LODGER, Mister Jonathan Schau. It is 7709 Rising Sun Avenue, in the City Of Pennsylvania’s Brotherly William Penn Love, USA, SOL, MWG, Current catalogue HS as of one quarter past the 5ive hour today, 2/7/7. This man is a murdering monster, but so are all the operatives and agents. All they want is power, not 2 protect our President, our wonderful Nation, or anything they tell U that they R there 2 do. Power 4 them and their agencies, and B4 anyone is 2 quick 2 blame them, remember, U could only find and deal with the ‘lower’ part of the true realities that lay all around this nasty and humongous bigger picture. This 4 no other reason, Y this foundation is not, never will B, nor in any way currently is, advocating any type of governmental overthrow, or any violence, civil disobedience, nor the breaking of even the smallest and slightest of their laws. If we do this, how much better R we, than any of this piss packed evil? Violence and wickedness begets violence and wickedness. Those that live by the sword will die by the sword. Do I therefore believe that nothing is worth fighting, or even dying for? Well, here is where the great military forces of the world will give me a quick hip hip hurray. YES I DO. I will fight, and die, for what I have been blogging, and against all the evil enemies mentioned in these blogs. None of U scare me one bit. Death holds nothing over those not afraid of it. I dream of death and getting out of this awful physicality, and have many times cried out to the great god of death 2 take me out of here, MORTY MORTINO, where we get our English words such as MORbid, MORgue, MORtuary, MORtician, simply put, MOR is death. Remember the power of reversing to arrive at all truths? More or MOR is less, and it is less than life. Death is less than life in the opinions of the mortal world, [MW]. THE TRUTH OF DEATH astrally is the word MORIANITY. I will tell U all the truth about death, the 4 phases of truths from void infinity, all the way to astral phase 2’s attempting to phase in physically with as much superiority over the other groups as possible. If they manage 2 remain with lawtronically permitted zones, they make it in as those ‘born in the worlds’, but if they R2 great and beyond accepted phasing maxes, they must re-enter as 4th phasers, and exist here through the imaginings and fantasies of our wildest thoughts, most staying private, but then some make it in more publically, like Santa Clause, Superman, or Jenny Johnson. No matter what phasing that ‘existence’ is in, it is in VOID INFINTY at the trueness or at its own beingness of its own reality, within collective oneness at infinity and which is void infinity, or truth at its epitome. Until people reach this stage of enlightenment, the world will continue in pain, tears, misery, suffering, and with negatives and wickedness always gaining over positives and righteousness, no matter how much faith and religious beliefs that some small minorities in the total group may gain. If all of human history had 2B compressed into 3 sentences, it would B this, [THEY LIVED. THEY SUFFERED. THEY DIED.] Sorry, but this is TRUTH, and I truly and verily tell this 2U, like it or snot!!!!!!!!!!

All kemtrailing had stopped, and yesterday while blogging and suffering through noisy road attacks outside mister Himacane’s residence, it must have gotten started, as earlier while out, it was all clear blue skies I come out, and POW, ADAM WEST, ZAM, BONK ZOOM, ZONK BING, AND BATMAN, the trails were huge and fucken’ dissipating all over the skies all over HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG. Please keep my words and blogs 4 as long as is legally permissible in the fast approaching REHITLERIZATION world that is coming our way at high velocity. Please SWIS in the future, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, and present day Pyre Laboratories and present day INTERCONNECTEDNETWORK, [INTERNET]. Thank you, or should I say, T H A N K Y O U. My DYING MANS DECLARATION AND DYING UTTERENCE, NOW WRITTEN, AND SOON 2B PRINTED UP AND LEGALLY NOTORIZED AND FILED IN VARING HIDDEN COPIED AND BURRIED LOCATIONS, is simply this. These people all are in one or more ways, directly or indirectly, involved and have contributed 2 my death and murder as Michael Mountainpen, and caused me unfathomable miseries while alive, during my entire life from the day I was ten years old, in some as yet unknown, organized conspiracy. SARAH CALLIO MARTINO, FRANK CALLIO, ROBERT MCGUIRE, THOMAS REALE, M ICHAEL DEVLIN, JONATHAN SCHAU, ROBERT CLARK, EDWARD SNYDER, DONNA SUMMER, DONALD TRUMP, AND MEMBERS OF THE FRANK SINATRA FAN CLUB, INCLUDING THE FAN CLUB PRESIDENT, MICHAEL STOSNY. Others were murdered all ready in some ways that contributed 2 all of this, and these others are Mary Roth, the mother of David Roth, David Roth, and Grace Mason Mohr, my mother. All these poor folks were brutally murdered by evil vicious persons.

