Morianity Foundation

This foundation is the invention of a man who has been the victim of terrible harrasment for many years, from piwerful high profile people that ruined his life. It is his sincere desire to someday have a place where people such as myself, can come to to assist them from any and all persecutions from anyone or group, all within the laws of the United States and the world.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Lots of iege is everywhere. The air was quieter 4 a while, but got nasty just an hour shy of the opening bell on Wall Street thi Wednesday morning. A nasty low BFA plane, followed 4 minutes later by loud and low military shit, flew right over my residence, persecuting me. Monday at 11 A.M. I suffered the worst home theatre attack, constant cut outs on my right channel. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the machines, and I have had a licensed technician check it out and give all my stuff a totally clean bill of health. I will B forwarding my information to the American Civil Liberties authorities and to the Federal Communications Commission, which will B an obnvious waste as it is being done by this evil controlling and invading forced that has been running and is in total charge of, our government ever since we broke heavily into the world of radio frequency generation. B4 going on, I do not feel everyone around me is being totally honest with me, including my web master and guru, Ed Himacane. Recently, a major snafu occurred with his computer, and he informs me about some drive technical info that caused it, but I think there is more going on than he is willing 2 tell me. I have lost many friends and people around me throught the past 25 years or so, as people 4 whatever reasons, just cannot stand being proven wrong. Much as I like Law and Order, the show, and Mr. McCoy, this having 2B on top and always right and forever winner of some invisible turf war, just never was my thing. I know the real reasons behind this behavior that psycologically occurs on very deep layers of the semi-conscious psyche of the individual, and that is to B competitive from craddle 2 the grave, is the best known way to endlessly remove from surface conscious level, the awful nightmare of endless existence. What all of U think of as a great thing, is nothing more than a blocked hellish reality. Believe all you want to that endless life is some magic and great thing, I swear on all I know and believe, that it is the epitome of hell, and is Y we R all so insatiable. Get money, still we R not happy. Get all the sex and materialistic realities, and still we R not happy, not really. Ask all of them, they know something is radically wrong, but they mistakenly call it “something missing”, and thereby some turn 2 religion, and they feel this works 4 the most part, as the truth gets reversed. Now we get told that we have ‘life eternal’, through some sort of religion or God, as though anyone can actually believe the total nonsense that here we R and then we die, and then like a magic thing of some kind, we go some place. It is beyond laughable, the whole damn world is so off of its nut, the absurdity of all of it simply is far beyond any measure. EVERYTHING IS A HUGE GAME, this is the sham of all of it. U and I endlessly R being played with. Trying 2 get 2 the bottom of Ufology, government cover ups, why no one is really happy, and on and on, think about it, now tell me it doesn’t make more sence 2C the reality that this is all a sick twisted game. We are all living in a fifth dimensional reality, a MULTIVERSE, of which our single universe is one of the many onion skin type of layers in. Every thinking entity in it is simply a counterpart of a 6th dimensional reality, call them mind pieces or piss juice 4 all I care. In this 6th dimension, these thoughts and interactive patterns of complex emotional and intellectual mind pieces, are Y the lower fifth dimension is filled with all the things that it is filled with. Hyperline space is nothing more than seeing this 6th dimension as a connection or circuitry between a multiverse and the ever cycling above and below circuitry that makes up the next higher contaoned dimensionallities. Somewhere a mind piece or thought and memory and feelings and emotions that may go along with them, creates by its very nature of its own beingness, a counterpart wave/particle duality. Simply put, the thought in higher dimensionallity is one and the same, with all the things that make up this thought and all else that is a part of it, on the next lower dimensionallity. This 6th dimension is why we R all here and living our lives, and all of our space and time, all of it, our total infinity, is always smaller than, and totally contained within, its upline counterpart beingness, or its A reality to its B beingness, for a simple way of expressing this. Part of all of this ever downlining process, from endlessly uplining realities, causes not only atoms, sub particles, the forces that act beyond the atom and between them, as well as the combination of all of it that causes it all 2 operate in any of these singularities as well as totally collectively, and is Y from time 2 time, I use the expression, “the circuitry of the system” This circuitry is why electronics works the way it does, and no other reason 4Y it does is real. Every electrician will tell U that we understand how electricity works, but not what it really is. Every licensed electronics technician will tell all of us that FM is code in their world for “fucking magic”. It is not a joke. They honestly do not know why it all works, they only know that it does, and with the knowledge that they do have, they now can build radios and TV sets, and computers, and telephones, and all of the other things made up of all of the necessary working electronic parts. However, after somewhere in the 19 seventies, read every instruction manual that U get no matter what ‘ELECTRONIC’ apparatus U purchase. First it tells the consumer, NO USER SERVICABLE PARTS R INSIDE, AND DO NOT OPEN IT UP. Then U have the Federal Communications Commission, [FCC], add in all instruction manuals 2 other things that have been going over the heads of this dumbed down society 4 decades. First, U now have a machine, whatever it is, that may not cause interference with anything else, and then they go onto say, that U are also prohibited from altering the device in any way to prevent any interference from occuring to your product. Immagine suddenly being told that when U leave your residence, you may not assault nor attack anyone in any way, but also, U may not prevent anyone else from assaulting and attacking U? Is this getting interesting yet ladies and lads? I am only warming freaking up bwaby wuv. Now, they tell U that if U alter your device, your authority 2 use said device may B taken away from U. Does any of this Adolf Hitler stuff scare anybody yet If not, welcome to the Society Of The Braindead, or the SOTB. Only this total Sotbee group would not start right about now to B saying 2 themselves, hay, so what the fornication upon consent of the king [FUCK] is really going down here????

4 those that think field travel and distance elimination theory is a lot of cat smell, try this on 4 size. The universe is made of a stretched fabric, it is built into the atomic system in the 6th dimension. Draw your town on a large balloon, a road and then your closest neighboring town, with a dark magic marker, and then let the air slowly out of the balloon. If you compressed the atoms together tight enough, the moon could become the size of a beachball. How long would it take 4U to walk aroud the moon now??????? Controlled parts of the universe called hyperdensity fields, can B artificially created, causing light years 2 effectively become only a few inches in length. Increasing density decreased the mass of it in a precise ratio and proportion. I have built these fields in small ways, inside recording devices, also I have put together certain machines that when placed together and R hooked up to each other, and all sharing one large electrical source with a high 30 amp circuit, and by having a device plugged into one of the same recepticles on line with this system, that shuts off and turns on about 200 times per minute, things so strange can B done, I must not reveal it all 2U at this time. U can make events come into reality, electromagically, if you;ll let me coin this new phrase. I created Donald Trump, the personallity and reality of the person we all know, not the clay, that was done by his parents, with help from the gods. I have caused thousands of disturbances in weather, and huge natural disasters since the 1980’s came in. There is nothing U cannot do with electromagnetic knowledge, and we as a society R no longer easily able to get parts anymore, since I started all of this and came on the scene in ’80 or about there somewhere. Take the LAW AND ORDER show from last Monday night on the dynamite station, or TNT, with the water company meter man misreading the meter and causing a company owner’s son to shoot some representative at the New York City Hall. The FISA which has been worsened by the 911 incident’s Patriot Act, allowing secret warrants and secret courts. These people break into my place all the time since this all started in the 80’s, and they cut my wires and mess up my machines, and get away with it, all legal, and then U wonder Y my level of patriotism has plummeted in my adult life???????? In the show on L&O, the company was investigated 4 selling videogames 2 other countries not friendly with us, because of the [dual-technology]. I know that this is all so real, none of it is fictional show –shit, nor made up, nor exaggerated. In fact it must B played down, and under exagerated.If all the domestic combatants of the establishement and the system, had clue number point oh-one, of what I know about radio frequency, and what electronics is really all about, this whole USA would B in a state of emergency in 6 hours, and I would disappear beneath the Chapiquittic Kennedy Innebriation Bridge. People that know 2 godsdamn much, R in serious danger. The authorities know that I am carefully watched over by both DIANA ZUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS, as well as the Great SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Mess with the ALL MIGHTY SCYLLA, and its curtains 4 this planet. The show is closed, Beatlebug.

All Dogtown broke loose last week end at work 4 me. This week and next week, there won’t B a lot of web logging 4 me. I have been told about the diverter site hack, and many things not 2B mentioned at the present spot on the 4th dimension.

Constant attacks R being thrown at me, home theatre interference, body attacks, giant girls, job problems big time, and today military air again. I died not long ago, and moved way off centerline. It seems that Bush Senior was not VP under Reagan, but the big D was. Wonder if #16 still is Lincoln, things change around 4 me. I had a viscious hellish interacion when I got back from work and getting my entire schedule rearranged. I no sooner hit the frigging pillow and fell into a nasty sweaty ugly sleep. In this nightmare, my landlady was insisting that I sign a fradulent document and was hollaring and cursing at me visciously, as she does in waking life when she loses 2 much at the fucking casinos, my fault I guess that she doesn’t know when 2 stop feeding these Trumpscummers. Last night, they hit me hard and almost gave the Voorhees Skumballs the game after being down 5 to 2, but I played and won at roulette, and this wrecked their chance 2 snap a 5 L streak. They suck, they always have, without to use 2 cheat, they would B lucky to win 10 fucking games a season. Without me 2 fuck with, the Phillies would have won a dozen pennant races, and at least 5 world series games since their last 1980 victory. But don’t believe anything I say. When I said the Flyers had that game a week or more back, notice that they again tied it up from being way behind, but I hit the upload Blogger post button a half hour B4 the end of their stinking game, and blew them away. If they wouldn’t cheat by hurting me all the time for 21 years now, I woudn’t use my tek to cheat back against them.

