Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Lots of iege is everywhere. The air was quieter 4 a while, but got nasty just an hour shy of the opening bell on Wall Street thi Wednesday morning. A nasty low BFA plane, followed 4 minutes later by loud and low military shit, flew right over my residence, persecuting me. Monday at 11 A.M. I suffered the worst home theatre attack, constant cut outs on my right channel. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the machines, and I have had a licensed technician check it out and give all my stuff a totally clean bill of health. I will B forwarding my information to the American Civil Liberties authorities and to the Federal Communications Commission, which will B an obnvious waste as it is being done by this evil controlling and invading forced that has been running and is in total charge of, our government ever since we broke heavily into the world of radio frequency generation. B4 going on, I do not feel everyone around me is being totally honest with me, including my web master and guru, Ed Himacane. Recently, a major snafu occurred with his computer, and he informs me about some drive technical info that caused it, but I think there is more going on than he is willing 2 tell me. I have lost many friends and people around me throught the past 25 years or so, as people 4 whatever reasons, just cannot stand being proven wrong. Much as I like Law and Order, the show, and Mr. McCoy, this having 2B on top and always right and forever winner of some invisible turf war, just never was my thing. I know the real reasons behind this behavior that psycologically occurs on very deep layers of the semi-conscious psyche of the individual, and that is to B competitive from craddle 2 the grave, is the best known way to endlessly remove from surface conscious level, the awful nightmare of endless existence. What all of U think of as a great thing, is nothing more than a blocked hellish reality. Believe all you want to that endless life is some magic and great thing, I swear on all I know and believe, that it is the epitome of hell, and is Y we R all so insatiable. Get money, still we R not happy. Get all the sex and materialistic realities, and still we R not happy, not really. Ask all of them, they know something is radically wrong, but they mistakenly call it “something missing”, and thereby some turn 2 religion, and they feel this works 4 the most part, as the truth gets reversed. Now we get told that we have ‘life eternal’, through some sort of religion or God, as though anyone can actually believe the total nonsense that here we R and then we die, and then like a magic thing of some kind, we go some place. It is beyond laughable, the whole damn world is so off of its nut, the absurdity of all of it simply is far beyond any measure. EVERYTHING IS A HUGE GAME, this is the sham of all of it. U and I endlessly R being played with. Trying 2 get 2 the bottom of Ufology, government cover ups, why no one is really happy, and on and on, think about it, now tell me it doesn’t make more sence 2C the reality that this is all a sick twisted game. We are all living in a fifth dimensional reality, a MULTIVERSE, of which our single universe is one of the many onion skin type of layers in. Every thinking entity in it is simply a counterpart of a 6th dimensional reality, call them mind pieces or piss juice 4 all I care. In this 6th dimension, these thoughts and interactive patterns of complex emotional and intellectual mind pieces, are Y the lower fifth dimension is filled with all the things that it is filled with. Hyperline space is nothing more than seeing this 6th dimension as a connection or circuitry between a multiverse and the ever cycling above and below circuitry that makes up the next higher contaoned dimensionallities. Somewhere a mind piece or thought and memory and feelings and emotions that may go along with them, creates by its very nature of its own beingness, a counterpart wave/particle duality. Simply put, the thought in higher dimensionallity is one and the same, with all the things that make up this thought and all else that is a part of it, on the next lower dimensionallity. This 6th dimension is why we R all here and living our lives, and all of our space and time, all of it, our total infinity, is always smaller than, and totally contained within, its upline counterpart beingness, or its A reality to its B beingness, for a simple way of expressing this. Part of all of this ever downlining process, from endlessly uplining realities, causes not only atoms, sub particles, the forces that act beyond the atom and between them, as well as the combination of all of it that causes it all 2 operate in any of these singularities as well as totally collectively, and is Y from time 2 time, I use the expression, “the circuitry of the system” This circuitry is why electronics works the way it does, and no other reason 4Y it does is real. Every electrician will tell U that we understand how electricity works, but not what it really is. Every licensed electronics technician will tell all of us that FM is code in their world for “fucking magic”. It is not a joke. They honestly do not know why it all works, they only know that it does, and with the knowledge that they do have, they now can build radios and TV sets, and computers, and telephones, and all of the other things made up of all of the necessary working electronic parts. However, after somewhere in the 19 seventies, read every instruction manual that U get no matter what ‘ELECTRONIC’ apparatus U purchase. First it tells the consumer, NO USER SERVICABLE PARTS R INSIDE, AND DO NOT OPEN IT UP. Then U have the Federal Communications Commission, [FCC], add in all instruction manuals 2 other things that have been going over the heads of this dumbed down society 4 decades. First, U now have a machine, whatever it is, that may not cause interference with anything else, and then they go onto say, that U are also prohibited from altering the device in any way to prevent any interference from occuring to your product. Immagine suddenly being told that when U leave your residence, you may not assault nor attack anyone in any way, but also, U may not prevent anyone else from assaulting and attacking U? Is this getting interesting yet ladies and lads? I am only warming freaking up bwaby wuv. Now, they tell U that if U alter your device, your authority 2 use said device may B taken away from U. Does any of this Adolf Hitler stuff scare anybody yet If not, welcome to the Society Of The Braindead, or the SOTB. Only this total Sotbee group would not start right about now to B saying 2 themselves, hay, so what the fornication upon consent of the king [FUCK] is really going down here????

