This is the worst day of my life, the web page experience, as I know that it would B, has been total hell. Until it works, the markets will fly and the flyers will win, and it is just this simple, and I care no longer whom the devil believes me, as I know that it is true.
Enemies broke my car, and put me through endless siege at work last night during the game that I am assuming must have been played, in more ways than one.
Ed and I had a terrible fight over a stupid silly issue, and on top of that, library harassement is major. People being given special treatment, endlessly letting kids use the computers to play their silly kids computer games, and not letting me have my equal time, and let them holler and scream, but Ed and I cannot even softly talk, without getting into trouble with the staff. As I speak, the website has lots of bugs, and I am worried that I will look like an idiot, should people B coming to it, so please, until some spurios bugs R out of it, IT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ans bear with me, pweeze, and remember that the 6th dimenasion is under total control of my nightmare, and I am totally powerless to alter a damn thing. Ever since I told David C. Roth, outside the Medport Diner, about the great Sarah Krassle, my life will never pull out of this endless nightmare. U have no idea what endless torfreakingment is like, NONE!!!!!!!!!!
My car was messed with by some spurious skumbag intruder last night as my work post, I saw them drive out, like on astral realm when Callio the mysterious, drove in onto site with her white vehicle, only this time, only its exiting was observed. Whoever they were, cal or no cal or low cal, they did this, as they came in totally invisible to me, a trained security guard, only when they left, were they observed.
Because I have yet 2 tell some big secrets that I know about all of U stinking turds, does not insure any of U, that I will not do so tomorrow, or the day following, and when I do, look for a deep hole to hide in, and good luck in finding one.
No matter how U slice it, only I know the one thing I need to know 2 change major things, and soon, I must take the plunge. One of them is not running off 2 an island, but I may do that very soon, it beats losing my damn sanity altogether. They have somehow successfully disabled MAGNESONIC, my machine that causes them some real nasty weather and quakes and volqs, and you know, even plane crashes, since 1985 I have caused lots of unprovable events 2 happen. I will B building a new larger and imporoved model, the gods help some of my enemies when I do.
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