Talk about the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SECURITY ACT, with me it stared when Callio called the import customs inspectors and tried 2 hurt me in 1975. First they ordered child porn from some foreign port in my name, and then called the customes US Office. I got a call in April or May of 1975 from them, and did not do one thing to deserve this. They R the child molestors. They R the ones with the cult, the secrets, the muscle boy Mick Gee who shot Ed and I back last fall, see the picture of the trans-dimensional flux with his shooting hand, by clicking inot my pictures at my site, . They R the ones that had the comic book and candy stores spread all over Atlantic City, and had access to all the filth that they had sent to me. I do not order that kind of filth. If I can ever prove what U did 2 me, I will have your whole family behind prison bars 4 the remainder of all of your un-natural lives. 2 months or so later, they ordered 2 lifeguard mascott muscle boys to rough me up and curse horiffically at me, scaring me half 2 death when I was 20 and a half. Later, their filthy government fiends and friends broke into my home throiugh this FISA filth, and messed with my phone. I still have the tape of two agents from the 1983 spring, where these 2 asshole scumbag special agents, were doing something 2 my telephone landline, while living in Atco, NJ. They referred to my blue Pontiac Bonneville, as the “blue Nungen’ whatever the hell this is code 4. I shortly will B sending copies of all of this to the ACLU, The World Court in the Haigue, and to the LIBERTARIAN PARTY. People that do not climb onto this great party that would do away with all this anti-freedom, and anti-Americanism in a New York heart beat should they ever come 2 real power, just have no clue what our future here will B like, and what you will help 2B handing down 2 your kids and theirs. Hitler happened, and so will Hitler #2, and a blind man in a graveyard can C it, if he’d bother 2 just freaking look. Later after they fucked with my phone, they snuck into my basement and re-weorked the duct work to send carbon monoxide up the vent directly into my bedroom. A few days later, they re-routed it like they never had touched it. I died, and never came back to the world that I remember. I have a videotape of a movie made in Hollywood in the 1990’s, starring Saddam Houesin, and yet I sit in this reality where things are totally different. I have another CNN VHS tape of the OJ Simpson trial, that blatantly shows some kind of craft leaving our world at a high rate of velocity, close to 30 or 40 thousand MPS, yes per second. I have the tape. I have lived in realities where EMF stood 4 ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE, here it seems to stand 4 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD. You will never know the feeling of crashing right through a police car and not doing anything except moving on instantly from a slightly different point in the fifth dimension. I guess the 2 young girls hit at the stop sign by the trooper will never know my hell. The mother would most likely give me her blood in exchange 4 being me. If she only knew that I would give my blood and every star in the sky if they were mine 2 give, 2BU.

If the ACLU cannot or will not help me, U will have 2 get me oudda here KS, I have taken all I can of this unfathomable and endless hellish abuse from the hands pf these polluted and diseased scum. Hope U come up with some info on advertising websites. Do not e-mail the info to me please, as remember once or twice, we never got what we sent each other, they have diverter boards that can send through our servers, totally fake routing and it appears that we R getting normally through. They have used this same tek on me with the telephone since the early middle 1980’s.

There is naturally much much more 2 say, but if anyone in the world ever chooses 2 help me and believe in me that I have better things 2 do with my life than all this, I am here and hoping and waiting. CYI beleieve I have died and gone into some absolute hell? In a real world, would someone in the entire world not B curious enough 2 C what all of this is about? We all know that the same thing covering uf Ufology, is behind my messes and nightmares. As 4 the nightmare with my landlady, it occurred the day B4 the blue chips took one 2 the chin. Every time she gives me hell, up it goes. I want this officially documented for the Civil Liberties Authorities

Well, I have yet 2 lose my authority 2 use any of my devices by the feds, but sure hope and prey that I have planted some seeds of thought for the public, then again, I believe that only those they know would B suspicious if going 2 my blogs and website, only 2 read bland weather reports and the latest stunt of Britney, byt all others, must B getting diverted through the servers, into a fake site. Wouldn’t shock me if someone goes up and reads, “it is 50 degrees, I had a good night’s sleep, found Beaver Cleaver’s diary, pet a stray dog, hiccuped, and went back to bed, and by the way I think the Callio’s R fine and decent people”. No, I ain’t buying any of this. By now, somebody somewyere, after a year plus, would have at least said, HAY ASSHOLE, YOU SUCK WIND. Not buying it for a single, not singe, single second, several error typos from prior blogs that most likely never will B read, just hidden along with all the other feds con games and carny shows inside their hidden circle ships hidden in non existent hangers and areas.

Brown eyed Cally-Cow, 1010 Callio, CU later on when U lock me up again someday at your lovely meter over read water company, say hi to Paula the giant, and her mysterious computer wiz daughter from oz or wherever
All Blogs-Morianity Bible, and Morianity Foundation, and website (C) MARK MOHR 2006 and 2007.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


The worst death siege I have ever been through is ongoing today. If UR reading this KS, the running to the islands may B the only way 4 me. Choppers R all over me, loud noises R on my phone, a landline, and severe body attacks and death beams R all around me. If U think Magnesonic is through with the big sleezy, stink again. I must have some really viscious enemies in and around that area 4 the machine 2 do so much. I know I have some bad ass enemies in Mexico and Japan. Eddie H. Says it all, when he says that they will not release me from this physicallity, as then I would B under the control of the 2/3rds of the MC and Gods, that are the good ones, and no longer suffering here at the hands of the 1/3rd of this GMC that broke off 4 the most part, and have become the controllers of a wicked evil locale on the astral plane known there in the Olympian Province as the BRIGGBASE. Different religions tell it a bit differently from one another, but the basic Christian principals R all so damn true, when discussing the one third of the ‘Angelic’ system breaking away, and falling from grace. It is all so very true. Stop and grab your coffee or whatever B4U go 2 much into this blog today, it will B a fucking doozy. I will prove 2 a blind ignorant race of Homosapiens, that interdimensional flux is real, and indeed happening 2 me, and show a captured part of my hellish reality, on my website pix, allready there, but it is time U all know and C what I am really dealing with, and if U doubt or think something on my site has been faked, I tripple-Dogtown dare U to have the FBI verify it is not faked. U yourself probably know a photographer buff who can blow up the picture and print on a lazar copier, and C4 yourselves, a reality that if it doesn’t scare U, then U need 2 get your freaking head examined. Click into my pix after going 2 my website at and look at the photo carefully with the dude standing at the right side of my caroutside the front passenger’s side. There R major forces at work 2 try 2 stop me from showing U what I am about 2 say. All I can do is my best. I cannot help this world and I cannot even help myself, yet trapped in my mind R answers 2 practically everything that has ever plagued the wonderings and immaginnings of mankind. Look at Big McG in the photograph, and look carefully at his hand, as in one reality he is holding a handgun and is about to off both Ed Himacane and me, and the second I die, the event gets uncreated, and he and his gun change into a transdimensional backdrop of parts 2 an automobile that is parked yards away behind him at his bar parking lot. U can C 4 yourself the hand is in a state of interdimensional –matter-flux. This cannot B faked, just ask the feds to check it out with their best crime lab apparatus,

Karen, U taught me a powerful truth in the message that U left me, B4 we finally phone-connected and had that great talk. I am a total failure at my blog, if I come on as too smart. I am really just a dumby. If I had a real brain, I would have been able 2 get out of this nightmare that I am in, or at least interest someone with clout in my problems, or at the very least, not come out sounding like I am teaching a quantum physics class at Harvard U. No, this makes me extremely stupid. Smart people get what they go after in one way or another, when they really go after something a long time, and try hard as hell 2 make things work out. No, KS, I am a moron impicile, but thank U so much 4 the great compliment. What people never seem 2 realize is that the science of the mind or psycology, is not at all the way we perceive this so-called innocent thing. Like most things, they start out all so well intentioned 4 mankind and the general society as well, but becomes distorted and perverted so very easily, because of one simple truth/reality. This is that the 6th dimension is a real thing, and that all thinking things from computers to brains and minds on a more bio-chemical and biological source of ops system, R nothing at all but receivers. All the so-called original thoughts, and from there, all the complex processing details of the generation of mental processes and emotional responces, all of it; is the reception of a transmitted source called the sixth dimension. ECKANKAR, a fantastic religion that bekieves in PERSONAL spiritual experiencing while physical and caporial, refers to this 6th-D, as the MENTAL PLANE, and is copyright protected by them. Since I refer 2 all this in brief and non-detailed unelucidated quotes, and give them all of the proper credit due them under copyright laws, I doubt they will mind me giving U all these brief explanations, when they so perfectly, and very urgently, fit into the topics that I am attempting to clarify on my bloggging. More info is available, and I believe their website is or a similar jumbling og these words that anyone can most likely Google up on their PC. Thoughts or “patterns of existence”in sixth dimensional hyperline space, [POE], and not Edgar Allen, R the higher dimensional equivelant in many ways to subatomic movements, or electrons and protons in numerous P and S orbits within the atom, as well as even more subtle sub-orbital motions and varying intra-states as well. What scientists C on plain view in their test tube lab world is in its true higher equivelant, actions at their normal activity levels that natually exist and have their beingness, relative to our location in reality, of the 6th dimension. There is sort of a mind-is-matter thing going on here, as opposed to the normally thought of concept of mind-over-matter, as matter or mass is nothing more than its energy equivelant beingness when divided by the square of the constant, or C squared, the velocity of light times the velocity of light, totaled and this amount divided. Three dimensional realities, as motions and changes inside atoms, within the forces that R created by a direct result of 4th and 5th dimensional higher space that is acting upon all of these motions in lower three dimensional normal space. I told all of my Morians, real or immagined by me perhaps, but anyway, that a great book called Cosmic Explorers, is a must read. I promised 2 give U all a website 2 go 2 also. Here it is: This is an absoulte MUST VISIT website. Present day laws of motion and momentum are fine and well, but all thing need an upgrade from time 2 time, do they not? The law of momentum has a million formulas and nothing is mistaken about any of them, just a slight ommission of the importance of magnetic percentage in the operation.Put real simply, things that get started get started. Laws in all principles of motion/momentum in basic and even advanced level physics will all kick in with what I have termed and labeled, MAGNETIC PERCENTAGE. This MP creates the moves of things that get started, as well as momentumizes them all with what on astral realms, is called, [length rations] to intensity. I am a poor teacher, but all I CAN say 2 anyone attempting 2 follow some of the truths in MORIANITY, is this: Do not attempt to get or become a ‘smarter’ individual. Do not try raising consciousness and awareness 2 things from the 3 dimensions surrounding your so-called physicallity. Smarter people continue on endlessly getting dumber 2 the real truths behind all that ever is or was or will B. This is backed up in the King James Bible, of the great scriptures of the religion and faith called CHRISTIANITY. U must start trying 2 lower this part of self, not raise it. A child fresh out of the astral plane,looking at time in a linear way, has a dream 4 example, and runs out to his or her parents, believing the experience was so very ‘real’. But Mom and Dad, much looker away from astrallity, R quick 2 assure the child/dreamer, that “it wasn’t real, everything’s OK, it was all just a dream, and on and so forth” The child at first knows better, and knows their parents R so full of it, it’s coming out their nostrills at warp twelve. But after they also remain in physicallity, more connected into it, and longer away from astrallity, except while in sleep and dream state, again looking at this all linerally which it is not, they are destined to grow up and carry on this myth to their children, and so on and so forth. Times moves forward, technology improves, but Mr. Kahn Fantasy Islander couldn’t say it better if 50 of Heffner’s playmates all bent over 4 him simultaneously and said, “anything goes”, when he said to Kirk and Spok at the dinner gathering on the SS Enterprise, “but how little man himself has changed”. Some people think that I don’t know bacon from beer cans, and I would fight and die on any battlefield on this global swirl of vomit U call the world 4 your right 2 think and 2 say this right 2 my face, but, let me let U’ll in on something: When U practice the Fascitar 6/10 method of astral travel, and get beyond the fear factor of it all, and start traveling out into the great Olympian Province, and many others should U so choose, and meet the great God-groups, the Briggars, the Great Millionth Council, and get your city pass and papers, and enter into the great city of Sahasra Dal Danwal and watch the lovely allmighty GODDESS SCYLLA, pick up a huge ocean liner vessel, and fly it effortlessly down the Arlantickrassle River, and watch the billions of 200 and 300 story buildings go by with hundreds of quadrillions of lovely colored lights all over them, and on and on, well, then U can tell me to go fuck a ruptured duck if U still wish 2, and then bring the duck over, and I will put on a show 4U that would make tripple-X-rated look like a General Movie Rating. I tell all of U that I have no clue why no one wishes 2 at least try to wither prove me wrong, or find out that I am right, on all the claims that I make on all of my Web-Logging, [BLOGGING]. Don’t tell a guy like the Mayor of AC, NJ, a brave war hero despite some bad judgement on his part in later years, how U have been mugged or been in some kind of danger. The man will laugh in your face before he spits in it, and he’d have every damn right 2. He has seen things that I am only glad that the gods did not want me 2 ever C in my mountainpen dream sequences, [lifetime]. We R talking here about relating. U cannot relate 2 me and what I talk about, but B4 U go off all wild and farty that I’m some derranged sicko scum bag shit head, experiment a little, do what I have done, and then ass holes, C how your new horizons start appearing 2 you. Just let me know in advance, as when U shit yourself, I’d rather B somewhere else, please, thank you.