4 those that think field travel and distance elimination theory is a lot of cat smell, try this on 4 size. The universe is made of a stretched fabric, it is built into the atomic system in the 6th dimension. Draw your town on a large balloon, a road and then your closest neighboring town, with a dark magic marker, and then let the air slowly out of the balloon. If you compressed the atoms together tight enough, the moon could become the size of a beachball. How long would it take 4U to walk aroud the moon now??????? Controlled parts of the universe called hyperdensity fields, can B artificially created, causing light years 2 effectively become only a few inches in length. Increasing density decreased the mass of it in a precise ratio and proportion. I have built these fields in small ways, inside recording devices, also I have put together certain machines that when placed together and R hooked up to each other, and all sharing one large electrical source with a high 30 amp circuit, and by having a device plugged into one of the same recepticles on line with this system, that shuts off and turns on about 200 times per minute, things so strange can B done, I must not reveal it all 2U at this time. U can make events come into reality, electromagically, if you;ll let me coin this new phrase. I created Donald Trump, the personallity and reality of the person we all know, not the clay, that was done by his parents, with help from the gods. I have caused thousands of disturbances in weather, and huge natural disasters since the 1980’s came in. There is nothing U cannot do with electromagnetic knowledge, and we as a society R no longer easily able to get parts anymore, since I started all of this and came on the scene in ’80 or about there somewhere. Take the LAW AND ORDER show from last Monday night on the dynamite station, or TNT, with the water company meter man misreading the meter and causing a company owner’s son to shoot some representative at the New York City Hall. The FISA which has been worsened by the 911 incident’s Patriot Act, allowing secret warrants and secret courts. These people break into my place all the time since this all started in the 80’s, and they cut my wires and mess up my machines, and get away with it, all legal, and then U wonder Y my level of patriotism has plummeted in my adult life???????? In the show on L&O, the company was investigated 4 selling videogames 2 other countries not friendly with us, because of the [dual-technology]. I know that this is all so real, none of it is fictional show –shit, nor made up, nor exaggerated. In fact it must B played down, and under exagerated.If all the domestic combatants of the establishement and the system, had clue number point oh-one, of what I know about radio frequency, and what electronics is really all about, this whole USA would B in a state of emergency in 6 hours, and I would disappear beneath the Chapiquittic Kennedy Innebriation Bridge. People that know 2 godsdamn much, R in serious danger. The authorities know that I am carefully watched over by both DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS, as well as the Great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Mess with the ALL MIGHTY SCYLLA, and its curtains 4 this planet. The show is closed, Beatlebug.

All Dogtown broke loose last week end at work 4 me. This week and next week, there won’t B a lot of web logging 4 me. I have been told about the diverter site hack, and many things not 2B mentioned at the present spot on the 4th dimension.

Constant attacks R being thrown at me, home theatre interference, body attacks, giant girls, job problems big time, and today military air again. I died not long ago, and moved way off centerline. It seems that Bush Senior was not VP under Reagan, but the big D was. Wonder if #16 still is Lincoln, things change around 4 me. I had a viscious hellish interacion when I got back from work and getting my entire schedule rearranged. I no sooner hit the frigging pillow and fell into a nasty sweaty ugly sleep. In this nightmare, my landlady was insisting that I sign a fradulent document and was hollaring and cursing at me visciously, as she does in waking life when she loses 2 much at the fucking casinos, my fault I guess that she doesn’t know when 2 stop feeding these Trumpscummers. Last night, they hit me hard and almost gave the Voorhees Skumballs the game after being down 5 to 2, but I played and won at roulette, and this wrecked their chance 2 snap a 5 L streak. They suck, they always have, without to use 2 cheat, they would B lucky to win 10 fucking games a season. Without me 2 fuck with, the Phillies would have won a dozen pennant races, and at least 5 world series games since their last 1980 victory. But don’t believe anything I say. When I said the Flyers had that game a week or more back, notice that they again tied it up from being way behind, but I hit the upload Blogger post button a half hour B4 the end of their stinking game, and blew them away. If they wouldn’t cheat by hurting me all the time for 21 years now, I woudn’t use my tek to cheat back against them.

