Movement Stage # 59
The absolute worst death milituforce siege is all over me and yesterday and today, March the 8th and 9th, R worse than it has ever been in the past 25 years, and I have had nothing but super off the dial botbar days all through the entire month of March, and dating back to the last days of February, 10 or more straight days of hellishness that U would not B able 2 survive. I have planes and choppers all over and all around me today and yesterday the entire skies were filled to the rim with poisonous kemtrails that did havoc 2 my health, both my bowells and heart rhythm were effected, nothing but constant utility harassements R occuring, constant cut outs on home theatre, remote control interference through illegal high frequency range directional controlled radio interference, and the list is so endless, that it is easier 4 me just 2 say that, “what did these evil filthy incestrallites NOT do 2 me”, as this makes it simpler and truer. No punches were pulled and no wrestling holds were barred. Donald Trump, Ed Snyder, Frank and Sarah Callio, Robert McGuire, and all others listed on all of my DYING MANS UTTERANCES AND DECLARATIONS, on the site, and the sites, R all included, all persons listed, are responcible in one way or another, for my torture for 3 decades, leading 2 my demise and eventual murder. My survivors including my guru and web master, Ed Himacane, R legally empowered to take legal action against these persons, and have legal access to carefully hidden documentation proving many persons in the UNITED STATES MILITARY and the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, also R to B named in the civil law suit as co-defendants, and the jury award will B most likely split up as a judgement debt, 2B paid by the characters that eventually get convicted ofthese heinous crimes. The kemtrails and planes and choppers are off the scale between Camden and Atlantic City in New Jersey, both today and yesterday, and today the kemtrails R a little less, but the noisy airiel harassement is major.This is how they got the filthy Flyers 2 win and the dow up over and over the last couple of weeks, as I told U that they will use me 2 gain it all back, and was, as always, totally correct.
Machine mind is the most poweful secret, if our enemies over there, knew one tiny bit of what I do, terrorism would never again B done with blood and guts methodologies, not when the total and absolute disruption of the entire world economy can B done with a few tiny secrets. UC, the Allahlites think that Stacey is telling them 2 use violence, and this is because they do not know her the way I do. She hates all of this, but loves anyone who does even what she hates, if they totally believe in their hearts of hearts that it indeed is what she wants, misguided as it is. But the USA still is blessed with all the power, because they, even though they do not recognize the real truth about her, they have the magical thing under their control, and despite world counter opinion, I know what I am saying is all totally true and accurate. This magic thing is ATLANTIC CITY, her city, she chose this place in human world locale, where it all is going 2 happen around. People can believe all they want that I am wrong. First, I have shown U that there is a powerful STARGATE if I may use this word, down on the great TENNESSEE AVENUE, there, in AC, NJ. Look at Mick-Gee’s hand in the photo where he suddenly and instantly appears right there at my old clunker car on his street, holding his gun and is caught on the picture, just as he is about 2 aim and shoot, both myself and Eddie H. Dead. When I was Testing 4 my SORA exam, question # 18, same numbers as the day in July of 96 that Sarah was born into physicallity, was also influenced and hacked by the MACHINE-MIND, and the word RATIO was in the question. But guess what the word was spelled as in the SORA test, you got it baby love, RATION. I had 2 hold back a raukus laugh when B4 the test, the examiner/tester, informed the class, “oh and by the way, in question #18, the word is ratio, not ration. Just now, I had 2 correct it, ot it would have spelled it ration twice, this is all part of machine mind, and when I tell U that part of the invasion of our physical realm by the world of the spiritual/land of the dead/astral/whatever U wish 2 think of it as, it is more real and more dangerous than U can begin 2 understand.