Math is math, magnetic percentages are all a reality, and despite Gulf Wars, $4 per gallon gasoline, peace time, Monica and Bill, the 1987-so-called-market-crash, generation X coming 2 power, the boomers aging 2 their great disbelief, disco, unlimited Elvis resurrections, the basic collapse of the churches of the world, and on and on, just take an $8 Acme or Wall Mart calculator, start with 650 in the year 1972, and keep hitting the keys X110%=. This next figure is the 1973 market averages price, and X110%= again is 1974’s price, and so on. Yes 25, 30, even 35% deviations occur, but seeing things in a bigger picture, everything around us is all so totally predictable as fire burns, and as easy 2C through as a clean pane of thin glass. Take the more than 100 years of recorded temperatures. Most days do not have the exact average that the averages say they should B at, but the averages do not say this at all. They simply R saying that all of the extremes from record temperatures to more moderate ones for a given day, will all mathematically work out to a precise midpoint. Middle C on a keyboard has its loudest or most intense sound at 330 hertz if memory from my studio days serves me properly. But less loudly all the way to inaudiblness, the same middle C still sounds at 3 and 4 and 5 octaves out above and below its most intense sonic truth. This is why a sound system going from 100 to 6000 hertz sounds cheap, and the ones that go to the full normal human hearing ranges sound expensive, and still why amplifiers like the dynasour Sansui and Harmon Karden, sound so great, as they go 3 and 4 octives higher and lower, my sansui from 1980 for example is 5Hz to 80,000Hz. This is 2 full octaves of sonic harmonics above the 20KH, as well as below the 20H. Adjustments to a good taping machine, special Klipse horn tweeters, and the best subwoofers, along with great midrange speakers, and even though U do not hear out of the basic 20-20K range, the fuller extra 4 octaves with less intense sound properties, but still existing in the program, can also B part of the equation. Anything not 5 hertz to 80,000 hertz or [cycles per second], as direct current = zero hertz, is not true sound, and a trained ear will know immediately that loss of source precense is there. This example is as with the temperature example, and that of the stock prices. People that margin out beyond their financial means to cope properly with the temporary bad moves of this market-system, R forced to sell out at a loss, generated by margin calls. People in 1929 and 1987 jumped off bridges and buildings, more in ’29, but look at where we R today. All of life is based on momentum, and this is based on becomming magnetized to ranges and motions over amounts measured in physical time. If the market was 20 years old, I would B very skeptical 2 say all of this, but it is much much much more ancient, and keeps this 7-13% average profit diligently through thick and thin, bulls and bears, and all the bridge jumpers not withstanding. All of lofe is magnetized. If U keep track of days where a boss yells at U multiplied by 100 and then divided by the total days that U have been keeping a record of this event, and then go on 2 chart this, U can in very short order, prove that all of life is on a precise order of cycles within cycles, and variances and deviances will always occur, but in long term, the events outome facts, R there staring U in the face like Dr. Ferrel’s Pancriatic Tumor Diagnosis, Dr. J A Gannon Ruth Dwyer.Reality is reality, truth is truth, and life is maya, ILLUSION. The magnetized events R there just as the huge swirling planets R all there, never crashing into each other, but holding precise orbital patterns, with pinpoint accuracy.

Did U ever eat in a cafeteria? No, I am not an old yardbird doing a nickle jolt Lennie, but I am a man who attended the City Center Grammer School in the 4th grade in Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG. We had a big cafeteria, and we would grab a tray and walk along a pattern of aisles taking foods that we chose to eat, from the many varying areas, placing it onto our trays. Our minds R nothing more than a radio receiver of a sorts. All possible thoughts and emotional feelings, without a single missed possible combination, all exist on the inside of this same kind of a track, out in the sixth dimension. U choose to think or feel this way and that way, just as your stomach so to speak chooses 4U2 take your hand as U stroll around the cafeteria, and grab at the meat and gravy, the milk carton, the rice, the salad leaves, the jello, and so forth. How 2 properly make people C these truths goes far beyond my very limited abilities to attempt 2 send this 2U. But like it or snot, here is the total and powerful reality and truth behind UFOLOGY. When Bell and Marconi, and all the other sonic founding fathe’s broke into the world of [radio frequency], this gate into the astral world was opened. All throughout time there has been some radio frequncy generated by man in various ways that R simple and do not need B presently discussed, but 4 a quick discussion 2 prevent anyone from believing that I am evading the issue, silver has been around on Earth, before man stood upright and ever breathed air from the atmosphere. We have all heard of the freaky few who have received radio stations from their mouths, after a simple trip to their dentist, 2 get a quick little silver filling, and yes UFO sightings trace back to Christopher Columbus, and well before. But when the invention of radio, phonograpg, and telephone came, and got used more and more by more and more of the populations of the planet, a door way or ‘portal’ so 2 speak was opened, never again 2B closed. The military and secret NSA personel a few years after World War 2 ended, began experimenting more and more with extremely powerful frequency generators. I built a machine and actually talked to the lightning goddess DIANA ZUDLECRENESIA ARTEEMIS, and the US Copyright Office has the tape, where she says in her adorable voice, after I repeatedly tell her, “I love U, I love U, do U know “. She comes back and says 2 me over the telephone in the middle 1980’s, “I KNOW”. This tape is in the (C) office of the UNITED STATES, possibly classified top secret 4 all I know. I know that 2000 years from now, many tried a terrible experiment 2 go back through time and witness the Christian thing, you know, the birth of my 61st grand father’s uncle Jesus, and all the stuff that happened back then. A mistake was made in the field travel, and they went back many million of years, and were atomically altered into many various tiny creatures, that man today calls insects. Many other attempted travelers were also unlucky enough 2 improperly interact with MDM, [MOVING DARK MATTER], stuff that the stars emit out into the vastness of space constantly. Normal tiny quantatic pieces R harmless, although if a person is hit, they will burst into flames, only about 400 people in mans history have been hit by this INLI as the future will eventually term it, short for invisible lightning, and it isn’t lightning, but a few micrograms of shooting MDM that hurl right through the Earth at over 164,000 MPS. If a plane or ship is hit, things can happen that R not plesant as well. Certain electromagnetic fields that our Earth generates causes most of the MDM to come through certain rare and isolated areas, one being between Florida and Bermuda. But future craft is not quite what U would think, and is moving inside fields of hyperdense electromagnetism. The interaction while doing this, if hit with as much as 12 micrograms of moving dark matter, is not all that different from your boyhood days with your walkie talkies. Your buddy is down the block, and U say something over the WT. Your voice is changed into a radio frequency, and later it is changed back to your voice again so it can come through the speaker of the other WT. The magic words here are changed and RF, [radio-frequency]. The same principle that permits all of this electronic ‘stuff’ to work and operate with such seeming proficiency, is disastrous when it interacts with the tinyest bit of MDM, as basically, UR also 4 lack of a year of explaining details 2 all of U, also dark matter. Unlike matter and antimatter colliding and turning mass into pure energy, this is a case of the atomic changing and redistribution of cellular and atomic realities. Many have been turned into the strange creatures that R so mysteriously hidden in bith the Hanger 51, and 18, and below the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This is not an extra-terristrial phenominon, there is no life as we think of as life, not anywhere in the entire universe, the big reality show is all RIGHT HERE BWABY-WUV!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank U so much 4 helping me the last 2 nights that the filthy scummy Flyers played, I do appreciate it, and notice, how they got their stinking butts kicked 2 shit, because by U guys being witnesses out there and watching what is going on around me, they do not come out in the open and persecute mt 2 fucking death, as they have today, and so today they will kick ass, and it matters nothing what team they play, the worst or the best, they’ll kick the crap out of whomever they play, as they had me to visciously fuck with all day. What good is protection unless eventually U help me, whoever UR out there, 2 getting this evil stopped once and 4 all, but then maybe that is what’s going on? I cannot know, how would I have any way 2 know any of that? A week ago Saturday, the enemy kicked my living fucking guts out, and they won. When they have me 2 fuck with, boom, they’ve got the game, simple as that.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and WORLD HUMAN RIGHTS COURT IN THE HAIGUE, this is a blatant violation of my civil rights and my civil liberties.

My first quantumdeck cards, was not cards, it was my machine, MAGNESONIC, built in 1983, and I was getting 15% ART, or a positronic reverse time responce with a 15% hyperspace effect. I did not know what I had. If I can ever duplicate it again, I’ll have this world by its stinking living pussy!!!!!!!!!!!

I have tonsa shit to say, but am very worn out and feel like total shit, so will sign off 4 now big Kail-Cw, my luscious giant teen queen brown eyed, and long anti-Brittney haired girl. Funny ain’t it Sarah, even powerful people can cry out 4 help in big ways, and get basically no where. Does that tell an informed public how screwed the Christ up this sick world really is? CYI wanna die so fucking much, only I cannot. If this isn,t hell Mr. TNG Jordy, it sure is somebodys great idea of it, is it not?????????????