Talk about the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SECURITY ACT, with me it stared when Callio called the import customs inspectors and tried 2 hurt me in 1975. First they ordered child porn from some foreign port in my name, and then called the customes US Office. I got a call in April or May of 1975 from them, and did not do one thing to deserve this. They R the child molestors. They R the ones with the cult, the secrets, the muscle boy Mick Gee who shot Ed and I back last fall, see the picture of the trans-dimensional flux with his shooting hand, by clicking inot my pictures at my site, . They R the ones that had the comic book and candy stores spread all over Atlantic City, and had access to all the filth that they had sent to me. I do not order that kind of filth. If I can ever prove what U did 2 me, I will have your whole family behind prison bars 4 the remainder of all of your un-natural lives. 2 months or so later, they ordered 2 lifeguard mascott muscle boys to rough me up and curse horiffically at me, scaring me half 2 death when I was 20 and a half. Later, their filthy government fiends and friends broke into my home throiugh this FISA filth, and messed with my phone. I still have the tape of two agents from the 1983 spring, where these 2 asshole scumbag special agents, were doing something 2 my telephone landline, while living in Atco, NJ. They referred to my blue Pontiac Bonneville, as the “blue Nungen’ whatever the hell this is code 4. I shortly will B sending copies of all of this to the ACLU, The World Court in the Haigue, and to the LIBERTARIAN PARTY. People that do not climb onto this great party that would do away with all this anti-freedom, and anti-Americanism in a New York heart beat should they ever come 2 real power, just have no clue what our future here will B like, and what you will help 2B handing down 2 your kids and theirs. Hitler happened, and so will Hitler #2, and a blind man in a graveyard can C it, if he’d bother 2 just freaking look. Later after they fucked with my phone, they snuck into my basement and re-weorked the duct work to send carbon monoxide up the vent directly into my bedroom. A few days later, they re-routed it like they never had touched it. I died, and never came back to the world that I remember. I have a videotape of a movie made in Hollywood in the 1990’s, starring Saddam Houesin, and yet I sit in this reality where things are totally different. I have another CNN VHS tape of the OJ Simpson trial, that blatantly shows some kind of craft leaving our world at a high rate of velocity, close to 30 or 40 thousand MPS, yes per second. I have the tape. I have lived in realities where EMF stood 4 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, here it seems to stand 4 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. You will never know the feeling of crashing right through a police car and not doing anything except moving on instantly from a slightly different point in the fifth dimension. I guess the 2 young girls hit at the stop sign by the trooper will never know my hell. The mother would most likely give me her blood in exchange 4 being me. If she only knew that I would give my blood and every star in the sky if they were mine 2 give, 2BU.

If the ACLU cannot or will not help me, U will have 2 get me oudda here KS, I have taken all I can of this unfathomable and endless hellish abuse from the hands pf these polluted and diseased scum. Hope U come up with some info on advertising websites. Do not e-mail the info to me please, as remember once or twice, we never got what we sent each other, they have diverter boards that can send through our servers, totally fake routing and it appears that we R getting normally through. They have used this same tek on me with the telephone since the early middle 1980’s.

There is naturally much much more 2 say, but if anyone in the world ever chooses 2 help me and believe in me that I have better things 2 do with my life than all this, I am here and hoping and waiting. CYI beleieve I have died and gone into some absolute hell? In a real world, would someone in the entire world not B curious enough 2 C what all of this is about? We all know that the same thing covering uf Ufology, is behind my messes and nightmares. As 4 the nightmare with my landlady, it occurred the day B4 the blue chips took one 2 the chin. Every time she gives me hell, up it goes. I want this officially documented for the Civil Liberties Authorities

Well, I have yet 2 lose my authority 2 use any of my devices by the feds, but sure hope and prey that I have planted some seeds of thought for the public, then again, I believe that only those they know would B suspicious if going 2 my blogs and website, only 2 read bland weather reports and the latest stunt of Britney, byt all others, must B getting diverted through the servers, into a fake site. Wouldn’t shock me if someone goes up and reads, “it is 50 degrees, I had a good night’s sleep, found Beaver Cleaver’s diary, pet a stray dog, hiccuped, and went back to bed, and by the way I think the Callio’s R fine and decent people”. No, I ain’t buying any of this. By now, somebody somewyere, after a year plus, would have at least said, HAY ASSHOLE, YOU SUCK WIND. Not buying it for a single, not singe, single second, several error typos from prior blogs that most likely never will B read, just hidden along with all the other feds con games and carny shows inside their hidden circle ships hidden in non existent hangers and areas.

Brown eyed Cally-Cow, 1010 Callio, CU later on when U lock me up again someday at your lovely meter over read water company, say hi to Paula the giant, and her mysterious computer wiz daughter from oz or wherever
All Blogs-Morianity Bible, and Morianity Foundation, and website (C) MARK MOHR 2006 and 2007.


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