I made an error on a prior blog, ETTOS attack this time, control of my mind by these astral scumbag entities, and said that to increase your efficient usage of the ASAPARTEK, using cards to converse with cosmos, to ask questions and get reliable predictions and answers and B right more often than wrong, use the enhanced tool along with what I taught U all, by waiting for 2 cirrect [C] or 2 incorrect [I], responces 2 occur, and then use a 1-2-4 mini-martingale, so that U will win on 3, 4 and 5 strings. This was an error, as obviously I meant 2 say that U will win on all 2, 3, and 4 strings of I’s and C’s. The occasional times of 5 or greater strings of correct or inncorrect responces will B far less overall than the wins generated by 2,3, and 4 strings, unlike when applying this with regular roulette play such as strings of follows, or strings of reds, and so forth, DO NOT attempt using this 4 that, as U will never find your ass again. But 5 and greater strings of being right or wrong in what the quantumcards tell U, Rindeed quite a rare occurance, causing U of ciurse to be minus 7, resulting from -1,-2, and -4. For every -7, U will get about +10.8, more than compensating 4 any house edge effect from the zeros. If all of your questions 2 your cards R indeed, should I bet black to win next spin, or even, or high, etc., then wait for when the cards give U 2 times in a row correct or incorrect responces. Now starting with the first of the 3 maximum requests of your cards, bet the 1-2-4 unit mini-mart betting strategy, 4 example, if your base or starting bet is ten bucks, your bets would B, $10, $20, $40. As long as any of these 3 bets wins, and U stop on that, and begin all over again waiting 4 a string of either 2 [C’s], or 2 [I”s]; you will win your base bet amount of $10.00. At worst, U will win roughly ten of these B4 losing the 7 units of $70.00 in the case of a base bet of $10.00. Hence, $100.00 won minus $70.00 lost is $30.00 profit. Using one loss and ten wins as a long run average of netting U this thirty smacks, this is 11 spins making you 30 dollars, per $10.00 of base betting level. So if your base level is green chips worth $25.00, your 3 bets R now $25.00, $50.00, and $100.00. Now every eleven spins in long run average will produce $300.00 $U. But watch out when I use the word, SPINS. First I mean times that U place bets, and this system does not bet all spins, and thus UR not sitting down at a table, in fact UR walking around, shuffling cards, sielently questioning your quantumcard decks, writing down your C/I strings, and other pertainant things, and then walking back 2 your table or any table, and after 2 strings of Corrects or Incorrects, U place your next bet. Example, Twice I ask my cards if I should play Even 2 win at my mext table, any table. Twice I would have been right, as #2, followed by #35, both black numbers, came out. Now I have 2 correct answers, or a C-2 string, After all C-2 or I-2 strings, bet that the string will break, and B thereby either a 2, or 3, or a 4 string, as 5 and greater strings will lose U 7 units. You ask if I should go high next time, #’s 19-36? Your cards give U a ‘NO’ responce. OK, this means that your cards R telling U to bet for a LOW outcome at whatever table U go 2 next and the ball still is in play and the event is bettable. Walk away instantly if U start 2 bet and hear the dealer say “NO MORE BETS”, or else it will interfere with the cosmic currents of what UR attempting 2 do. OK, you get your LOW 1-18 bet down and lose with 30 red even high coming out. You lost your first of 3 possible bets and R on the 100 dollar base betting level of 100/200/400. Now U must ask the same quantumcard deck another question. U ask now, should I bet ODD. The cards give you a ‘YES’ responce. U now find a table waiting 2 go into action, and get 200 smacks or 2 black color chips on the ODD area on the game layout. The number comes out 21 odd red high, winning U 200, and since U lost 100, you now made $100.00. Never change card decks when in the middle of any stringing questioning sequences. Each and every deck that U use is totally seperate from each other, and none of them R in any way running in the same currents of quantatative energy, relative 2 what UR doing with these decks of cards. Just 4 mentioning a tiny bit of this to someone during lunch break at r\the SORA class yesterday the 8th, when I walked out of the bui;ding, I took an airiel siege like I have not seen in a quarter of a fuckung century, but even when I do not talk, they love to torment and torture me, so what the fuck really is the damn difference? The very first of the 3 days in the class around 11:30AM some enemy in the MILITUFORCE OTAMMITE CLUB OF SUBSCUM, or MOCOS, should B snot sucking mucus as that is what both they and their rotten mother’s R, but aniwho, they thought it was real funny 2 set off a fire alarm in the building. I can count on this, as it happened every time I ever took a girl to a hotel room back in the nineties, and in many other situations that R2 numerous 2 name presently, as they know tyhat they can get away with this, so they do it, it is just that fucking simple, they are total fucking jerk offs!!!! I leave the building and walk up towards the beach from the building where the classes were held in North Atlantic City, and 2 thumb in the ass kemtrails started crossing over me in the skies directly above me from left north, heading right south. Their maturity level would need B compared 2 a 4 year old retarded cat!!!!!!!!!!!! But all the shit they did 2 me, ok so it is getting the market to fly right back up as I all ready told you all that it will do, it is all programmed into the cosmeventuallity of the big picture equation. Nothing has been left undone. All day and night, around the fucking clock, these dirt ball incestallites R blowing light bulbs out in my residence, wrecking any enjoyment that I attempt to have while watching my home theatre by constantly sending illegal radio signals into my place and scrambling things so that will not properly operate, effect my body through isolated DNA toxins inside the kemtrails that R genetically engineered and designed 2 effect only my DNA leaving those around my proximity virtually untouched.