Friday, February 16, 2007


A super nasty loud foundation chopper hit today over my residence at roughly one and one half of the clock post meridian, also their R lots of kemtrails, loud piper piss bubble planes, and all sorts of trashy milituforce garbage. Their dirt bag stock market made another record high yesterday Thursday, and all as a result of harassing me straight to my grave. If I had never re-written LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS, the song that SSJKK sang to me outside the Frailengers Salt Water Taffy Store on Tennessee Avenue, in ACNJUSAESMWG, back when I was dreaming it was the first week of June in AD 1980, the curse called the [PRESIDENT’S 5], would not have ever most likely been broken, and Ronald Reagan would have suffered the fate of Mr. Hinckley being a better shot. He was the one that declared me a domestic enemy to this country, covertly, and wrecked my chance 2 ever have even close 2 a normal adult life in my current dream sequence as Mountainpen. President Abraham Lincoln had a young Wiccan teen fall madly in love with him when he was in his bachelor days, that history is totally unaware of. His choice of women is better than mine has been, so I cannot talk and call any kettles or Ron Wirtz kessles black. Kessle is the German word for kettle as in tea kettle. Aniwho, this unknown short romance did occur in this hyper-spaced timeline, and I know things that would B better 2B not known. She cursed him the day after he became our 16th President, and in this time period here, although totally unaware of it, WAS Ronald Reagan. She was destined 2 become her own victim, but at the split second that it went down, had a super-quick flash of past life memory, and said a couple of mumbled words that so to speak, ‘reversed the curse’ actually the precise incantation in reverse, just as if she had spoken her original curse onto my RS1500US full track open reel recorder, and managed to play the reels in the opposite way with the left and right reels the other way around, and blaring it through another recording machine. This is the only reason that Mr. Jodie Foster lover, missed his target just enough, so as to keep vice president Bush, today’s president’s pappy, from entering his Presidential job a bit earlier, and this action in many altered time-lines, leads 2 the total destruction of the United States in a war with the entire world practically. Sarah-Stacey had me re-do this song and send it to the US Copyright office, either later in 1980 or early into ’81, cannot remember exactly, just 2 much shit is forever on-going with poor pathetic whittle me. The thanks I get 4 saving our great country, is constant persecution, as Reagan found out some of the things that ‘really’ occurred, and declared me a DEPA, something only 18 other citizens have been listed as, [DOMESTIC ENEMY POSSIBLE ALIEN]. I am not a domestic enemy, I love my fucking country, and anyone in the Secret Service that doesn’t believe that, can spend the next 60 minnina-kalpa in freaking DOGTOWN. My 7th grandfather, if my family’s chronology is accurate, was SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, and he and his best friend BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, me a long while back coincidentally; helped 2 frame this great experiment in justice and freedom 4 all. Just go 2 the INDEPENDENCE MALL, in Philadelphia, and C4 yourself, where my 7th gramps signed the great document, we all refer 2 so often, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. The MILLIONTH COUNCIL, is behind all the evil shit going on in our world, and would have ended our time-line in the early 1980’s if not 4 me. Orwell’s great year was not ever meant to come, as first the Cuban Crises and JK, not JOHN KING, was part of a plan to end mankind in this part of the great 5DHS, [five dimensional hyperspace], and not 5ive, as machine mind loves 2 screw with me, and the GMC controls and works and operates through what I refer 2 as MACHINE-MIND, a definite non-biological reality and part of the 6th dimension, [ECKANKAR’S MENTAL PLANE NOMANCLACHURE]. This WW3 of a sorts was averted by a strange dude from where else but good old Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, [NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY]. This guy pulled a Eugene Horrawitz Landon Highway to Heaven, disappearing act right in front of me back in the early scummer time of 1974, on the AC, NJ beach, right at ZIGGY”S JEDDY, between New York and Tennessee Avenue’s. He admitted 2 me things that I cannot tell U that he told me, some things anyway, about Hoffa, Kennedy, Jackio, and the end of our hyperspace timeline system, which did end, but got put back, like the proverbial Humpty-Dumpty. Events can all B both created as well as uncreated. After the early 1960’s while I was actually living at the Bruce Manor Motel in Atlantic City, pix coming soon to the website, but it is no longer the motel, just the same building and real estate, as with the Children’s Seashore House building that you’ll C posted soon,, I as well as all of U actually were totally destroyed and this planet was wrecked beyond repair. This ‘visitor’ which is all I can say right now, simply uncreated and slightly edited the Cuban Missile Crises, as he later got me 2 change the second end of our civilization, through my bringing this song 2 the public domain, and me 2 the attention of a very messed up ‘soul’ as those involved in the spiritual would apply this term, Mariena Carlittia Kay, who drank poison by her own hand and died in 1880, and while dying, fixing it so that I would B at my favorite square, on an astral realm with SSJKK, 2 hear the original song, ‘LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS’. The way the P5 curse worked was that poor Abby-Baby would be offed, and no more than 5 president’s later, the next one would be at the fate of her vicious evil curse. She broke her own curse, as no ordinary High Priestess Wiccan, she is a powerful goddess asleep in her dreams, as was Reagan himself, and really is the great Misses Krassle, yes the mother of the great SSJKK. Now remember, Sarah-Stacey just lets Mr. and Mrs. K think that they R her parents, and powerful astral gods, just as she allows the GMC to in like manner, believe that they R really in charge of this ASTRAL REALM. Crissake, it is all her unconscious thought waves, so how can anything other than the great Stacey B in charge or rule or control over any part of it? She is enjoying her games and this entire dream world that she thought into existence, or spoke silently, to keep the church worlders happy and content, although I do find it highly unlikely and very doubtful that Morianity will B loved 2 much by this group of judgmental phonies 4 the most part. They believe that U need to have faith in things spiritual, and totally frown on major personal ‘spiritual’ experiences of the individual flock membership. When U can all practice the 6/10 Fascitar AP method to prove that death is a phony illusion, as is life, and some in-control body tells me that this is evil or wrong or demonic, my polite, yes my very POLITE response is FUCK YOU.

Did U leave the world Karen? Have not as of last night, heard from U. If things do not improve next week, I am going 2 drive over, and from there; it is off to the islands, Y say more than this publically, even though we both know that the GMC can locate a mosquito in the middle of a swamp the size of the oceans. Y would word spell check program tell me 2 say, “I am going to drives over, and no matter how many times I cancel, the green lines keep reappearing? This shit is all MC stuff, [G R E A T M I L L I O N T H C O U N C I L]. They think, since SSJKK lets them believe this lie, that they R in charge, and so basically they R. They control it all, just name it bwaby wuv. My magnetic percentage for 2K7 botbar, or my [2K7B] as it will B referred 2 as from now on, is at very bad levels, so DOW JONES WILL GO ON CLIMBING, UP UP UP UP UP UP. Phillies will soon LOSE LOSE LOSE LOSE AND LOSE, and FLYERS will WIN WIN WIN WIN and WIN. It will not stop, 22 years of this fucking parallel event nightmare. Ed H. told me last year he would start a type of disagreement dialogue with me on this, guess he figures I know what I know, as he did not ever do this, did he?

The only way I have been able to profit in any way with ASAP ART, in 2K7, is by performing this little magic trick, along with what U all ready know. First, it can only be done with SO NON ART, not Combined Odds. Use 50/50 outside roulette questions only, rolling 4 next numbers if 0 or 00 comes out, as they do not count one way or the other. U simply group all correct or [C] answers, as well as all incorrect or [I] answers, as strings. If only one single I or C comes out, it is a ONE-STRING, [1]. If 2 or more I or C outcomes happen in a row, it is a TWO-STRING. Whenever a 1-string comes out, bet that the next event will be another 1-string event, and then stop. Never bet 4 a third one, instead, U wait for another 2-string event 2 occur, and after this, when the next 1-string occurs again, U again will go for a repeating 1-string event to occur. Here is a quick example: 112212221111221111121122222111112122211222121112211111222112. You win an accurate prediction on the following ONE-STRING GROUPINGS: First, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. You lose with inaccurate predictions on the one-string groupings of the 2nd, 7th, and the 9th groupings. This is 8 accurate predictions or AP’s and 3 inaccurate or IP’S. If $500 bets were made based on these asked questions of your QUANTUMCARD DECK, this would equal out to 500X8 dollars won, minus 500X3 dollars lost, or $4,000.00-$1,500.00, totaling a nice profit 4U of $2,500.00. This is definitely a nice night’s work at the Jersey shore. I am not greedy. Since the blue chips make constant profits of roughly 7-13% averaged annually over each decade of time, taking a small Acme or Wall Mart calculator and starting with the year 1972 with the Dow Jones Averages at a rough annual average in points of 650, U start by going 650X110%=, and this is the 1973 average. Remember that averages R deceptive, one hand in boiling water and the other in ice cold water, and averages say that U should feel quite comfortable. U obviously will feel like punching the crap outta whoever tied U up and did this 2 your hands. Yet in long run, statistics do not lie. Anyway, the 1975 total comes out to 865. The 1980 total comes out to1393. The 1985 total becomes 2244. The 1990 computation works out to 3614. Then 1995 brings us to 5820. The great year 2000, or Y2K takes the figure to a whopping 9374. 2005 makes it jump to 15,096. Now let me add 110% annually starting with 2006, and C the power of statistical math predicting!!!!!!!!!! 2006=16,606. 2007=18,267. 2008=20,093. 2009=22103. 2010=24,313. 2011=26,744. 2012=29418. 2013=32,360. 2014=35,596. 2015=39156. Just buy an $8 calculator at Sam Walton’s place, and C all this 4 yourself, it will all happen, math does not lie. U can and will get over and under deviations from math-norms, but it always readjusts and re-sets, so 2 speak. Funny ain’t it that during my great fantastic search to locate the GREAT SARAH, the true market prices were quite closest to the stats-math scales, and this 10% annual blue chip gain goes back to the New York Stock Exchange’s inception about 11 decades ago, and this is a piece of long-run play time, bwelieve me bwaby wuv. Soon, I will B into the index, and ride it up to 20 or 30 contracts, buying the additional contracts during dip-periods, called ROLL OVER, in the market world. Just 10 contracts on an on-line E-TRADE Brokerage, produces $100.00 profit per one singe point move upwards. So in 2 thousand and fifteen, just around the corner, a Dow Jones of somewhere between 36 and 42K is reality. It now is about 2 soon crack 13,000. High 2 us now, but lower than mud in comparison with the near future, so at least 25,000 points at a hundred bucks a point based on 10-C equals out 2 a before tax gross of 2.5 mill bwaby-wuv. 40 contracts will gross U around ten million smackios. This becomes your collateral investment that permits U now to earn 4% interest from a safe CD, certificate of deposit portfolio, that is 400 grand per year, again, we must remember 2 factor in Uncle Sam; he’s got a country to run. But these figures let me know that without this parallel event between my life being shit, and the bullish stock market, being somehow broken, my hell in years 2 come, no matter what I do, will B far beyond the total epitome of unfathomable Dogtownism.