Last night I had my death all planned. I connected a 50 foot orange outdoor extension plug 2 a 1500 watt ceramic electrical heating unit. I entered my bath tub and grabbed the handle and let the heater drop into the tub. They R messing with me big time, again with the space bar, and constantly telling me 2 re-phrase what I am saying. U rephrase, ya dick in the mouths, I know what I am saying, lots more than any of U dirt bags ever will. So I dropped it in and felt a burning like the water was a million degrees. Then I heard loud whining and buzz-saw type of sounds emanating from around me and inside me. I forced my eyes to open and saw the room; it is like half was in one reality, and the other half was in the other. Also, the two halves were as though they were each two large and bizarre windshield wipers, literally wiping back and forth. The pain lasted only a few seconds, but the whining and buzzing got louder. Then I fell into a loop dream where I kept waking up or thinking that I did, and each time saying 2 myself, ‘this time I really am awake, and all the other times I was only dreaming that I had awakened’. As each new cycle brought me closer to a more consciously aware condition that I had electrocuted myself, I saw my lovely blond in the room giggling and saying that Stacey says I have more stuff that she needs 4 me 2 do, and that I cannot B totally with her, and must continue my ‘Mountainpen’ existence on the MW. Then, I woke up 4 real, and the heater was in the bathroom still connected to a large orange chord, but dry as a bone, as the event had been uncreated. Another suicide failure 4 me, what else is new? I cannot godsdamn die, the Great Sarah-Stacey will not let me out of this box.

Saturday, my scores on actually used ASAPART was major bad, with 11 losses and 4 wins 2 questions that I had asked of my cards. Remember, not that the yes or no score is measured, what is measured is my decisions to go with an answer or 2 reverse that answer, and then do the event. If whatever I choose agrees with actual event outcomes, it is a CORRECT, and if it disagrees, it is an INCORRECT. On prior blog I forgot to correctly write the [C] next to ‘correct’, and the [I] next to ‘incorrect’, sahwee my Morians.

The filthy bastard Flyers play tonight, and they will kick cunt juices, so long as this evil harassment is permitted 2 go on unchecked against me. Thank you all so much for your protection, Mister Ron Wirtz of the CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE, CONGRESSMAN ROBERT ANDREWS OFFICE, ANTINASS GROUP OF ARTHUR CRANE, AND NEW JERSEY ATTORNEY GENERAL. Some day U might all just find out I was not crazy, that my enemies R all very real, and deadly ass dangerous, but by then, it’ll B way 2 late 4 the world, and please, all I ask 4 right now is, don’t come running 2 me then. I will just say “I told U all so”, and where were U and little Tracy Richards, when I needed U?

Think my worm hole on Tennessee Avenue is bull shit, huh? OK, get AC, NJ, City Hall, 2 give U a straight and believable answer on why the MAYFLOWER HOTEL came down by dozers in eighty-three, and why no new structures including casinos, are ever placed on this barren and empty area of the ocean block that lies on this great and mysterious street, dare ya, Billy Mahoney McGuire, and your Julia Roberts Southerland Irish Pub, in fact Kieffer, I freaking DOUBLE DARE YOU. Go ahead somebody, just try 2 prove me wrong. The police say it so well, DO IT NOW,

No, it was my fault with the ASAPART picks. U do not go with things in or near the DEAD AND NEUTRAL ZONE AREAS OF 20-80%, or with short movements in longwave patterns and channels, they must B quite long 2B trustable 2 give U more correct predictions before the losing one that stops U does indeed finally come. I just wanted to fuck around on a horrific BOTBAR day, and worst still; during a VOORHEES SCUM BALLS, [Philadelphia Flyers] game. I can prove the worm hole on T Avenue is real. I can prove the 177th Airborne Jersey DEVILS; have been monitoring it 4 decades and decades. If anyone can send what I now will say to the great Steve Hawking, I will prove it 2 you sir, no question, if Mayor Levy and his nom-pals don’t drown or worse me, just hyperlink over to my electronic mail. Go to here please. They tried 2 burn down the recording studio in 1989 eight years after I left my job, when I told a man named RAYMOND YOUNG over a CIA/NSA/BFA telephone, about the existence of 3 connected warped systems, one there on T. Avenue, one in the attic at RPL, my studio in Camden, NJ, USAESMWG, and the final one in a school building gymnasium in HADDONFIELD, NJ, USAESMWG. There is way more 2B concerned with than this warp of triangulation, the void fields out beyond the Olympian Province that R connected 2 warped gateways or portals in ‘dreamshiftality’. I told U about the WAC, no not my brain, although lotsa people think that this word does apply so well 2 me. No, the WAC, or the WORLD ABDUCTION COLONIES, another top-topper of the BLACK FILE AGENCIES, the plans 4 them to invade us and pretending 2B aliens, and much more, yeah, lotsa shit’s comin’ my fiends and friends, so don’t freaking tell me ever, that I did not warn the human race, that shit is on the damn way, and all before today’s teens get a chance 2 retire!!!!!!! Obviously MILITUFORCE is back again in heavy force and power. Fine bwaby wuv. A huge twister, more winter blasts, and gods awful Earthquake is all around the fucking corner and you’ll all B real damn sorry 4 this freaking siege against an innocent targeted pathetic person. The fires and floods are also not far behind this, and get ready 2C more plane and helicopters go freaking down, as I have had it with this bull shit!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE 4 NOW, big brown eyed girl COW, KALI, SCUM, I’LL CU later on with mask placer miz Roberts, the ‘hard way’ ASTRAL-TRAVELERS.


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