Immagine what they will B doing to hurt me if the American Civil Liberties Union won’t get on board and assist me soon? Starting with 1990 and going 110%=, here R the DOW JONES numbers: 90----3614, 91----3975, 92----4373, 93----4810, 94----5291, 95----5820, 96----6402, 97----7043, 98----7747, 99----8521, 2000----9374, 01----10311, 02----11342, 03----12476, 04----13724, 05----15096, 06----16606, 07----18267, 08----20093. It will nearly double eventually and before the decade is over 4 crissake!!!!!! Statistical math is science, ans as Ed Green on LAW AND ORDER says, “U can’t even argue with that”. So, thanks 2 my parallel event nightmare that the evil BRIGGER CULT is behind, my doom is fate-sealed. Phillies started out nice, sure they did, but now thanx to all the hell they R putting me through, notice, as I said, they R going 2 total shit, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE IS NEW??????????? A cool dude named Bruce who loved 2 cheat me in Monopoly games back in 1972 and 1973, took a pen apart and cut the top off of the ink plastic holder, placed it onto the capstan of a caseete recorder and told me to say something. I had no idea at 17 or 18, that doing this expanded the area that the tape was sliding through, and speeding it up. He hit rewind and took out the piece of cut plastic from the recorder and told me 2 play it back. I almost got a heart attack. We took our trick into school and got teachers and students alike 2 say things and then we would play it back, making them sound like a huge maffia thug, as naturally, with the machine running the programmed sound at a slower speed than when it was recorderd, made us all sound wild and cool, and kind of thug-like, U j]know tough with real low voices. The speed altered with this trick, not a lot, just enough however, so as to keep the speech intelligible and not too absurd, yet wo, did it sound cool. This was how I began creating made up characters and conversing with them, keeping the pen piece out when I would speak, and add it in when the other charachter spoke. This is how Shorty MacInvondi got created, along with other details not mentionable today, as I must go off shortly to work, and time is very limited.