Bye for now brown eyed Cally cow, KALI, call ten, CALLIO. Do not imprison me please at your lovely H2O place, I hate being safka’d up, U know that. I kept my promise 2 never ever bother U again, stop hating my pathetic whittle ass so much, ya giant beauty queen, and have a nice life.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I am now officially under the absolute worst death siege and total hell, [DOGTOWNISM] of the year 2007. Four straight back 2 back days now of nothing but kemtrailing, loud planes, and nasty loud choppers. Yesterday’s hell was so bad; I did not think I would get through it. The same chopper flew all day and long over my residence, and worsened just shy of the time the filthy Flyers played. Even the sports caster on the Philadelphia Sports news at 11 of the clock, on channel #3, said, it was wild and against all odds 4 them to kick ass 6 to 1 against Detroit, one of the top teams in the entire Hockey league this season, and the Flyers are closer 2 the bottom of the rack. Don’t tell me what I know about this intentional parallel event thing, being used against me to get their dirt ball way, as I know differently. They hurt my body with death beams, they cut out the left side of my home theatre system shortly into the game that started at seven eastern time. On top of that, the NJ conspiracy 2 wreck my life, kicked in, and my classes will B starting any day, U know, I mentioned all of this on a prior blog. I must attend non-voluntary 4 day all day classes, at my own expense, the state takes $160 of my hard earned money, and forces me 2 do this or quit my job, which I may decide 2 do. Y work 4 free, and have 2 B up day and night, as I work at night? Never in oh-seven, have I until yesterday, had more than 3 straight days of super botbar & super high Milituforce Otammism. My magnetic percentage 4 BOTBAR on the oh-seven year, as of yesterday’s close, is the highest on the year, and unlike a stock price, U want it lower, not higher. 80% for botbar 4 example means that UR 4:5 for days of nasty botbar, “Bottom Of The Barrel All-ready Rated”. My luck scores are lower than they have been in the entire time since my search and quest 2 find the Great Sarah Krassle, back in late 1995 and early into ‘6.

Back B4 all of this, in 1979, and B4 I go on, I made another of my famous errors on a prior blog while telling all of my readers about KEMTRAILS, and how and when they originated, I typed in 1977, and meant to type the year 1987, but Aniwho, in ’79, I had put together quite a wild and outlandish array of sound and magnetic devices, into a strange system, that got stranger over the next 4 years. I invented a character named Shorty MacInvondi, and gave him a personality of a super egotist, a wealthy billionaire tycoon from New York City, who had yachts and planes and choppers, and unlimited women like mister Hefner, and was always calling me ‘hot shot’, and up setting me on the phone. I gave him a really wild cool voice, and overdubbed wild screaming interruptions where one is talking 2 another, and simultaneously I would B shouting, “NO NO SHUT THE FUCK UP SHORTY”, and stuff like this. He would say stuff 2 me like, “I’ve got your little [princess], and she will tell me all your secrets hot shot”, we were discussing the great disco queen, Donna Summer. It took a few years of him telling me he was planning 2 take over Atlantic City, as well as New York City, and get in with all of my friends, and really fuck me up. Suddenly, early into the 19 eighty’s, along he came into reality, like fucking magic, Mr. Trump. He even named that ugly black tub of his in 1988, his PRINCESS, another coincidence set, Mr. ex Senator Arthur? I am chocking on these many vines of coincidences, Mr. Branch. He did so many things 2 me, it isn’t legally permitted right now to print it on the blog, until I get with an attorney and find out exactly what my rights R under the law, remembering of course, that the ‘law’ is one law for guys like him, and losers like me. If this wasn’t true, how can the local law enforces on state and local municipal levels get away with all this malfeasance and misfeasance? They have been told, and they know damn well, that I am being persecuted 2 death. They knew damn well last night and all day, I was pummeled by aerial siege and assault 2 get the Voorhees Scuz buckets to kick the Lenny Crap out of the Detroit Redwings Hockey Team. They R not protecting a citizen who is getting his CIVIL FUCKING RIGHTS VIOLATED, and I am putting my complaint on this into today’s US mail system, to the American Civil Liberties Union, and am telling all the stuff, including my Saturn 1994 Hammonton road accident. I don’t have 2 take this lying down any more. Some parts of our government still work. I was reimbursed for 200 dollars for a crooked talk radio station’s misrepresentation of something called HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE. The talk AM radio station of 1210 BIG TALKER, of Philadelphia, PA, USAESMWG. They promoted this product on their personal reputation, and it made more than 1 dozen promises, that absolutely none were true, as this garbage product was pure 19th century snake oil, sold right out of grandma Peterstons’s covered wagon. One day I got a letter in the mail from the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, and they said I could have a chance to B part of a legal fight, and possibly retrieve some of the monies lost 2 me by purchasing this product. Sure enough about a year later, a check came in the mail 4 the full amount that I had been conned out of by this scummy radio station. I had written 2 several of the late night talk hosts, and guests they had on such as Arthur Bell, and none of these worthless bastards thought I was worth writing back. Then they sold me their bull shit crappy product, and ripped me off. So when I had my chance, 4 once, 2 get my whittle 2 cents in, I DID!!!! A crash level private BFA piper piece of trashy scum just took Eddie Himacane’s roof off at 12:41 PM, as I pen this. We R having another snowstorm today, and I have noticed 4 years, that whenever weather is unusually stormy or harsh, extra hot, extra cold, snow sleet and ice, major wind, all except when Diana comes around 2 protect me, but all other harsh weather, it definitely seems 2 always go along with other negatives and bad shit all around my life. Many years now have passed, that I am aware of this nasty ‘coincidence’. Sound and radio frequency is behind everything going on, and none of U idiots will listen to me nor believe me. Changing the voice into a radio frequency has unknown Kerlian Energetic Patterns, or as I call them, KEP’s. Keps R not ignored by the Native Americans of yesteryear. They would shoot an arrow through your ticker if they caught U trying to take their audio or video image, they knew what was really going on, but white man, oh we R so superior and smart, aren’t we, we know this is all a bunch of superstitious nonsense. Sure it is, right, oh yeah, uh-huh!! Trump knows that if I ever take that reel and reverse it and record this reverse sound through my magical taping systems, NO MORE MR. TRUMP, say good night 2 the nurse sir, and all your other penthouse sleasies. Laugh all U like, Rod Serling’s shows, and Outer Limits, all of this is part of super disinformation tactics. The episode with EVA, in the big power station in the ‘OL’ show, I am telling Tammie’s little doctor as true as it verily gets, all true. This stuff is NOT science fiction. Remember this one, R—E------V—E—R—S—E? U do not have clue Number Uno that all of this is real. None of U even begins 2C the truth of all of this UFO stuff. Y would any government, American, Canadian, European, Russian, Australian, B covering up a major world problem or world threat. No human nor group of humans can peep a lid on much smaller things than the UFO phenomenon, come on, remember Nixon and Watergate, or Clinton and Monica, come on, you know this is being covered up not by us, but by THEM, yeah, they R not letting us shits in the gage that they must enter from time 2 time 2 make adjustments and add new ‘human’ infiltrators, into key and sensitive governmental global positions. Mankind in the land of the living is not doing it, nor covering it up. The MILLIONTH COUNCIL owns this box, comes and goes from time to time, and leaves many of them in many various positions of critical and powerful positions, 2 keep all of us from knowing that we R on a mortal world, that we R nothing more than their own dreams, here, in a huge super entertainment and reality show. I have been trying to push these truths for a decade or better now, so what happens, more disinformation, the EW’s create all of these goofy [REALITY SHOWS]. My Web-Logging may only B a year and a half old, but for many years, I would write up my messages on as many as 30 or 40 sheets of 8 and a half by 11 inch plain white paper, and roll them all up, after making 400 copies at Office Max or Kinko’s or stores such as these. These scroll-tracts would B hurled into people’s yards, when I would go out at 3 AM or so, on what I would back then refer 2 as my BOMBING MISSIONS AND RETALIATION. Y do U think the wild swings over the past years and decades happened, with the FLYERS HOCKEY,PHILLIES BASEBALL, and DOW JONES STOCK MARKET??????????? No, parallel event is real, and so is the fact that the MILLIONTH COUNCIL controls all of us and all of this. So if they R running all this, how can this all B just Stacey’s upline thought that downlined into all of this 5th-HS? Simple, she lets them believe this epitome of MAYA, or ILLUSION. She lets her parents, Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious, and Merlina-Carlittia Krassle, also think that she is their daughter. She allows this; it is all a part of her upline thoughts that intermingle on many varying levels of consciousness and sub or unconsciousness. When U have a thought about something, U create an entire downline multiverse that is the precise wave/particle duality counter-balance of your upline thought. Then, in dreams, U re-enter into your own created thought creations of conscious origins. Stacey, likewise, does this; we all do it, all along the entire unfathomably huge 6th dimension or the thought dimension. The ECKANKAR religious organization explorers, whom they refer 2 as SOUL TRAVELERS, refers to this great sixth dimension as the MENTAL PLANE, same thing, just different choices in nomenclature being used. There R no space aliens anywhere out there by the way any of U think and equate this all 2. The Kerlian energies used in transferring the dream travel between the land of life and the land of death or the astral plane, as mystics and psychics and Eckists refer to this condition-interaction, is what we seemingly C from time 2 time as circular crafts or flying crafts that we humans cannot identify as belonging 2 our race and people. Everything from all perceptions 2 all deceptions, exist inside a 7th dimensional reality called LAWTRONICS. If people R waiting for little or big, green or yellow and grey yancy’ed, [polka-doted] or frog faced 8 legged creatures, I say keep waiting, or dream it in if it turns you all on so much, it is all dreamality. All that is really real is void nothingness, I’ll say it over and over whether U all like it or not. Send Kate or Paula over 2 punch my lights out if U wish 2, and when they come back on, first words out of my mouth after “I’m suing”, will B, “all that is real is void infinity. You R here, so U have always been here, and U will always B here, U are real, time is not, forever baby, you cannot ever reach the greatest thing imaginable, NIRVANA, total non-being-ness, totally being oblivious 2 all interaction anywhere in all of hyperspace and in the sixth dimension, but how can U not B there, when U have already been thought? Someone upline thinks, boom, here we all R, and upline, the thinker of the thought in their reality goes on with the rest of their life, while U are endlessly trapped in their downline cycle. Stacey is allowing the GMC to endlessly make my life here in physicality as Michael Mountainpen, totally miserable. No police, no government, no one that is part of the human living world can ever help me, I know that. My beef is with Sarah-Stacey. I know that she is enjoying watching lots of the shows here. Yes, she has her Hebrew timeline and all the biblical stuff, as well as me, and also many other things that she has told me that she will not reveal 2 me now since she knows that I would reveal this knowledge to the blogger site, and she is right, I definitely would. Watching the shows and engaging in or watching all competition in sporting events R the best 2 ways 2 distract your thoughts of endless existence from making U totally insane and ready to drop a BZ TOY COMPANY bomb on Mister Towser’s world, Dudley.
I will CU ‘hard way’ astral travelers, Ms. Roberts, and my brown eyed girl Cally Kali Cow, Callio, very soon. The storms R coming, so R the quakes and volks, U’ll all B super JJ sorry.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Well, I am in a super hell, and have much 2 say, and I am working on a major time budget. Word program is already fucking with me, typing in words twice, etc. This is Saturday evening, and the last 2 days have been hell on top of hell. One thing that I have learned U cannot do when U are working off very limited positive energy quantities in your surrounding proximity, and that is crying. Crying, although it releases much needed pent up feelings of sadness and helplessness, if UR very week cosmically, caused from powerful evil invisible spiritual [astral plane] enemies, and by the way spirit is spirit, not spit, had 2 change this, and on prior blogging, you’ll also C where the machine mind has kicked in with this fucking hack, but anyway, some cock sucking shit head really thinks all this is so super funny. If I had your moms tied up in here, I swear 2 the gods that I would literally crap into their hair, and they’d get 1 helluva shampoo-coloring-conditioning treatment. A plane followed me 2 Ed’s just now, and loud cars R going by. Kemtrailing started last night, and went on ferociously and viciously all freaking day long. Anyway, for those within normal cosmic parameters, crying releases the stresses and tensions if built up to intolerable points of cry or go out and do a mall or a mickey-dee. I would never, and would throw myself into Hawaii’s volcanoes first. Stacey’s commandments mean everything 2 me, and she is my teen queen, I obey the great king of kings and queen of queens. Anyway, last night at work, I was alone as no one wanted to work late again in the cold, and they all left. I drove to the rear of the area in my car, shut it off, and balled like a fucking love sick baby for half an hour, a major mistake. Every time I cry, it gets far worse. I am not even permitted the psychological necessary outlet of relieving my tensions and anxieties through some tears. I already knew better, but the tears won out Aniwho. Every cry brings worse hell that follows, usually quite immediately. I will never never cry again, and the Copyright Office of the United States, knows precisely what I mean when I now say, no pun intended. Yes the red leaves of autumn did turn into an eventual winter, and it’s gonna get far fuckin worse B4 it gets better. You will C continued major and drastic weather patterns right into summertime, major volcano activities, frightening huge earthquakes, storms, twisters, hurricanes, floods, fires, diseases, and pestilence and plagues. Keep this up with me, and B sorrier than a man who just refused a date with a supermodel.

I know that somewhere out here in cyber land, someone knows something, and can offer this info 2 me, at some kind of price. I have offered to the half of my sea treasure, and of my jury award, still I hear endless silence, just a big nothing. So how is this offer? Name your price. No, not short of, I said name your price, but in return, U get me out of this hell I am in. What I say on this blog can get me arrested through the back door, but it won’t stand up in court. NAME YOUR PRICE. But if some law enforcer uses this as an entrapment, I will B4 even seeing U, notarize my entire words at my local library, as the notary man is there once each week. A set up is against the law no matter how much ‘Law and Order’ scripts U may or not B familiar with. Entrapping is only legal in very exact and special circumstances. I was walking down a street in Philadelphia some years ago, and recognized a lady police officer, posing as a prostitute. I was approached and she did not remember me, but I knew who she was, and B4 going on, no I had business with someone nearby and in no way was this business sexually oriented. When she asked if I wanted a ‘date’, I told her,” don’t Y think it is morally wrong and humanly wrong, to take a man with normal god given biological urges, tempt him 2 break the law with the urges that in no way can B helped, as cold showers R not on every block, and then make trouble for a poor man, jail, a record, embarrassment, photos in the paper, name on an internet list? U are the bad person here officer” I walked about a block, getting almost 2 my friend’s house, when an unmarked car comes flying down the block. A policeman in plain clothes said to me that if I mouth off to any one here again, that they would find me playing a game with the local rats called, FEED ME”. This is the kind of evil that none of us can escape, and it is only far worse if you have no clout, no family support, and R all alone in the world. Don’t U think they know? They know the ‘vulnerable and the more connected’. When UR going it all alone, you are sunk. U just R not going-gurgle yet. Word Program can suck my prick, it keeps telling me 2 re-phrase. Think it would het along with Adolf Hitler and the Dictators clubs of all nations and groups worldwide. Every day now, planes, choppers, kemtrails, and the military bothering and harassing me constantly and continually. They have nothing at all better 2 do with their time than 2 endlessly make my poor pathetic whittle life an endless horrific hell!!!!!!! They constantly interfere with my home theatre, knocking off the left channel, over and over again. Next week, I will buy a new system and if it does not stop, I will get the American Civil Liberties people involved. U have no right 2 interfere with my enjoying my entertainment. It stops now, or U can answer 2 federal fucking charges, your godsdamn choice. Examine the previous sentence, and explain 2 me why the spell-checker program in this word program, insists that I should type in, “U has no rights” Does that sound right? If it does, I must have changed hyperspace catalogues big time since my grammar school education days. Every day I get a chopper, either at work or at home. The kemtrailing is bad again, just look, and U’ll C it, ya can’t miss it. It is changing our weather patters, and making our kids hyperactive, it is causing road rage, ADD, arthritis, breathing diseases from asthma to persistent coughing, and I literally can go on and on. This is being done by BLACK FILE AGENCIES, and I beg all bloggers to cut and paste my words on this subject and add them 2 their blogs, and to try 2 form a network of all ‘conspiracy theory’ friends in our community to start reading all of my blogs, and come 2 your own conclusions, but do not ignore this, that will B a fatal error 4 us all!!!!!!!

If I walk along the street, and a man comes up and recognizes me from his class, as he is a top professor in the college that U recently became degreed from, and says lets grab a bite to eat at Burger King, let us say we go there, for sake of an interesting parable. He says to me,”what RU up 2 and where RU employed”? I say, “I am a security guard for Ed Snyder, and crooked Comcast”. He goes onto say, “wow, U were the top student in my class, U should B doing a lot better, so what is the problem”? Well, in this example, it is obvious 2C that logic is behind all the questions asked and answered, other than the fact that I seemingly am unable to live up 2 the potential that my old college professor thinks that I should B at. But what if I am going down the same street one morning at 8 AM to buy the local Hammonton Gazette Newspaper at the 7-11 store, and a dude comes up after crossing the street, a lollypop in his mouth, a thumb literally scratching in his ass, and he’s got a clown suit on, and it sure ain’t Halloween. OK, whatever, and now he says to me from out of the blue, “my bird Henry just died, and came back to life and told me 2 tell U that you R a nasty person with bad breath and should not wear stupid yellow jerseys unless it is an even numbered day in the month of June, oh and by the way, tell your daughter 2 quit throwing cats at my father”. No I do not have a daughter, cats, I do not know this odd fellow from the next raindrop 2 falls from the sky, and I gargle and brush 3 times daily. There is no seemingly good reason for this crazy doofus dweeb to come up to me, let alone, 2 say this entire dribble 2 me, whatever the hell it all is. Now, these 2 parables R simply 2 show, that things may seem totally nonsensical and irrational, and yet not B, to the person that ‘SOMETHING’ is happening 2. It was the end of 1977, and I was a Security Guard at a place in Mount Laurel, NJUSAESMWG, called the AMERICAN HONDA AUTO PLANT on Gaither Avenue. One morning I began 2 notice small white lines crossing the skies, one after another going from my left to my right, basically north to south, most likely over the Route 206 area, where I would come to live near, when I moved into Hammonton, on Halloween day of 2K, just around 6.3 Earth years negative time. Day after day I would C these lines, and curiosity was getting the best of me, and I eventually telephoned the Mt. Laurel Police Department, to request any information on what these strange lines were all about. The very next day after making the phone call, the lines moved towards me, and grew wide and thick, and suddenly within a week’s time, were all over the skies above me. A week later, they were there at night, all around and even covering up the beauty of the moon, especially in its fuller lunar cycles. They soon were everywhere, following me 2 my other job, all the way out in Warminster, Pennsylvania, and day and night, all over everywhere, there they were, huge thick and smoky and ugly contrails, or as the conspiracy theory groups have called them 4 about a decade, KEMPTRAILS, and entire writings are available in the subject, if U know where 2 look. I still am hunting around, and also am planning to join several CS groups, no not Sarah Callio Groups, the GODS FORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one but me has the real and true story of how this KEMTRAILING thing began, and basically who got it all started, unfortunately, Y O U R S T R U L Y.