The laws of magnetic percentage state basically that however an event commences and continues, determines how it will complete. It is 6:55 PM and the death angel just passed by me on the right side, when this happens, left or right side, normal hearing cuts out, and is instantly replaced by a nasty high whinning sound from deep within the ear. Death does not come from outside, but inside, and so does life. It is not legal 4 me to get too specific here, but right now, I have a formula to take, you put about 5 teaspoonful dosages into your orange or grape juice, mix it up, drink it down, and lie down and go to sleep. You will not wake up for 6 hours. In these 6 hours, U can do anything U want with no limitation, from an inner world, the real one, the astral one, what ever U call it. I cannot use, admit to using, offer to another, attempt to patent, and the list is endless, on what I cannot do by law of the great US of A, yet in these 6 hours, an entire lifetime can B lived and talk about heaven, U name it, it is yours and U can do it and have it, again, with limitations, even a blind or deaf person, can see and hear and is not in any way inhibited by physical world limitations, gravity, pain, death, and on and on. It is a simple formula, and I could bring the world endless joy. But our god, the great SSJKK, has told our invading controllers to never permit its usage. Just try telling someone in a large group, the beginnings of it, and U can get the hell beat out of U. All of everything is controlled. This god wants us all miserable, tells us we all R sinners and no good, and eating from the tree of life and knowledge brings us pain and death. All I can add to much of this 4 right now is, believe it or not, she is not lying 2 anyone, Stacey is not a liar, and believe me, she detests provaracators. Now, if we all R using Sports and Entertainment traps 2 lose and distract ourselves, what is the difference or the big wrong in my formula? Simple, it is mine. U cannot begin 2 grasp the full power 2 much of what I say and this is why after MFMS 60 ends, MORIANITY will end. The site will live, but on it will B my last and final blog, no, not the message to the mortal world, they R not listening. I know who is, and I know what must now B done. Nothing will B chapter named nor numbered in any way, just opened for the record with the date and time as we mortals recognize this time dimension here on this planet. I have an atomically duplicated or kerlian copy, KECO, as we call it in much of the hyperspacial transdimensionallity, of your special weapon Mister McGuire. What U do not know is that I wrote a letter to Mr. Hawking and told about your great secrets that all of you sick invading monstrous filth are trying 2 keep back and away from all the rest of us, but you have been exposed. Copies R in 4 Swiss safety deposit boxes, 2 in Commerece bank accounts, none under my name, and ten R burried in the pine barrens of New Jersey about 4 feet deep, inside strong boxes. This worm hole thing, your mighty secret, is all coming out, and soon, I will prove to the inhabitants of the world, just who the all mighty God is here on Earth, in a human form. You will only control her a little while longer, and from one dog to another, bottom one to top one, it will all come out soon, every detail. You may have one of the family on your staff and under Lamist Brigger Cult control, but I am telling the big secret now, and if the SS wants 2 come and take me away, B my guest. First, sea water and blood is the same thing except 4 one tiny missing ingredient that keeps them from not being, oil. A precise unknown formula can mix the right amount of oil with ordinary sea water, and in a process involving running electricity into the mix at certain voltages and frequencies, it becomes blood plasma, afterall, we all came from the sea, our real mother, the great Sarah-Stacey. When I shortly do something, the world will go up side down, and they know it, and this is why a plane is currently taking Eddie Himacane’s roof off, and has been circling now for 10 minutes or so, at 7:20PM.
The scum bags broke into my residence last weekend and broke my fan, then they pushed a button on the back of my digital clock called the centinal switch, changing the hour readout display to give the time in a military way, example, after 12:59 PM, it went to 13:00, not 1P. Last night they blew 2 lamp bulbs while I was asleep, each 25 watters, and I awakened around 4 in the fucking morning in total darkness. Crissake, is Ambien trying to drive me so nuts I tell some really huge secrets about the drug industry, stuff that my old pal Mr. Trudeau does not even know???? Soon, the world will know so many dirty secrets, no closet will B sufficient 2 hide in. There R 3 women, now extremely famous, that all threatened 2 gang rape me when I was in a park not that long ago late last century. Makes U wonder Y some of them out there R pulling these crazy BS stunts, does it not? U do not want 2 know what I could say here. Entire families R usually nuts when the offsprings R, and mental illness, still hidden in closets, since people R so mean and nasty about so many things that they do not fully or even partially grasp, but not that long ago, hidden to the point of death, mental illnesses were always known to run in families. They do not run as in genetically, that is total bull shit. 99% of illnesses like this R being caused those that R indeed afflicted by it, only the few brain damaged cases brom accident or births, R really legitimate mental illnesses. All this other shit is caused, and being intentionally done to and given to us. I would not say what I am not able to prove, but KS, I am a bit disappointed in my best friend. U of all people know I am being tortured inside a created nightmare, and need 4U to assist me with what we talked about 3 weeks or so back. My only chance is the promotion of my website to highter page and place positions, and I will get the money needed at any cost, if I have to cheat and use my future knowledge to do it. B on the look out KS, and C how the news anchors and remote reporters R getting more and more tongue tied as they attempt 2 report certain things, not all things, but notice that when it happens, it is always close to things where I could B related very near in one way or another 2 what is being said. This may B harder 2 swallow than a horse pill, but if any human should ever try to get on the air and say anything about me or anything pertaining to any of the things that I know and talk about, and connect it directly back to me, within 30 seconds, a zeepee exim destruct would occur, and the only thing left in this solar system would B chunks of broken asteroids that used 2B inhabitable worlds. I speak the truth, as I was told this by the GMC. They think they own this, and do not believe when I tell them that SSJKK is really the owner/controller. Very soon, an event will occur, and people will begin to rethink a lot of things, and that is all I am willing to impart unto pain of torture and death.