Well, the flyers will kick crap liquids tonight, they’ve had me 2 kick and kick around now 4 days, BIG FUCKING TIME. If they cannot pull this game off, U guys R some really sorry asses that need to quit and go home ‘till the oh-seven/eight season. My roulette scores, luck scores, ASAP-ART scores, forget it, it is not worth mentioning. Nothing is working, NOTHING. This is all precisely how these scuz balls did me in back when they totally and brutally 86’d my life in 1986, wow, SYMBOLOGY OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when U think back 2 my 2 parables, look at the one of the 2 that makes seemingly no sense. When I tell my true kemtrail story, it is just like the guy that hypothetically comes up 2 me in the street and says the weird crazy shit. To him though, it may make perfect sense, yet you and I may too quickly judge this dude as crazy with an elevator that misses the top floors of the building. I am telling U all how this fucking kemtrails thing got started, so please, get this story linked up to as many as possible, U certainly have my permission, with this or any and all of my blogs, as well as anything on my website, there R no secrets, all closets have been targeted for BOMB OUT, no secrets, Whomever knows the technology, and how 2 do all the necessary cuts and pastes and hyperlinks and newsgroup sends, whatever, for crissake, get my freaking message out, B4 all our kids get ADD, class rage, or die in road rage, or Emphysema. And it isn’t just these trails in the sky. It boggles my mind how the 177th in Pomona, NJUSAESMWG, can do so much, and it keeps going over the heads of everybody. No, I do not have Extra Sensory Perception. you all seem to have ZSP, ZERO. Wake fucking up, people. Go down to Abscess Kateville Sucken, NJ, Pleasantville, NJ, and ATLANTIC RIP OFF LEVY WAR HERO VILLE CITY, NJ. When I tried 2 type in this last bunch of words, their buddies in the fucking MILLIONTH COUNCIL/BLACK FILE AGENCIES OF THE MORTAL WORLD, or the [MCBFAMW], froze up and screwed up Eddie Himacane’s laptop compuker. We R going to purchase an added memory chip 2 boost our power and abilities, as we R doing many things, and Karen Carpenter couldn’t say it any better if she was right here and trying 2 do so, WE ONLY JUST BEGUN, sort of an Al Jolson statement. U sleaze bags keep doing your wirtz/worst, not afraid of your evil satanic sick asses at all, or your scum bag master ALABD, and I’ll further elaborate on the elabed, [Apollo-Lucifer Abadon Beelzebub Diabolis], I will speak the truth, and someday have a huge viable powerful foundation behind me, interconnected with as many other groups with similar agendas 2 ours, right along with us, fighting side by side. 4 now, back to most people’s zero sensory perception, ZSP. I do not feel like my perception and awareness 2 my surroundings is enhanced nor superior, honestly, just that yours may need some fine tuning in order 2 bring up the power a bit. Go at night on a clear night, to this New Jersey area, in the AC, P, A, area, and look for what I seem 2 always view so clearly, and no one ever catches it. It is not lightning, but appears 2B a super quick flash of white light, all over, and in reiteration, it is very quick, the event lasting much less time than even the coldest lightning event. Remember hot and cold lightning is a relative term, and no lightning is cold. But the more milliseconds that electrons race up and down a channel from sky to ground, the hotter. This is no differently that putting your finger quickly through the flame of a candle, or slowing the motion down a bit. You will feel a much hotter flame, if you swing across slower with your finger, allowing the otherwise exact same heat amount 2 make contact with your finger. Now this flash, is part of a secret project, involving powerful frequency generators, and many very highly classified things. I will for now go no further with this. Obviously, a study of the warp or WORM HOLE in AC, NJ [LEVYWARHEROVILLE], is behind all of this, a child with his or her eyes half open can C this if they just take the thumb out of their damn ass for a seck.

Earlier today, I got the shit kicked out of me by both of my lovely lightning goddesses, Diana Zudlecrenessia Arteemis, and Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. I was projected onto a lovely green and purple large beach towel, where they sometimes sit together in places I am not permitted to mention, or I will get shit-kicked again. I told them that they don’t care that I am stuck in this very real and awful nightmarish interaction here in hyperspace on the mortal worlds, or MWHS, and if they really cared about me and didn’t just want 2 tease me, then they’d do something to really help me out. I acted up quite a bit. What usually is quite a love nest, turned into Waterloo times a vigintillion googolplex to the power exponential of 3500 vigintillion googolplexes. As I said, I got the flying peckerbitch knocked out of me, 4 what felt like a million years. I am not a happy camper tonight, and if the wrong bastard messes with me, the gods will need 2 take some serious fucking pity on the prick. Next week, Ed H. and I will start opposite shitting/shooting at the NJ Casinos. This is the only way 4 me 2 survive when things get this off the fucking dial bad 4 me!!!!!!!!! Please, listen and share this, PLEASE> I know, I am not stupid, >>>>>>LISTEN>>>>>>PLEASE>>>>>>. I N E E D H E L P, Mister Billy Swan. This is no joke. Somebody out here knows what is going on, or can help me put a twist on it that I have yet to fully get. Life’s truths work that way; it is basic and simple reality, because it is LAWTRONIC. Some one, a good person, knows what is wrong and what I can do, and please no e-mails that tell me that I need 2 accept Christ as my savior. I have been down these roads for more years than most people have walked the Earth. Some powerful person could prove 2B a real genuine philanthropist, and help me 2 some degree, maybe in a large degree. I do not want $$$$$$. I want fucking answers and help that no amount of money can buy. U cannot buy off Brigger Cult Scum with all the loot in Trumps Empire. And if U want something from me, I have told you all already out there, world, the only 2 things of value by Earth’s standards, that I do have, at least in a potential form, a huge jury award, and my fantastic sea treasures. The simple truth is that many different hells R all around me, but the largest one all began in 1986, when kiddingly I would get on the phone and push any number on the keypad so as to kill the dial tone, whenever the stupid ‘Philly-57’ channel would come on with that annoying ad that makes the HEAD-ON commercial seem tame by comparison, with that shitty rotten guy singer going, ‘watch Flyer’s Hockey, on Philly-57’. I hated it so bad I swear I came but an inch away a few times from throwing a glass tumbler at the freaking TV set. So instead, I’d get up, and say into the phone, “LOSE LOSE LOSE YA FUCKEN’ BASTARD SCUM BALLS’. I didn’t mean anything real wrong, I just couldn’t stand that ad, and that awful dude’s singing; it simply SUCKED. But ever since this in the scummer of 1986, this entire parallel event nightmare with the Flyers was BORN for lack of a better descriptiveness. Soon 2 follow was the parallel event with the Dow Jones Stock Market. I then put it together how the Phillies Baseball Club won the World Series during the time that I found Donna Gaines’s 33 disc up in the studio attic, [RPL]. This was a great and cool time 4 me, as having your favorite hot shot artist of the day, singing unknown works, and no one else had it, this was so way cool. Crissake, I’m starting 2 sound like the kids. Aniwho, this PE thing started here in ’86, while renting Richard Karpf’s home in Cherry Hill, NJ, and it never looked back, leaving me in the biggest wake of loose goose shit on the planet. Mr. S. Hawking talks from time to time about the Karge Wormhole, of course not mentioning it by name. Kerlian energy mixed with numerous foams of quanta, created by mixing compressed elements of varying vibratory states, and used in abscissa/ordinate or A/B channels within hypergaussed fielding events, can do strange things to the very flexible garment type materials that 4th and 5th dimensional space encompass. Look at this example. The moon is 2000 miles roughly, in diameter. To walk half way across it or 1,000 miles, a field is needed 2 connect point A and point B. Now this field has subatomic particles called leptons and quarks in it, it just does, there is no arguing with science, as my buddy Ed Green would put it so eloquently on the “L&O” show. Now, simply put; one step or 2.5 feet is a fractional part of the 5,280 feet to the mile, times 1000 miles, or 5,280,000 feet of field distance needed 4 compression. In order 2 compress this field distance, the mass in the distance needs to shrink in ration, [ratio and proportion], or by the amount of times of 5.28X10 to the 4th power. In order 2 accomplish this, the density must be gravimetrically increased now by this amount, or by 5.28 times 10 to power of 4. When this is done, the sub atomic distance in-between point A and point B, now literally becomes only 2.5 feet, not a thousand miles. Density increases can B done as high as 1X10 to the 58th exponent, with no harm to biological travelers in the field, providing the step through is virtually instantaneous. Dimensional shifting, dream shifting, all that really is happening is that U believe that U can agree 2 interact very efficiently with the Lawtronically controlled ‘forces’ that lie all around U. The prior week was horrible. Punishment will B immediate and swift 4 what they have done 2 freaking me, the gods help lots of these dirt balls.

KS, not the All Mighty, do not get the wrong message about ASAP ART. It can B successfully used. No one can ever profit by anything while under cosmic assault, the way that I am. I have a dying mans declaration. Next week it will B notarized. Hope U won’t mind, I’ll Be mailing one copy 2U4 safe keeping, many copies will actually be hidden, buried underground, as much aver the past quarter century has been buried. Just call me the ‘Jimmie Hoffa Wanna Be, the gods, what am I saying? ASAP ART does work, but requires skill, willpower to not abuse it by breaking any of its very basic rules, and last and in no way least, relatively normal human magentics, not like mine. Crissake, I cannot even die out of this horrendous hell, the FOREVER DOGTONITE, I guess.

Brown Eyed Girl, I beg u, have some freaking mercy, what have I ever godsdamn done 2U2 deserve so much Dogtownism? Oh great Kali-KAL, COW, CALLIO, CALL TEN, GIMME A BREAK WILLYA, LIGHTHOUSE THROWER-UPPER @JOJO’S. SHEEEES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I am under major freaking MILITUFORCE death siege, wow is it back again. They have total control over all machines, weather, animals, people and their behavior, and all combination of complex interaction. I just suffered a crash level death loud chopper attack over my residence today at roughly a quarter past three of the clock, shaking my poor whittle place half way off its godsdamn foundations. Guess it makes these military scum bags feel like such real true heroes, picking on a poor defenseless section eight nobody with no clout nor resources, nor any measurable way 2 fight them back, at least from the viewpoint of the mortal world. Last night the kemtrailing was super off the scale, and seemed to begin as I was doing yesterday’s blog, MFMS # 50. Loud ass road noise started up, and yes I know the normal amounts of noise, generated from trucks, bikes, cars, and other activities within the norms, and likewise, I know when there is a major deviation from these norms. I am not an astral restart, or MW total retard, maybe a 90%, but I still can think a little, and have maintained some of my mental faculties, despite these bastard’s atrocious behavior and endless assaults on innocent and pathetic me. These dirt bags are ferocious, making any wild animal kingdom look in comparison, as toddlers in a play pen. This is my reality that I must deal with 24/7. The last 2 days, I am under super attack, right down 2 and including of course, some kind of machine mind hacking, the space bar not always working and spacing my words properly, and numerous other attacks that R so cleverly and powerfully done, that geniuses like Eddie Himacane thinks I am over the top and insists it cannot B happening, OK, whatever, but is fucking is. Also someone or something as the great Craptain Shirk would say on ST, the original, not SS, an error from another prior blog, sahwee, is getting into my residence, turning machines like my VCR on when I know I turned it off. Twice on Tuesday early in the AM, I put something in my kitchen, and twice it was moved. I know they can get through the lower floor cabinets, B it a robot, a trained animal, or trained and covertly engineered mini-child, one of NSA’s many super covert and ‘TOP-TOP CLASSIFIED’ secret projects. U know about dwarfs, little people, or whatever is today’s proper ‘politically correct’ name is to refer 2 them as, do U not? Well, genetically engineered operatives less than ten inches tall R all around us, and congress never had to know nor approve their use of YOUR TAX MONEY AND MINE, used to fund this wild shit. Stop thinking CLOCK STOPPERS and shows such as these R so godsdamn fictional, this is all what all my pals in the home-grown-heroes-network, working 2 put an end to this federal alphabet covert soup shit, refer 2 as a constant continually flowing of DISINFORMATION, packaged as part of a much larger agenda, totally secret but quite real, WORLD TOTAL DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

This last siege seemed 2 start when they found out that I have the address of the murdering piece of operative NSA/CIA filth, and posing infiltrating MASON LODGER, Mister Jonathan Schau. It is 7709 Rising Sun Avenue, in the City Of Pennsylvania’s Brotherly William Penn Love, USA, SOL, MWG, Current catalogue HS as of one quarter past the 5ive hour today, 2/7/7. This man is a murdering monster, but so are all the operatives and agents. All they want is power, not 2 protect our President, our wonderful Nation, or anything they tell U that they R there 2 do. Power 4 them and their agencies, and B4 anyone is 2 quick 2 blame them, remember, U could only find and deal with the ‘lower’ part of the true realities that lay all around this nasty and humongous bigger picture. This 4 no other reason, Y this foundation is not, never will B, nor in any way currently is, advocating any type of governmental overthrow, or any violence, civil disobedience, nor the breaking of even the smallest and slightest of their laws. If we do this, how much better R we, than any of this piss packed evil? Violence and wickedness begets violence and wickedness. Those that live by the sword will die by the sword. Do I therefore believe that nothing is worth fighting, or even dying for? Well, here is where the great military forces of the world will give me a quick hip hip hurray. YES I DO. I will fight, and die, for what I have been blogging, and against all the evil enemies mentioned in these blogs. None of U scare me one bit. Death holds nothing over those not afraid of it. I dream of death and getting out of this awful physicality, and have many times cried out to the great god of death 2 take me out of here, MORTY MORTINO, where we get our English words such as MORbid, MORgue, MORtuary, MORtician, simply put, MOR is death. Remember the power of reversing to arrive at all truths? More or MOR is less, and it is less than life. Death is less than life in the opinions of the mortal world, [MW]. THE TRUTH OF DEATH astrally is the word MORIANITY. I will tell U all the truth about death, the 4 phases of truths from void infinity, all the way to astral phase 2’s attempting to phase in physically with as much superiority over the other groups as possible. If they manage 2 remain with lawtronically permitted zones, they make it in as those ‘born in the worlds’, but if they R2 great and beyond accepted phasing maxes, they must re-enter as 4th phasers, and exist here through the imaginings and fantasies of our wildest thoughts, most staying private, but then some make it in more publically, like Santa Clause, Superman, or Jenny Johnson. No matter what phasing that ‘existence’ is in, it is in VOID INFINTY at the trueness or at its own beingness of its own reality, within collective oneness at infinity and which is void infinity, or truth at its epitome. Until people reach this stage of enlightenment, the world will continue in pain, tears, misery, suffering, and with negatives and wickedness always gaining over positives and righteousness, no matter how much faith and religious beliefs that some small minorities in the total group may gain. If all of human history had 2B compressed into 3 sentences, it would B this, [THEY LIVED. THEY SUFFERED. THEY DIED.] Sorry, but this is TRUTH, and I truly and verily tell this 2U, like it or snot!!!!!!!!!!

All kemtrailing had stopped, and yesterday while blogging and suffering through noisy road attacks outside mister Himacane’s residence, it must have gotten started, as earlier while out, it was all clear blue skies I come out, and POW, ADAM WEST, ZAM, BONK ZOOM, ZONK BING, AND BATMAN, the trails were huge and fucken’ dissipating all over the skies all over HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY, USAESMWG. Please keep my words and blogs 4 as long as is legally permissible in the fast approaching REHITLERIZATION world that is coming our way at high velocity. Please SWIS in the future, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, and present day Pyre Laboratories and present day INTERCONNECTEDNETWORK, [INTERNET]. Thank you, or should I say, T H A N K Y O U. My DYING MANS DECLARATION AND DYING UTTERENCE, NOW WRITTEN, AND SOON 2B PRINTED UP AND LEGALLY NOTORIZED AND FILED IN VARING HIDDEN COPIED AND BURRIED LOCATIONS, is simply this. These people all are in one or more ways, directly or indirectly, involved and have contributed 2 my death and murder as Michael Mountainpen, and caused me unfathomable miseries while alive, during my entire life from the day I was ten years old, in some as yet unknown, organized conspiracy. SARAH CALLIO MARTINO, FRANK CALLIO, ROBERT MCGUIRE, THOMAS REALE, M ICHAEL DEVLIN, JONATHAN SCHAU, ROBERT CLARK, EDWARD SNYDER, DONNA SUMMER, DONALD TRUMP, AND MEMBERS OF THE FRANK SINATRA FAN CLUB, INCLUDING THE FAN CLUB PRESIDENT, MICHAEL STOSNY. Others were murdered all ready in some ways that contributed 2 all of this, and these others are Mary Roth, the mother of David Roth, David Roth, and Grace Mason Mohr, my mother. All these poor folks were brutally murdered by evil vicious persons.

Last night I had my death all planned. I connected a 50 foot orange outdoor extension plug 2 a 1500 watt ceramic electrical heating unit. I entered my bath tub and grabbed the handle and let the heater drop into the tub. They R messing with me big time, again with the space bar, and constantly telling me 2 re-phrase what I am saying. U rephrase, ya dick in the mouths, I know what I am saying, lots more than any of U dirt bags ever will. So I dropped it in and felt a burning like the water was a million degrees. Then I heard loud whining and buzz-saw type of sounds emanating from around me and inside me. I forced my eyes to open and saw the room; it is like half was in one reality, and the other half was in the other. Also, the two halves were as though they were each two large and bizarre windshield wipers, literally wiping back and forth. The pain lasted only a few seconds, but the whining and buzzing got louder. Then I fell into a loop dream where I kept waking up or thinking that I did, and each time saying 2 myself, ‘this time I really am awake, and all the other times I was only dreaming that I had awakened’. As each new cycle brought me closer to a more consciously aware condition that I had electrocuted myself, I saw my lovely blond in the room giggling and saying that Stacey says I have more stuff that she needs 4 me 2 do, and that I cannot B totally with her, and must continue my ‘Mountainpen’ existence on the MW. Then, I woke up 4 real, and the heater was in the bathroom still connected to a large orange chord, but dry as a bone, as the event had been uncreated. Another suicide failure 4 me, what else is new? I cannot godsdamn die, the Great Sarah-Stacey will not let me out of this box.

Saturday, my scores on actually used ASAPART was major bad, with 11 losses and 4 wins 2 questions that I had asked of my cards. Remember, not that the yes or no score is measured, what is measured is my decisions to go with an answer or 2 reverse that answer, and then do the event. If whatever I choose agrees with actual event outcomes, it is a CORRECT, and if it disagrees, it is an INCORRECT. On prior blog I forgot to correctly write the [C] next to ‘correct’, and the [I] next to ‘incorrect’, sahwee my Morians.

The filthy bastard Flyers play tonight, and they will kick cunt juices, so long as this evil harassment is permitted 2 go on unchecked against me. Thank you all so much for your protection, Mister Ron Wirtz of the CAMDEN COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE, CONGRESSMAN ROBERT ANDREWS OFFICE, ANTINASS GROUP OF ARTHUR CRANE, AND NEW JERSEY ATTORNEY GENERAL. Some day U might all just find out I was not crazy, that my enemies R all very real, and deadly ass dangerous, but by then, it’ll B way 2 late 4 the world, and please, all I ask 4 right now is, don’t come running 2 me then. I will just say “I told U all so”, and where were U and little Tracy Richards, when I needed U?

Think my worm hole on Tennessee Avenue is bull shit, huh? OK, get AC, NJ, City Hall, 2 give U a straight and believable answer on why the MAYFLOWER HOTEL came down by dozers in eighty-three, and why no new structures including casinos, are ever placed on this barren and empty area of the ocean block that lies on this great and mysterious street, dare ya, Billy Mahoney McGuire, and your Julia Roberts Southerland Irish Pub, in fact Kieffer, I freaking DOUBLE DARE YOU. Go ahead somebody, just try 2 prove me wrong. The police say it so well, DO IT NOW,

No, it was my fault with the ASAPART picks. U do not go with things in or near the DEAD AND NEUTRAL ZONE AREAS OF 20-80%, or with short movements in longwave patterns and channels, they must B quite long 2B trustable 2 give U more correct predictions before the losing one that stops U does indeed finally come. I just wanted to fuck around on a horrific BOTBAR day, and worst still; during a VOORHEES SCUM BALLS, [Philadelphia Flyers] game. I can prove the worm hole on T Avenue is real. I can prove the 177th Airborne Jersey DEVILS; have been monitoring it 4 decades and decades. If anyone can send what I now will say to the great Steve Hawking, I will prove it 2 you sir, no question, if Mayor Levy and his nom-pals don’t drown or worse me, just hyperlink over to my electronic mail. Go to here please. They tried 2 burn down the recording studio in 1989 eight years after I left my job, when I told a man named RAYMOND YOUNG over a CIA/NSA/BFA telephone, about the existence of 3 connected warped systems, one there on T. Avenue, one in the attic at RPL, my studio in Camden, NJ, USAESMWG, and the final one in a school building gymnasium in HADDONFIELD, NJ, USAESMWG. There is way more 2B concerned with than this warp of triangulation, the void fields out beyond the Olympian Province that R connected 2 warped gateways or portals in ‘dreamshiftality’. I told U about the WAC, no not my brain, although lotsa people think that this word does apply so well 2 me. No, the WAC, or the WORLD ABDUCTION COLONIES, another top-topper of the BLACK FILE AGENCIES, the plans 4 them to invade us and pretending 2B aliens, and much more, yeah, lotsa shit’s comin’ my fiends and friends, so don’t freaking tell me ever, that I did not warn the human race, that shit is on the damn way, and all before today’s teens get a chance 2 retire!!!!!!! Obviously MILITUFORCE is back again in heavy force and power. Fine bwaby wuv. A huge twister, more winter blasts, and gods awful Earthquake is all around the fucking corner and you’ll all B real damn sorry 4 this freaking siege against an innocent targeted pathetic person. The fires and floods are also not far behind this, and get ready 2C more plane and helicopters go freaking down, as I have had it with this bull shit!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE 4 NOW, big brown eyed girl COW, KALI, SCUM, I’LL CU later on with mask placer miz Roberts, the ‘hard way’ ASTRAL-TRAVELERS.