What happened 2 me in 1996 at Haddonwood at the outside pool with the giant controlled integrtronized flies cannot all B told ever, but these large flies have been multiwave oscillated and can never die out of physicallity. Also they have learned how to turn themselves into large black planes and helicopters, when enough of them get together. This world was invaded by us when we started inventing machines that played around way too much with radio frequency generation. Get all the books written by JAMES REDFIELD, and just start there. Telephones were invented to communicate with the astral planes, and I basically use them 4 this purpose, rarely use them to talk to people here in this realm.
Once I awaken the all MIGHTY SCYLLA GODDESS, her memories will B in tact and she will come and take me away with her, after totally destroying anyone, or any world, that even tries to get in her way. Can any of U immagine trying to patent my machine that can turn any old person back to 20 again and keep them there? Can anyone begin 2C the panic and the craziness that would immediately ensue? Sooner or later, some jagoff who is scared 2 die, will apprach me and ask 4 me to integrtronize them with my multiwave oscillation cellular integronitrizer device. All it is is a simple seperation of north and south pole radio freaquency all along the EMS, electromagnetic spectrum, and then it cancels all south polarized signals harmful to cellular life, and radiates all possible north ones up and down like a giant arm sliding up and down a giant piana with a million ocatves on each side of the existing ones on a current piano, and of course, a step-up 100,000 watt power transfrormer, a nuetralization MRI tunnel, a few gismos to keep the patient from being exposed to a few rads, and now since all cells are programmed perfectly to B what they R and remain endlessly dividing and multiplying like the cancerous ones automatically do, each have frequencies that keep them on track, balanced, and vibrant so 2 speak, but crunching the numbers 2 locate the ones to do this would take the best computers of tomorrow centuries 2 figure out. So since no north pole frequencies are cellularly destructive, just either nuetral or the correct key that fits the locks, we isolate out all the destructive south polarizations and slide the scales with great amounts of power until all the cells in the magentic ressonance immaging tunnel have been completely re-programmed and totally effected by the radio frequency generation that programmed them into beingness in the first place. My machine is in 24 pieces, none of which R in my residence, and only I know exactly how 2 put it together and make it properly operate. Over the weekend last week, all my colored Christmas lights, that I use year round, as colored light is an automatic mood elevator, suddenly brightened to 3 times their norms, and grew deep pink in hue, and after 5 seconds, returned to normal as if nothing ever happened. Then the phone rings and I pick it up. A voice says to me, “if pink is not pretty enough, how about purple”. Then, click, and soon after, just a dial tone. Ever since, I am getting loud static on my line, and strange sounds of other types as well. When I try to call to retrieve a message from the Verizon answer call system, if the siege is bad as it has lately really been bad, I always hear a loud ‘CLINK’ sound right B4 the opening message welcomming me to their service. When I am not under the super siege, I do not, and as I have repeatedly said, we opened the door into their world through radio frequency, and the invasion began, basically around the end of the 19 forties, same as the rash of UFO sightings, none of which by any means is a coincidence.
I am tired and hungry, and must work tonight, I could tell so fucking much if I had more time, but the clocks R indeed ticking, so BROWN COW KALI, my teen queen BEG, I beg U2 stop hating me so much, U loved me back in the 19 sixties. Remember, I don’t think I can go for any of this, and I can B invisible around U all over, not just while U cross those RR tracks in your car with your girl friend ten years ago. Just when U think I am not there KALI, there I am BROWN EYED GIRL.
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